Search results

  1. G

    How Long Do You Think These Fish Will Last?

    These 2 terrapins were in an 18" by 12" by 12" tank with no basking light and tiny gravel, the water was like pee soup. They are being moved into a larger tank this weekend but at least now they have clean water and a basking lamp.
  2. G

    How Long Do You Think These Fish Will Last?

    Ive just bought their terrapins and found this looking for some inspiration for what to put in a bigger tank for them!
  3. G

    Hows My Decoration? *lots Of Pictures*

    You need a being sick in the gutter and being huckled by the police smileys for the end. But then I'm Scottish, so ity wasnt a good night out unless you were taken home in a meat waggon! :blush:
  4. G

    You Know You're Addicted To Bettas When...

    You stop hiding new shoes in the bottom of the wardrobe and start hiding betta food/bowls/ornaments for bowls instead. Every conversations starts with "Ive seen this tank on ebay...." "I promise not to buy any more fish darling" While crossing your fingers/legs/eyes :rolleyes:
  5. G


    I did that too! :rolleyes:
  6. G

    Ive Got Another One

    *stands up* My name is Di and Im a Betta addict..." :rolleyes: My other hald wont even allow me to go in Fish shops these days. :blush:
  7. G

    Frends For A Betta

    Ive got one Betta in a community tank who moped when I put him in a new tank on his own, soon as he was put back in the community tank he perked up again. (I have a spare tank just incase he ever gets agressive or nipped ) My other Betta is more agressive and he's in with two otos. Depends on...
  8. G

    I'm In Love!

    Hi, I'm in the UK but I'm happy to ship one out to you. I send a lot of packages to the US anyways as I'm an Ebay seller so its not problem at all.
  9. G

    I'm In Love!

    I popped in to check if they had any this afternoon and they did. £9.99, just give me a shout if you want one and I'll get it for you. :good: I had to be dragged out of a LFS today cause they had a betta in with a load of neons and his fins were in a terrible state. I wanted to buy him but...
  10. G

    I'm In Love!

    Thank you for the compliments, its my first proper Betta tank. :blush: Ive called him Aries. I have another Betta called Arnie in a community tank whos such a pleasant little man, I actually bought this tank for Arnie but when I put him in he moped for days, I put him back in the community...
  11. G

    I'm In Love!

    Thank you! :good: He's between my Desk and Hubbys (Hubby's an electronics engineer in the middle of repairing a plasma hence all the messy wires on his desk :rolleyes: ) I havent got any work done since I got him! :blush:
  12. G

    I'm In Love!

    He loves his cave, if he sees me coming to the tank he swims over to the glass to say hello. Not sure if you can make him out ... :lol:
  13. G

    Check Out This Tank.

    Ive been doing a lot of searching of Ebay lately for a new tank (caught the betta bug!) and came across this:;rd=1&rd=1 I love it but was horrified at the size of it, they are also selling "gumball" containers that look like the fish only has...