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    The Best Of Aquabid

    Oh wow, I totally forgot about this thread! Bettas are the best fish ever!
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    Asking A Question For A Friend

    Okay, I am asking this for a friend who has three koi (which I know nothing about), any help would be much appreciated. :good: I can relay your questions to her, I know she will be grateful for any help. She had one suggestion to change the food out since it is pretty old so she is going to...
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    Sand Instead Of Gravel

    Ooohhh! Thank you! :D
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    Sand Instead Of Gravel

    :blush: How exactly does a sponge filter work? Is there a thread on here that explains it? I know it's my best best for a small set up but I don't really know what all I need to set one up.
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    Sand Instead Of Gravel

    That might be interesting, but I have no idea where I would get just one roofing tile. :/ I have been beating my brains out trying to find a small filter that won't whirl him around so my only options are sponge filter and frequent water changes. Both of which I plan on using as soon as I can...
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    Sand Instead Of Gravel

    I've got some glass pebbles in the tank now, but they are the textured kind so my algae eater can't keep them clean, I should have bought smooth ones. :rolleyes: In the bowl I am just going to have my one betta, Felix. I am going to rehome my pleco, truth be told he has outgrown what I have...
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    Sand Instead Of Gravel

    I tried doing a search but the search function didn't want to work :rolleyes: so I am asking you nice people for help. :) I leave for college in the fall and I am having to downsize my tank, I just don't have the room for 10 gallons. So I have a 2 gallon bowl, (it's one of the wide ones, not...
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    You Think They Do What?

    Well this is what I said back. I tried to be tactful and use science, I hope it works. :D Did I get anything wrong?
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    You Think They Do What?

    :D So I was telling someone about Bettas on another forum and one girl piped up and said: :blink: NO NO NO NO! Why on earth do so many people still think this!!! I want to correct her but I don't want to sound condescending about it. How do you correct this without sounding like a smarty...
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    How Do You Rehome A Betta?

    I am leaving for college next semester and the new dorm is roughly the size of a shoebox. Felix, my little crowntail, is used to living in a ten gallon tank and I just don't have the room for it. I now have to find a new home for him and Murrey the sucker fish. Anyone here have experience...
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    I Really Really Want A Sorority But....

    I still have one male :unsure: . Oscar and Felix used to split a 10 gal. tank, Oscar died a couple days ago so I rearranged everything for just Felix and the Plicostamus (sp?) 10 gallons with only two fish is pretty lonely and I started thinking about how cool a sorority tank would look...
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    Is This Fish Really Worth $500?

    I saw this little guy on and I'm not saying he isn't cute, I love the bars on him, but is he really worth $500? I'm not trying to be scarcastic here, I really want to know. He was under the catagory "wild type" are they rarer than the other types...
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    Started Out Good Now Terrible

    I am still very new to bettas but from the short time I have been on here if I have learned one thing it is that Bettas and guppies don't mix. I am sorry for your loss though. :sad:
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    All Of My Bettas!

    :hyper: I must admit that while they are all stunning, Bonphyre and Butters are my two favorites. Drop dead beautiful color! :wub: :good:
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    Age Of A Betta

    They flare it eachother everynow and then but maybe I should get a mirror for a bit more regular exercise. How do you do sunbathing?
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    Age Of A Betta

    I have had them for about 4 months now. But I have no idea how long they were at petsmart. They are active little guys, always out and about, if you come near them they come out and do the little food dance for you :wub: I just put in some little underwater hidy-holes and they seem to like...
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    Age Of A Betta

    Well I guess I am going to come out of lurkdom to ask a couple of questions. First, how old are the bettas in petsmart? How long do bettas live and are there ways to tell age? Oscar is a crown tail and the long tassly parts (am I making sense?) look like they are getting knotted up and his...
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    Betta Fighting... With Himself?

    :rolleyes: My boy Oscar did the same thing! He started flaring at his reflection. The good news is that he quit after a little bit. Give him some time and he should stop but you may need to cover the sides of the tank. :wub:
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    Filter Changes

    How often do you change your filter :unsure: ? Mine isn't clogging or anything but I am just wondering, everyone at the pet store seems to think it has to be done every few weeks. I know that benificial bacterian build up in it and help out but how long do they take to get there?
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    What To Feed Him?

    My boys like the Hikari pellets. Their little mouths aren't made to eat flakes very well. Pick a pellet food (or whatever you choose) and stick to it. They can go quite a few days without eating and will usually give in and eat. Oscar didn't like the pellets at first, I offered him 2...
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    How Do You Pronounce 'betta'?

    Here in the western US it is said "bay-tuh" with the emphasis on "bay"
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    Today Is The Worst Day Ever!

    I am so sorry you lost you little Patriot. RIP little guy. :-(
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    Emails Needed To Petco!

    Okay, so it took them about a month but I finally got a reply from them! Frankly I'm not too impressed :no: but at least it isn't a form letter. I was glad to read this part though... So maybe at least that will change. They did say that one gallon is the minimum they reccomend but I would...
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    Heater Blew Up!

    :blink: OUCH! I am glad he is okay, I have never heard of a heater doing that, ever! I hope he gets better soon!
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    Flare Off!

    Oscar And Felix I think Oscar is a much better flarer but I love Felix's color, the blue specks on his fins are beautiful :wub: . No matter how you slice it they are one odd couple! :lol: (unless you have seen the play "the Odd Couple" their names don't make any sense)
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    Do All Male Bettas Make A Bubble Nest?

    Oscar and Felix both made bubble nests in their little cups. Oscar is working on one and it is coming along pretty nicely. :wub: I am sure the Felix will start one as soon as I can find a way to slow the water flow from the filter.
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    Emails Needed To Petco!

    :D Just emailed them! I don't know much but I hope it helps!
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    The Crowntail Boys

    wow! :hyper: What a pretty boy he is! Shadow looks like a little sweetie too! :wub:
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    All Settled In A Nice Big Tank

    Yes, it is a divided 10 gal tank so they each have 5 gallons to play in. I kept getting funny looks at the store when I said I was getting one tank for two bettas. I ended up putting the divider on top of everything in the cart! :lol: And Yes you do see a Java Fern! :D I was so happy that I...
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    All Settled In A Nice Big Tank

    Okay, so I went out today and bought a 10 gallon aquarium kit (and a divider) set it all up and they are doing wonderfully! I finaly settled on names, Oscar (blue and red) and Felix (red) They have pretty much ignored eachother and mostly just cruised around and flared at their reflections...
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    New To Bettas- Pics Added

    Thank you everyone for your great advice! Don't worry! ^_^ :fish: They are temporary, the sad thing is that they are about twice the size of the little cups in the store. Thanks! :wub: They both have amazing color but the cameras I have and the lighting doesn't help at all, maybe being in a...
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    New To Bettas- Pics Added

    guess I am in the right place! At the moment they are in little Hexagon bowls on top of a heating pad. Its not much right now but it isn't as small as the dinky little cups they were in. I think that tommrow or Wednesday I will go back with a tad more money and buy a 5-10 gal. tank and a...
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    New To Bettas- Pics Added

    Hi there all :D , I am new here so this is my first post, please no yelling at me if I get a few things wrong. I was in petsmart today and ended up looking at the bettas, for a really long time. I ended up buying two of them and brought them home, that is very spontaneous for me as I like to...