Java Moss I Think


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi all, i ordered some cherry shrimp last week when they arrived they had a ball of something in their bag with them, im assuming its java moss so i've tied it into some slate and hoping it will grow, how long do i have to wait before i know it has worked? im just starting out with live plants so any additional info would be great :rolleyes:
Well it's going to take a long time to actually grown out alot... but if your patient then you'll definately see some growth.. well hopfully :) it's a very undemanding plant so it grows good. And yea.. most of the time that's what i see shipped with cherry's.

I usually tie it to driftwood and abouta month later... take off the thread cause it's holding strong, should do the same with the slate.
Well it's going to take a long time to actually grown out alot... but if your patient then you'll definately see some growth.. well hopfully :) it's a very undemanding plant so it grows good. And yea.. most of the time that's what i see shipped with cherry's.

I usually tie it to driftwood and abouta month later... take off the thread cause it's holding strong, should do the same with the slate.

thanks for your reply, so if it is java moss is it a slow grower?
hi all, i ordered some cherry shrimp last week when they arrived they had a ball of something in their bag with them, im assuming its java moss so i've tied it into some slate and hoping it will grow, how long do i have to wait before i know it has worked? im just starting out with live plants so any additional info would be great :rolleyes:

lets hope it isn't just algae they packed with them in order to feed them. If it is algae, drop me a note and i will tell you how to grow it, as I seem to be able to do that well.. :blush: If its not, then have you seen the pinned thread at the top?

Java moss grows very quickly!!

I got rid of mine when I came back from a weeks field trip to find it growing ou the top of the tank :p
low light... no co2... no ferts... = slow growth

high light... with co2 and ferts.. = high growth..

ezy eh

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