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  1. B

    Back into the hobby after too many years away!

    weird as I too am coming back after new family and moving house / building works I'm ashamed i let my other tank go to disrepair. After searching, the only silly question is the one you don't ask!
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    Tetratec Ex1200 Leaking!

    Mine was leaking after a filter clean. I found the water was filling up the void between the plastic case of the head and the head itself and manifested as a leak from the latch. If you look really closely you should be able to tell if it is the main pump head seal or not. If the pump head...
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    Dechlorinator Needed For Use With Bottled Water?

    What thermometer have you got? I had a digital which overread at 29 with the heater off. bought a nice simple glass one and the reading was 21-22 so my heater was fine.
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    If it were me I would tell the customers everything i knew to help them. If the customer goes away happy you will start to get a client list of people who trust you and ask to speak to you and probably will spend more money. you never know if the other staff don't know much you can pass on your...
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    Fire Extinguisher Co2 Setup On 380l Tank?

    I've just ordered one too to replace my old reg setup as this is more tidy. I went to the shop itself and they have a 5% discount running and make offer - so i offered £30 and it was accepted so i'd recommend offering less and see what you can get it for!
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    Why Is My Aquarium So Hot?

    Thats about the price i paid for mine but in £s. thought it would be fab as i had a low and high temp alarm. Stupid thing kept reading 28/29 deg C even with the heater turned off so i tried a glass one and low and behold 20 deg C.
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    Why Is My Aquarium So Hot?

    Another train of thought. What thermometer have you got? I had a digital which was poo and overread badly so i'm back to a plain old glass reliable one.
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    Tetratec Ex1200 Leak Fix

    Thats the beauty, the whole motorhead is sealed on the dryside. it's just the plastic cover thats screwed on. besides i wouldn't want to have to buy a new motorhead just to replace a latch. also it wasn't the tap leaking. the water was coming up through the swivel joint and i don't think it's...
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    Tetratec Ex1200 Leak Fix

    Hi guys, My ex1200 started leaking on friday but it had been a week since it had been dismantled for a clean. after doing some investigation and un-doing a few screws i found that the outlet swivel connection which doesn't get moved for six months at a time was leaking in the tap adapter and...
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    Correct 4dkh Solutino Receipe?

    I have to say after making mine up months ago i was unsure of its accuracy so i bought some from aquaessentials to settle my mind and found mine was almost 1 degree out ( low ) so i can now safely raise the co2 some more. just buy it and relax.
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    What's Coming Out Of My Snail?

    Tee Hee you said poo :D
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    How Often Do You Clean Your External Canister?

    i got curious and did mine. Found two shrimp in the bottom - must have been a good two months :crazy: still they're back home and thriving.
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    My Python Sucks!

    have you made sure the twist and pull down part where the water comes out of is fully pulled down? hope you know what i mean?
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    Why Are Shrimp Dying In My Tank?

    I have anubias and use flourish and my amanos are fine but i know they are more robust than other shrimp. Maybe one of the other plants has caused it or maybe your tap water has elevated copper recently?
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    Why Will Only Pest Snails Survive In My Tank?

    I asked flubenol how long it takes before adding snails after treatment and they said with 50% water changes and a half life of 7 days i think they said then after 3 weeks introducing snails should not be a problem. I want mts too but am clearing a pest problem. I think it might be something...
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    Problem With Plants Dying All The Time

    I know what you mean mate, they make some tubes with half the tube painted. You have it the right way round as in brighter side facing the water. The painted side still lets light out into the hood so an additional reflector would be good too. Not sure if you've already got one though.
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    Check Your Temps

    guess i got one of the good ones :) just need to get used to it clicking on and off.
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    Check Your Temps

    Hi guys, after just installing my canister and external heater and setting the temp my digital thermometer was reading 3 degrees C higher than the external selection. just purchased a £2 glass thermometer and checked the tank, it reads the same as the heater so my digital is miles off...
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    Arrived Tetratec Ex1200

    thanks, I'm refering to a planted set up so this might be more appropriate in the planted forum. Hi Mods could you move this for me. Ta :good:
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    Arrived Tetratec Ex1200

    Wow this thing is HUGE! question is, does anyone inject CO2 into the intake on this thing? was thinking of trying but thought i'd see if anyone else does it and wether it affects the filter in any way. thanks for the replys
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    Heater Temperature

    i know your seeding but have you tried turning off the second filter and seeing if the temp drops? maybe it caused a dead spot around one of the heaters so theres no water flow around it? could try making sure both heaters have sufficient flow around them with both filters on. hopefully...
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    Is Tetratec Ex1200 Wider Then Ex700

    Hey, me too. just ordered my ex1200 and hydor 300 external heater. 2 day free delivery :D
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    Eheim 2180 Pro3 Thermo

    What size tank did you buy it for?
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    Eheim Filters

    Wow great replys guys. That table was just what i was after but couldn't find. Discus_Discuses_Discae i'm tempted by the 2028 as i see alot of people use it and recommend it time to check out websites for the UK. Ta
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    Eheim Filters

    cheers for the reply, i'm thinking maybe thermo as i'd like to clear out the tank of stuff. At the mo i'm on a rio 125 (125L) but i'll certainly upgrade in the future to much bigger. it's almost fully stocked but with small fish ( rasboras etc) largest is 6 corys, and planted. have been...
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    Eheim Filters

    I'm after an eheim canister for my tank but how do you find out what size tank each filter number deals with. The eheim site is poo, i've looked everywhere and downloaded manuals but i can't find the info. so if someone can redirect to a site that would be great :good:
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    Final Had Enough Of The Black Box

    Thinking of doing this too. Would a tetratec ex1200 be to much for a rio 125? my tanks will only get bigger!
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    erm maybe its the digi therm?
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    Brasiliensis Corys?

    Try planet catfish on the web, great site for i.d's
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    How Important Is The Hood/canapy

    After i added 2 more lights to my rio 125 i've had to remove the flaps to keep the tank temperature down, so as above a hood has + and -'s
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    How Do I Find Out The Gph On A Power Filter?

    can't you just fill the filter to remove air then use a bucket and pump out some gallons, time it and multiply to give gph?
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    How Do Youtreat Your Water Before You Add It?

    Carrying this on. I change 50% tank water a week ( 70 liters ish) using a python. I used to add conditioner for the water i was adding to the tank but thinking about it, should i be dosing for the whole tank as some of the conditioner must be absorbed by the existing tank water? what do you...
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    Nitrate Problem

    wouldn't worry too much about 40ppm nitrates as thats what my tap water is.
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    Maximum Solubility Of Ei Chemicals

    check out the EI pinned article and follow the link to chucks planted website, there is a downloadable fert mixing program which tells you maximum powder weights for certain volumes of water and what the ppm strength is if you put your tank volume in. as said when your close to the maximum...
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    Spring To ?

    a stanley blade will take the old glue off but be carefull around the glass sealant as you don't want any leaks!
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    Plant Behaviour

    great, so maybe i should have the lights on earlier and off earlier to make use of the natural cycle. i'll try an hour and see what happens. thanks guys.
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    Maidenhead Aquatics

    have you tried phoning? I find if it's something fairly urgent then it's best to call as email replies can take days!
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    Plant Behaviour

    thought it might have been linked to that post about the light schedule 3-4-3, 4-2-4 etc and the plants using the lower light to build up a store of nutrients to use during the higher light time. my lights come on 2 followed by the other 2 30mins later so as to not shock the fish. so overall i...