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  1. V

    Au Revoir

    Hi all, Haven't been able to post as much as I'd like over the last few months (LOTS of computer problems at work - not online at home) and now I've been told that after the end of May there'll be no work here at all for me and the two people I work with (MAY be found work elsewhere...
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    Ae Design Aqua Carbon

    I used to use EasyCarbo then switched to the Aqua Essentials version; I've seen no difference since I changed. I wouldn't be without it. I can't use pressurised co2 because I work a twelve hour shift (plus an hour's travel each way); if something went wrong when I'm at work I won't be able to do...
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    Amazon Frogbit

    Hi Chris, Do you have enough left for £5 worth?. If so please PM me with PayPal details. Peter
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    Will A Wooden Chest Of Draws Support A 3Ft Tank?

    My stock reply to this question is never to put a tank on something that isn't made for the job. If you do and it should collapse, see what your insurer says when you try to claim for the carpets and everything else that's been damaged/lost and you tell them it was on a chest of drawers you...
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    Sera Co2

    For both EasyCarbo and the Aqua Essentials equivalent, you use 5ml per day for every 250l of water. I dose every other day alternately with AE's own version of TPN+.
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    Lighting Choice For 4 Footer

    Having computer trouble at work today and the links aren't working for me.
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    Sera Co2

    TBH, your money would go much further if you bought a bottle of either EasyCarbo or Aqua Essential's own liquid carbon. A 250ml bottle of either costs around £4-5 and lasts me 50 days (in a 250 ltr tank). From what I've read, the Sera co2 tablets aren't up to much.
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    Anyone Used Tetra Easy Balance?

    'Easy Balance' is intended to replace water changes. Regular water changes, IMO, are the absolute best - and cheapest - way to keep a tank and its inhabitants healthy. Dilution is the name of the game here.
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    Heater Issue

    Yup, I always go by the temperature reading on the glass thermometer. If you have the stick-on type, it's bound to reflect the room temperature, too.
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    Water Softener

    As WD says, it will make your life easier to find out your water perameters then choose your fish to suit them; you certainly won't be short of choice. If you start buying bottles of stuff to alter your water conditions, what happens if (for any reason) you run out of it, or the shop does?. Keep...
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    Very Noob Question

    The link's not working for me, I'm afraid. Is the filter built into the lid, or is it a separate internal filter?. If it's the latter, it should be fully submersed with at least an inch between the top of the filter and the surface of the water.
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    Liquid Filter Medium

    Wow, sounds like liquid gold, doesn't it?. Just like all other bottled miracles. Looks as though the only thing it doesn't do is bring about world peace. I think I'll stick to regular water changes, though.
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    Lighting Choice For 4 Footer

    It depends entirely on what you want to grow. I have a 4ft Arcadia Luminaire over my 40-and-a-bit gallon tank (around 80 watts in total) and thanks to Aqua Essentials liquid carbon have had no trouble growing anything (I don't have anything too exotic; Crypts, Hygrophila etc.) Down to what you...
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    Overcrowding Help!

    Hi Rob, I'm afraid you've learned the hard way (as unfortunately many do) that there's no substitute for planning ahead before buying any fish. There's a lot to consider; how many would you need of a certain type for them to feel comfortable and stress-free; how will they react to other...
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    Vallis Not Growing

    When I started using EasyCarbo around a year ago, my Vallis seemed to be on 'pause' for a few weeks. They didn't die off but just stopped growing for a while. After a few weeks, they were back to sending out runners as before. If they're not dying off, just wait a few weeks and they should be ok.
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    Help Picking Plant Collection

    I'd look for a cheap(ish) collection with lots of different types; that way you'll find out which plants will do well in your particular water without potentially wasting a lot of dosh. Give it two or three weeks to find out which plants are doing better than others, then you can simply add more...
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    My 4 Foot 50 Gal Tank

    The only thing I'd do is move the wood either just left or right of centre. Having it right in the centre, it's the first thing you look at.
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    My 120l

    More plants; try some Crypts. Try moving the white rock just slightly left or right of centre; things like that should draw the eye towards it. Having it right in the middle means it's the first thing you look at.
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    Snails Snails Everywhere!~

