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  1. J

    Finding Baby Snails In My Tank

    I forgot to say these snails are approx halm millimeter in size Jim
  2. J

    Finding Baby Snails In My Tank

    I'm finding a few of these snails in my tank (Photos below) they have appeared in the tank today. Could they be from live plants I bought from Pets at Home? Is there anything I can get to rid my tank of them without harming my fish? Thanks Jim Ps Apologies for quality of photos original...
  3. J


    whats a mini cycle please regards jim
  4. J


    i am maintaining my tank properly i have been since the day i got it now im upset because i know i look after my tank well to be honest i only got the problem on tuesday from the day i had my tank i never encountered any problems i have kept all my readings as i record each and everyone in my...
  5. J


    hi there the nitratre level was at 40 we prefer 0 so we were told to get the nitro-zorb our amonia was 0.25 ph 7.0 nitrite 0 but we goy ammo-lock to help with amonia levels we have seven fish in our tank and its a 60 litre tank we have 5 swordtails and two mollies plus we have 10 babys...
  6. J


    hi there i was having a problem with the nitrate levels in my tank so i went out to buy nitra-zorb my problem is pets at home told us to take out the pads inside the fluval 3 and when i read the instructions on nita-zorb it says leave the prefiltration in if possible does that mean that i...
  7. J

    Black Mollie With Sore Eye

    Just noticed our black mollie has got what looks like a sore eye!! Now I know this might sound stupid but should I take him to the vet or is there anything commercially I can buy to treat it? Thanks Jim
  8. J

    Minimum Amount Of Fry A Fish Can Have

    The fry is a kind of golden orange colour as I said previously i'm sure it's either Guppy or Swordtail as both of these still look pregnant.
  9. J

    Minimum Amount Of Fry A Fish Can Have

    I just had another quick check and still no more fry so either the other fish ate all the others or she only had the one or two fry.
  10. J

    Minimum Amount Of Fry A Fish Can Have

    Hi there One of our livebearers had babies lastnight I could only see 2 fry (Either Swordtail or Guppy) caught 1 and can't find the other little one anywhere so i'm suspecting it's became another fish's snack. I've got the one we caught in a breeding tank and as i'm not sure who the mother is...
  11. J

    Fishs Tails Getting Caught In Filter.

    I bought 2 Resun Magic-Jet (Magi-200) Internal Filters (pictured below) for my tank and over and above the other problem I had with the water which now seems to be clearing up i've had 2 fish die because their tail has got stuck possibly sucked into front grooves of this filter and it looks like...
  12. J

    UK Fish Store Directory

    I tend to agree about Coral Reef in Glasgow i'll never buy any fish out of there as i've went in a couple of times and each time i've been in theres been dead fish in quite a few tanks. As a new fish Keeper are there any updated aquarium shops in the Glasgow area? Jim
  13. J

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    Thanks for your input Juicebox but if you read my post you'll see that a whole load of dead babies in their breeding/hospital unit so the Male couldn't have eaten them. Jim
  14. J

    If You Live In The Uk

    Anyone else from Glasgow?
  15. J

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    I went to pets at home today with a water sample and the guy said PH was good it's the Nitrate that was way in the Orange/Yellow he said it's down to over feeding the fish as we we're feeding them as per the maker (Aquarian) instructions which says 2 to 3 times a day he (the guy in P. @. H) said...
  16. J

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    Is there any way of doing this cycling now with the help of chemicals?
  17. J

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    The temperature i've just checked is at 73 degrees is this too cold and should I turn the thermostat up. t's a 2ft x 1ft tank and the heater is a Resun Sunlike - 100 which i'm presuming is 100 watts is this a big enough heater or do I need a more powerful one. The fish in it were 10 Neon...
  18. J

    Urgent Help Needed Please

    I'm just new to tropical fish as I just got my 1st lot of fish on Monday last and they seemed to be behaving normally but over the past few days i've had 2 dead tiger barbs 2 dead neon tetras and a whole load of dead babies in their breeding/hospital unit. The babies were born on Friday night...