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  1. bubblej17

    Black Molly, Can Anyone Tell From These Pics If She Maybe Pregnant

    well the lucky guy wasnt so lucky he unfortunatly died about 3 days after this pic :( was so upset and now to find one of pregnant girlies has white spot, so need to treat that tomorrow and hope i have caught it in time, not having much luck at the mo :(
  2. bubblej17

    Help I Need Advice 7 Fish Dead In A Matter Of A Week!

    hey, yes im putting it down to stock as ive baffled people on here as to what it could be, as for the mollie im not sure how old it was will ask my mate next time i see him, but my 3 new pregnant mollies are all well as are the tetras and my remaining cory is looking well up to now anyways!! :)...
  3. bubblej17

    Help I Need Advice 7 Fish Dead In A Matter Of A Week!

    thanks for you replies, i didnt use anything to clean the tank just water and an algea magnet thats it, and the aqua one has a built in filter system so was not removed, as for anything odd about fish before they died nope they all seemed fine i kept corys years ago and never had any problems at...
  4. bubblej17

    Help I Need Advice 7 Fish Dead In A Matter Of A Week!

    hi all, ok heres my story, my friend had a tank he wanted rid of so i said i'd have it, its an aqua one 620, it came with 2x angel fish 1x large silver shark, 1x plec, 2x tetra, 1x mollie and 2x goldfish!!, so first off i filled the tank up put stress coat in aswell as tapsafe let the fish...
  5. bubblej17

    Black Molly, Can Anyone Tell From These Pics If She Maybe Pregnant

    wow thanks for the replies, let the waiting game begin, will keep you posted as to when she has them im so excited its been a long time since ive had molly fry, thanks again people :)
  6. bubblej17

    Black Molly, Can Anyone Tell From These Pics If She Maybe Pregnant

    hi all these are the best pics i could get, what do you think, do any of them have pregnant bellies or just about to drop bellies lol, :)
  7. bubblej17

    Lost 2 Cory's In 2 Days!

    great link thanks for that, i didnt even know there was such a thing!! thanks again for everyones help :)
  8. bubblej17

    My Aqua One 620

    here is my tank how it used to look and this is after a well deserved make over
  9. bubblej17

    Lost 2 Cory's In 2 Days!

    i think your right it is huge for something so small, i left them floaing in my tank for about half hour then added some of my tank water to the bag then let them free another 15/20mins later, as for the nitrate levels there was a very slight trace and i mean slight i wouldnt even rate it at a...
  10. bubblej17

    Black Molly, Not Sure If She Is Pregnant

    hopefully she'll have babies soon then, yes you did help thanks very much for taking your time to reply :)
  11. bubblej17

    Black Molly, Not Sure If She Is Pregnant

    hi all, i bought 3 female black molly's 3 days ago to keep my one male company, and one female is a little more plump than the others but how can you tell when a pure black molly is ready to give birth if she is pregnant, she has a white ring near her anal fin that is more obvious than the other...
  12. bubblej17

    Lost 2 Cory's In 2 Days!

    aww its horrible isnt it, glad the others are growing good now, i do think the ones i have are to young/weak as i lost yet another this morning so i checked my levels again and had a tiny tiny bit of ammonia in there so i did 25% water change and added and air stone so it has plenty of oxygen...
  13. bubblej17

    Lost 2 Cory's In 2 Days!

    hi all, i have a aqua one 620 tank and recently re-stocked it with 6 albino cory's, 4 molly's and 2 tetra's, within 24 hours of buying them a cory had died, so i took it back to my LFS along with a water sample from my tank of which everything came back fine and he replaced my fishy but 24 hours...
  14. bubblej17

    R.i.p Trigger (my Oscar) And His 9 Tank Mates!

    thanks guys im still gutted all my fish and trigg have gone i keep looking over at their empty tank and my eye's fill up as i expect trigg to be starring back at me begging for food or to be played with, anyhow after further inspection of the heater the fuse had blown and the glass had exploded...
  15. bubblej17

    R.i.p Trigger (my Oscar) And His 9 Tank Mates!

    thanks for all your replies, my daughter keeps asking to feed trigg but we have to tell her he's gone to fishy heaven bless she's only 2 and doesn't know what it all means, as for what caused it we have no idea, bless him
  16. bubblej17

    R.i.p Trigger (my Oscar) And His 9 Tank Mates!

    totally gutted yeah, sorry dont mean to worry you, it's rare that this should happen, we knew all was going far to well for us to be happy with going away and returning without a hitch something had to go wrong somewhere just ashame it was my fish
  17. bubblej17

    R.i.p Trigger (my Oscar) And His 9 Tank Mates!

    im totally gutted to have lost the most loving pet fish i've ever had, i never thought a fish could be that affectionate but my trigg was, he was only 2 years old comig up for three, but last week me and my partner took our little girl on her first camping trip for 4 days we fed all five fish...
  18. bubblej17

    Pregnant Cherry's

    i was wandering why the eggs seemed a little darker i was getting worried thinking they maybe dying off but maybe they are just getting ready to be freed, i will keep you informed as to how they go, i also bought some of them crab pellets the other day and they totally love them
  19. bubblej17

