Got New Driftwood From The Store,but It Doesn't Want To Stay In Th


New Member
Nov 12, 2006
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GOt the Dry version and i want to put in the tank but it wont stay down, i had it in the bathtub for more then over night to get wet, but for some reason it's floating.
* Should i tie some weight to it or something?
* Or Maybe boil the water with it to make it havier?
I would tie it to some rock or something because it can take a month or more for wood to become 'waterlogged'.
i'll try but i don't want any wire or something to be visible.
I was thinking to drill a hole inside and stuff with some rock kor something, make it havy.
Most driftwood does float for a while, even the stuff sold as sinking driftwood. I drill a hole in a piece of slate and attach the wood to it with a stainless steel screw.
Most driftwood does float for a while, even the stuff sold as sinking driftwood. I drill a hole in a piece of slate and attach the wood to it with a stainless steel screw.

well i think i will need the whole box of screws for that peace
You only need whatever you attach to it to be on it for like a few weeks then the wood will have enough water soaked in to stay down by itself.
Most driftwood does float for a while, even the stuff sold as sinking driftwood. I drill a hole in a piece of slate and attach the wood to it with a stainless steel screw.

well i think i will need the whole box of screws for that peace

:lol: It depends more on the size of the slate. One screw works fine if you have a big enough piece of slate. I don't even bother with the thin slate used for roofing, 1/2" to 3/4" thick works better.
Most driftwood does float for a while, even the stuff sold as sinking driftwood. I drill a hole in a piece of slate and attach the wood to it with a stainless steel screw.

well i think i will need the whole box of screws for that peace

:lol: It depends more on the size of the slate. One screw works fine if you have a big enough piece of slate. I don't even bother with the thin slate used for roofing, 1/2" to 3/4" thick works better.

WEll i went to Home Depot and i got the big srew like 3 of them and i put them in, and it works stain down for now... :hyper:

i would show a pic of it , but i don't know how to do that, if someone helpl me with that would be really nice.

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