Minimum Amount Of Fry A Fish Can Have


New Member
Dec 17, 2006
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Hi there

One of our livebearers had babies lastnight I could only see 2 fry (Either Swordtail or Guppy) caught 1 and can't find the other little one anywhere so i'm suspecting it's became another fish's snack.

I've got the one we caught in a breeding tank and as i'm not sure who the mother is I can't put any other fish in to see if they have any more young.

My question is can a fish have only 1 or 2 young and how long can it take for a fish in labour to have the lot of their babies unless the others were eaten lastnight and this is the only survivor?
it is possible if the female is small herself, my juvi guppy only ever has between 1-5 but there always big and healthy and have a 99% survival rate, sometimes less fry means heathier fry, i also had a molly have over 100 fry in one go, but they were small even for molly fry and none survived.

what colour is the fry?
and what colour are the two adults? this may help find out the mother
I just had another quick check and still no more fry so either the other fish ate all the others or she only had the one or two fry.
it is possible if the female is small herself, my juvi guppy only ever has between 1-5 but there always big and healthy and have a 99% survival rate, sometimes less fry means heathier fry, i also had a molly have over 100 fry in one go, but they were small even for molly fry and none survived.

what colour is the fry?
and what colour are the two adults? this may help find out the mother

The fry is a kind of golden orange colour as I said previously i'm sure it's either Guppy or Swordtail as both of these still look pregnant.
yes but what actual colour are the two females, bright orange/pale yellow for example

sorry for the questions i am just trying to help you figure out who the mother is :)

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