    Pregnant Cherry's

    how long do cherry shrimp carry their eggs for? i have 3 that are carrying eggs now, im so excited lol, what would i feed the babies on when they arrive? thanks in advance
  20. bubblej17

    Do They Go Ok Together?

    hi all hope you had a great christmas, i have about 10/12 cherry shrimps in a two foot tank would two sterbai corydoras be ok with them, i have to move them from my 4 foot tank and really dont want to get rid of them, they aren't like my albino ones who are always in a hurry to get nowhere thay...
  21. bubblej17

    Strange Question About My Syrian Hammie

    hi thanks for your very informative info, thats something i didnt know, but my harry is totally fine he's active not got a wet tail eats only his normal food anyway now and again he'll have dried fruit he wakes up for drinks so the bottle is well positioned, his cage doesnt smell and is very...
  22. bubblej17

    Strange Question About My Syrian Hammie

    hi all ok this is gonna sound odd i think, but anyway i bought my syrian hammie about 4months ago now and called him harry about two days after we got him my other hammie got sick so spent most of my spare time nursing her unfortunatly she passed away only last week after a very long ending, so...
  23. bubblej17

    How Can You Tell......

    excellent thanks guys in that case i have a good mix of females and males i ordered mine off a breeder on ebay, what age do they become sexually active? if thats worded correctly lol, and can a female carry eggs without a male present? thanks
  24. bubblej17

    How Can You Tell......

    how do you sex cherry shrimps? my shrimps are getting bigger now and was just wandering if i would be able to tell their sex yet? thanks in advance
  25. bubblej17

    Cherry Shrimp Growth?

    they are are all different sizes smallest been about --- that big and biggest about ----- big but they have gone from -- to ----- in a week lol im feeding them fish flake at the min until they get a bit bigger i throw in the odd algea wafer now n again to i got 10 of them funny you should...
  26. bubblej17

    Cherry Shrimp Growth?

    hi i got some cherry shrimp delivered last week and when they were in their bag i found it very hard to count them as they were that small and not very red but in the past week i've found shells all over their tank and all of them are starting to get really big now is it normal for them to grow...
  27. bubblej17

    Java Moss I Think

    thanks for your reply, so if it is java moss is it a slow grower?
  28. bubblej17

    Java Moss I Think

    hi all, i ordered some cherry shrimp last week when they arrived they had a ball of something in their bag with them, im assuming its java moss so i've tied it into some slate and hoping it will grow, how long do i have to wait before i know it has worked? im just starting out with live plants...
  29. bubblej17

    Would Like To Know About Cherry Shrimp

    great info thanks, the shrimp are in the tank with 5 tiny lampeyes thats it not adding anything else,
  30. bubblej17

    New Cherries, How Long....

    hi thanks for you replies, i left them for 3 hours to warm up as their bag of water was quite chilly so didnt want to shock them too much, and funkycat, i ordered them off ebay i go ten of them and they are diddy about --- that small so so tiny im suprised they survived, they haven't much colour...
  31. bubblej17

    What Type Of Light?

    hi i bought some lampeyes and some neons the other days and was just wandering what type of bulb would be best to show off their colours? or does it matter?
  32. bubblej17

    Would Like To Know About Cherry Shrimp

    well at the min ive got a few rocks a barrel for hiding and some fake plants in my tank but would like to try java moss, or some kind of carpet for them to try out, i believe if i put some on some slate and tie it on it will take to the slate is this correct? not too good with the live plants...
  33. bubblej17

    New Cherries, How Long....

    hi all i've been after cherry shrimp for a while now and after doing all my research and getting my tank up and running i finally ordered some off the net and they arrived safe and sound at lunch time they are so so tiny and are floating in their bag now, their water is quite cool after their...
  34. bubblej17

    Emergency Shrimp Help Needed

    sounds like you've done everything right on the introducing bit, what are you feeding them?
  35. bubblej17

    Emergency Shrimp Help Needed

    sorry to hear of you losses, how long has the tank been up and running for?
  36. bubblej17

    Is It True?

    thanks, its probably me just being impatient as usual, just glad others have black substrate to :rolleyes: yeah your right about it stressing me more than them lol, they have spawned before and did it within days of been put in their tank as i said to jollysue its probably me being impatient...
  37. bubblej17

    Does Anyone Handle Their Plecos Like This?

    wow, what a gorgeous looking plec, i think its alive, does it not give any explanation as to what he's doing with it?
  38. bubblej17

    Dying Rams

    hi there, i have the same problem as you, we got a 50pound voucher to use on fish at out local lfs 50quid is a lot when you can only spend it on fish lol, anyway i fell in love with what read "green rams" on the label but i researched and figured they were blue rams, the woman bagged 3 instead...
  39. bubblej17

    Is It True?

    hi all, i was on here a few days ago and read a post that said black substrate can stress albino cory's is this true? i read this post after putting my corry's back into a spawning tank with freshly laid fine black gravel and plants and pebbles they have been in there for three or four days now...
  40. bubblej17

    Would Like To Know About Cherry Shrimp

    wow, yeah i can see why you like it, i would love a set up all well planted like that, are plants a must with shrimp?