    IMO, snails are just as much a part of an aquascape as fish or plants.
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    Snails Snails Everywhere!~

    I have a pair of those and they couldn't give a toss about the MTS I have. Had the fish before the snails, but as I don't see the snails out during the day, it doesn't bother me. Does freak me out occasionally when I'm looking in the tank and the gravel moves, though.
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    Java Fern And Other Plants

    Java Fern should be attatched to wood or stones/rocks, not planted directly into the substrate - the roots will rot. If you want the 'big' effect, buy half a dozen, tie them together then attach them to a decent sized piece of wood.
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    Snails Snails Everywhere!~

    Assuming you have a big enough tank for Clown Loaches, of course. I've read of people who've bought them and they haven't always done the job.
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    Snails Snails Everywhere!~

    Go a couple of days without feeding your fish, that will get rid of a lot of them. Have a look at the glass ten minutes after lights out, then just scoop them off in a net. If they're Malaysian Trumpet Snails, they'll do more good than harm anyway. Are the shells shaped like ice cream cones?.
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    Fish For A Column Tank?

    Column tanks don't give fish enough horizontal swimming space. Can't think of many fish that spend their time swimming vertically. Tank length (and surface area) is everything.
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    Dead Fish

    Is it an open tank?. If so, do you use anything like plug-in air fresheners or spray anything in the room?.
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    Best Filter And Heater

    As regards heaters, I'd always go with Visi-therm; five year guarantee.
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    Seachem Prime

    Blimey, doesn't half whiff, doesn't it?. I've been blaming the cat for dropping one, turns out it's the Prime.
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    Tetratec Ex700 Leaking!

    It actually mentions in the 'troubleshooting' page at the back of the manual that you should keep the O-ring well lubricated, so it wouldn't invalidate the guarantee/warranty. I have an EX600 and an EX700 and keep both lubricated without a problem (two years and counting).
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    Seachem Prime

    Thanks all. I think a large bottle would probably see me through to retirement!!.
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    Seachem Prime

    Hi all, Just got my first bottle of Prime from AE. Never used anything THIS concentrated before. One capful does 250l of water. I presume three or four drops per 10l bucket will be plenty?. It's going to be pretty hard to measure anything smaller than that.
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    Just Bought A Pack Of Plants, Id's Please :d

    Do Last Trading Post only have an eBay shop, or a proper website?. I don't have access to eBay.
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    Yes, if you would, please. I'll be here at work for the next ten nights or so, so I'll get your PM when I come in at night. Cheers, much appreciated.
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    Wish I'd seen this sooner. Don't suppose you have any more Dwarf Sag, TF?.
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    Tetratec Media?

    I've just replaced the black plastic balls with more ceramic rings in both my Tetratec externals. I don't see how the plastic balls have anywhere NEAR the same amount of surface area as an extra tray of ceramic rings.
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    Worst Designed Aquarium?

    There seems to be a common denominator with most of these 'tanks' - cram as many Goldfish in as small a space as possible. As negligent as shops are for selling Goldfish to people who buy a small tank, the manufacturers who use photos like these on the boxes have a lot to answer for, too.
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    Worst Designed Aquarium?

    And costs at least twice the price of a fully-equipped 40l AquaCube.
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    Fish Tank It Normal

    A bowing tank is definitely a warning. It won't go back and the pressure will inevitably find a weak point. Just a matter of when. I'd empty some water and see if it goes back to normal. If it does, that'll buy you some time to get a new tank.
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    Lots of new plants going in; think I'll stop the ProFito and swap it for the TPN+.
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    Thanks, Jack. Tank's been set up for five years now, I've only noticed the nasty stuff in the pipes since I started using the ProFito (which, of course, is also brown - before that, the pipework and tubing only needed cleaning every couple of months); since I've been using EasyCarbo I've hardly...
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    Hi all, Having a bit of a change this weekend. I'm emptying the tank and putting down Tropica Aquacare covered by fine gravel. At the moment I have a selection of Crypts and Amazon Swords and will be adding quite a few more Crypts. At the moment, the tank (48'' x 18'' x 15'') houses...