Emails Needed To Petco!


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
Petco is now selling fish, including bettas, online off their website. Although I have my personal opinion on this, what really concerns me is the false information they are providing.

Quoted from the site:
Quick Statistics
Temperament: Community
Family: Belontiidae
Native To: S.E. Asia: Cambodia, Thailand
Diet: Carnivore
Adult Size: Up to 3"
Temperature: 64° - 82°F
Care Level: Easy
Tank Size: 1+ liter
Scientific Name: Betta splendens

Most of you are probably wincing already, but for those who are unsure of this information, I'll state what is false and why.

Bettas are NOT community fish (in most cases).
Although some people have had success keeping bettas in a community tank, this is often asking for disaster. Bettas are solitary, not social fish. They are extremely territorial, and will attack other bettas, as well as other fish that resemble bettas (bright colors and/or flowing fins). Many bettas will attack anything in its territory, whether it resembles another betta or not. Some fish, such as many tetras, will nip a betta's fins, shredding them or just completely destroying them. There are a select few fish that are recommended as betta tankmates, and these are mostly dull-colored, bottom-dwelling, non-fin-nipping fish.

Also, community tanks are usually quite a bit larger than is usually recommended for a betta. As has been said, bettas are very territorial, and in tanks larger than 10 gallons, long-finned male bettas can and often will wear themselves out "patrolling" the tank looking for intruders. This causes quite a bit of stress on the betta, and can wear him out to the point where he may succumb to disease or die prematurely.

64 degrees is much too cold for a betta.
Bettas are tropical fish and must be kept in temperatures between 75-82 degrees F. Below 75 degrees, bettas are not happy campers, and may lose color slightly or not swim around as much. Below 70 degrees, bettas are in danger of disease, have a great risk of becoming constipated, and if kept in low temperatures for long periods of time, may die from hypothermia.

Bettas should absolutely NOT be kept in 1 liter of water!
Bettas, like all fish, need to have room to swim, and one liter of water does not provide enough space for this. Obviously, they also produce waste, which will build up much too quickly in a mere one liter of water. Bettas should be kept in one gallon minimum, and even then the water must be changed 100% every couple days.

I ask you all, to please spend some time to send Petco an e-mail informing them that this information they are providing is false. Please also explain what the correct information is, and explain why. You are more than welcome to copy and paste what I've stated above if you are short on time. You can do so here:

However, PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL. Do NOT send e-mails just saying "OMG YOU ARE SO CRUEL!!!!" This will not get what you have to say through to anyone, and will certainly not do any good in this specific case. Be tactful, think about what you're saying, so that they will listen to you, and think what you have to say is important-- which it is!!

Thanks for reading, and please take a few minutes to do this. We all love bettas, and want to see them treated the way they deserve. Let's help get the correct information out there!!!
I got to the LFS that is a huge franchise type buisness in every shopping mall in Australia.

They keep there Bettas in tiny tanks 10x10 no joke. They sell them like this, encouraging you to buy the tank (or should I say solitary confinment prison). It wouldnt even fit 1/2 lt of water in it.

Also, every little on of those tanks is always full of algae, its shocking animal cruelty, the poor fish never are at the top, always looking half dead on the bottom.

I also saw a betta in another LFS yesterday swimming with guppies. Guppies! What are they thinking? Do they want an all in brawl?!

Sometimes I think these places just have no clue.

My betta lived 3yrs alone in a great sized tank. He was very happy and there was never one problem with him. He never even got a disease.

that's odd. the petco by where i live, all the staff seems to have gone through a "correct and incorrect training" they know not to put bettas in with other fish, they even asked me when i went to get shadow if he had his own tank. i guess if they ship the fish overnight like breeders do, i see no problem with the shipping but the false infomation... :crazy: .
:angry: :sad: envisaging all these Bettas freezing away in 64 deg, 1litre mugs ( sorry, but one rotten litre simply does not qualilfy for the term "tank" :no: )

But as they are "community" fish, perhaps they are expected to share their litre?? [rolls eyes ]
Okay, so it took them about a month but I finally got a reply from them!
Dear Sir/Madam,

We received your email expressing your concerns about the sale of Bettas at PETCO. Thank you for taking your time to write us; we appreciate the opportunity to lay your concerns to rest. It's obvious you have a true passion for animals, and we share your passion.

PETCO has consulted with veterinarians and specially trained animal specialists to provide care sheets for all companion animals, including betta fish. These care sheets are provided for customers to understand the proper care requirements for each pet they are considering bringing into their home. The betta care sheets include specific information that includes the proper housing, food, and water temperature requirements for bettas. With this all said, regarding the comment on the temperature gradient, we did bring this to our veterinarian on staff’s attention and we will very likely be revising the care sheet and online information to match the correct care data.

Betta fish can get along well in a community, but as with all fish you need to be cautious and monitor the tank whenever introducing new fish into the tank, as well as monitoring the interaction between tank mates. But it is true that Bettas will be aggressive with fish that are the same species or look like a Betta.

Bettas are descendents of wild labyrinth fish that live in shallow streams and ditches and therefore can live in small bodies of water. Although they naturally live in puddles in the wild, we recommend each betta live in an aquarium that holds at least one gallon of dechlorinated water. Male bettas must be kept individually due to their naturally aggressive instincts and are not well suited for life in most community tanks.

Betta fish can be kept in a 1 liter container, as always frequent water changes are highly recommended. This information was confirmed with the Independent Animal Care Advisory Council.

Often times, bettas are being sold as fad products. We do not recommend using bettas or any other living animal as decoration. This is why we provide the proper care information to all customers, so they'll be aware of the responsibility of being a pet owner. PETCO associates are trained to understand and to stress the importance of proper care and respect all animals deserve.

Thank you for your inquiry. Please contact us again if you need any further assistance.


Rene B.
Senior Customer Relations Coordinator
Frankly I'm not too impressed :no: but at least it isn't a form letter. I was glad to read this part though...
With this all said, regarding the comment on the temperature gradient, we did bring this to our veterinarian on staff’s attention and we will very likely be revising the care sheet and online information to match the correct care data.
So maybe at least that will change. They did say that one gallon is the minimum they reccomend but I would like to see that a little higher, at least it isn't a little betta "tank" that they are reccomending.
Actually that is a form letter, lol. Everyone that sent letters got that one back. Doesn't mean you can't e-mail them back and correspond with them.. stay persistent!

They already changed the temperature. It's minimum 74 degrees now. :) The 1+ liter thing remains, though. Keep at it!

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