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  1. G

    Got New Driftwood From The Store,but It Doesn't Want To Stay In Th

    WEll i went to Home Depot and i got the big srew like 3 of them and i put them in, and it works stain down for now... :hyper: i would show a pic of it , but i don't know how to do that, if someone helpl me with that would be really nice.
  2. G

    Trying To Set Up Co2 ?

    46 gal
  3. G

    Got New Driftwood From The Store,but It Doesn't Want To Stay In Th

    well i think i will need the whole box of screws for that peace
  4. G

    Got New Driftwood From The Store,but It Doesn't Want To Stay In Th

    i'll try but i don't want any wire or something to be visible. I was thinking to drill a hole inside and stuff with some rock kor something, make it havy.
  5. G

    Got New Driftwood From The Store,but It Doesn't Want To Stay In Th

    GOt the Dry version and i want to put in the tank but it wont stay down, i had it in the bathtub for more then over night to get wet, but for some reason it's floating. * Should i tie some weight to it or something? * Or Maybe boil the water with it to make it havier?
  6. G

    Need To Find A Pure Sand?

    Thank you.
  7. G

    Fish Can Be Seriously Bad For Your Health

    Simply Good luck..and Marry Christmas....just incase you'll be in hospital.
  8. G

    Need To Find A Pure Sand?

    HMMm i'll try but someone not long ago toled me that play sand is bad??? so i was not sure.
  9. G

    New Substrate

    Well you can use the watter wacum system. With the sand it's not to bad, or u can use really fine gravel like-Coral gravel....or fine grade of pea gravel which allows less water movement and creates better planting medium if you want to do that in future.
  10. G

    My Guppie Had 13 Fry!

    Man Guppies breed like crazy,you will have a whole bunch (doesn't take long) My dad-he keeps them all together, in 55 gallon tank,doesn't do anything and they just keep coming....Have fun..
  11. G

    More Fish...

    well you could, but it's a bit to much for 10 gal, plus if you have plans it take the space too....(you could try to get a bigger tank???)
  12. G

    Need To Find A Pure Sand?

    Guys need to find pure sand for the bottom,i don't know were to get it? I was thinking to go to the ocean and get it from there, then you know boil it few times?????? cause in store it looks kind of funny.
  13. G

    Trying To Set Up Co2 ?

    Cool, but i got the regulator with the solenoid so i set it up with the timer, works good now, but i want to know how many bobles i need, like you know 1 boble to 1 or 2 sec.??? well thats what i have right now.
  14. G

    Trying To Set Up Co2 ?

    Thanks alot
  15. G

    Trying To Set Up Co2 ?

    I'm putting the 5lb Co2 with the regulators and i have the Co2 breaker inside the tank, so do i have to leave it on all the time, or just turn it on couple times a day, i have like 1 boble a 2-3 sec. right now, so i don't know if this is ok. Curently i have 46 gallons bow front tank 10 neon...
  16. G

    New Member With New Tank

    well i just want to do it right right away you know. My dad was doing aquariums, i know something about it, but i want to make one that really looks like a fish tank, if you know what i mean.
  17. G

    Hi Everyone

    Just want to say Hi to all of you. i'm new here so i will try my best to keep in touch. IM SORRY FOR MY MISS SPELL, CAUSE ENGLISH IS NOT MY 1ST LENGV. i'm trying to set up my first tank and i do need some help with it, so any one is really welcome. :good: Thank you for your time....
  18. G

    What Nutrient Difficiency Causes This?

    About light..hmmm( you are in seattle,well i know the guy in Salem, he owns the store there (Coral Reef Pet center) His Name is Jason Sullivan Store..503-378-7333 or Cell 503-932-3341, he can give you a good deal on lightning,any size, plus he can ship it to you too,Tell him Greg send you from...
  19. G

    Bala Sharks & Tiger Barbs: Multiple Diseases In One Tank?!

    Well i still have the 3 bala sharks and 6 barbs, 2 tiger, 2 gold? and 2 Green. I moved them from small one in to 46 gal and they are ok, but first couple of days they were mest up, but i put the tempeture like on my small one and i add some fish stress relieve from pets store, one day later...
  20. G

    New Member With New Tank

    i'm tryin to set up my tank and i don't know how much CO2 i need there, or what is the timing or boble count? And i don't know why but my plants don't want to stay alive to long,hope CO2 will fix it. Thank you.