Search results

  1. smeagol

    Fish Territory

    The maroon has never been aggressive it was the skunk clown. It is only now the skunk has gone that the problem has occured. I have a home for the maroon and the anemone once their tank is running (old house electrical problem) and the tang as i know the tank is small. It is a Heteractis...
  2. smeagol

    Fish Territory

    30 Gallons
  3. smeagol

    Fish Territory

    Not been on here for long time but need some advice. 4 fish...1 marroon clown, 1 skunk clown, 1 yellow tang and a blue throat trigger. All living happily together for the past year. Until 2 months ago. For weeks i thought the filter had been making some gurgling clicking noises. Many attempts to...
  4. smeagol

    Hermit Crabs

    just wondered what other people do with their hermits. I have kindly been buying mine bigger and bigger shells to grow into, nice fancy ones.... they now look very grand! i went to purchase a few more and mentioned this to the guy at the lfs who said this was not a good idea and to restrict the...
  5. smeagol

    Still Got Some Marine Odds And Ends For Sale

    Do you still have your tds meter and if so what make and model is it. Thank you Kate
  6. smeagol

    Sexing Blue Throat Trigger

    Sounds like he is my little man all along :thanks:
  7. smeagol

    Sexing Blue Throat Trigger

    Does anyone know how to sex blue throat triggers ?? I just bought some new metal halide lights and my trigger seems to changing colour. He now looks grey with blue spots down his sides. Just wondered whether he was maturing or whether its the lights. Curious to know what sex he is or maybe even...
  8. smeagol

    Urgent Help Required !

    is 4 fish alot for this size tank ??? double checked with aquatic shops before (as i did today ) n they said it was 4 fish alot for this size tank ??? double checked with aquatic shops before (as i did today ) n they said it was o.k.
  9. smeagol

    Urgent Help Required !

    :sad: Please help. I have had my tank for over one year now and all my water parameters have been fine. KH has always been 10 and nitrate always been 0.1 (really sorry for not using correct measurements, it was a Tropic Marin test kit which i threw away due to having for one year) I have not...
  10. smeagol

    Myxomatosis Warning

    Please please please make sure your rabbits are vaccinated for this awful disease. I work in a veterinary hospital and we have had to euthanase at least 50 rabbits in the last couple of months. Its an awful thing to hav to do and upsetting because its preventable with vaccination. I have seen so...
  11. smeagol


    unfortunately they wont die. They can lay eggs which can stay dorment for years. The most common flea is the cat flea which is found on hedgehogs, dogs and cats. They feed on dogs and cats and then drop off in order to lay eggs. Most house flea products are highly toxic to fish and birds so...
  12. smeagol

    Do You Turn Your Powerheads Off When Feeding Your Fish?

    my powerheads are both on timers so sometimes they are on. I do like the way the food is disperced its the only time i see the star fish catch food.
  13. smeagol


    I have had my set up for a while now and was thinking of adding a bit more colour. Some of the frags I have seen look very colouful. My only concern is my maroon clown who is very territorial and tends to charge into anything that is new, the frags look so delicate. also i have read that...
  14. smeagol

    Water Test Kits

    Hello. I am due to buy a new water test kit and wondered whether anyone knew of a good one out there. The last one i bought was the TMC kit which i thought was good but sometimes i found it hard to determine the exact result from the colour chart. :blink: Also i just bought a new skimmer...
  15. smeagol

    Giant Peppermint Shrimps

    i went to have a look at them and they were definately peppermint shrimps so i thought i would give them a go. My only other option is to strip the tank which i am loathed to do. Thanks for the replys
  16. smeagol

    Giant Peppermint Shrimps

    At last i have managed to find some peppermint shrimps to help with my aiptasia problem. The only problem is they are giant. I have asked someone i know and he says they only get to the same size as the cleaner shrimps but arent as good at eating aiptasia. I can find very little on the internet...
  17. smeagol


    Hi there. :) I am completely new to this site and came on looking for some advice and help on the nuisance Aptasia. Before i purchased my second hand marine tank i did many many hours of research on the subject. I looked forward to maintaining the tank and spending time watching and monitoring...