Sexing Blue Throat Trigger


New Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Does anyone know how to sex blue throat triggers ??
I just bought some new metal halide lights and my trigger seems to changing colour. He now looks grey with blue spots down his sides. Just wondered whether he was maturing or whether its the lights. Curious to know what sex he is or maybe even she!!
Been looking it up on net but not much info.
Cheers Kate
yeh easy to tell since the males have the blue throats! should get a pair and breed them ! awesome fish!
Sounds like he is my little man all along :thanks:
Also, I'm not sure about this, but I heard the males have yellow on the edge of their fins. This might just be fish from a certain area though. I dont know.
yeh males have the yellow edges as well. i think i may attempt to breed them! tmc do it on a regular basis over here apparently, there the easier trigger to breed and raise males will protect there eggs. you can also buy pairs they command a fairly high price though!
you can breed but can you raise? Make sure you keep a log, if its successful, hopefully more people would do it.
they have been succesfully raised i have a few months and got a few people to talk to about doing it, before i even attempt! also got to save for a pair £65 quid each and for an actual pair it will be my guess over 200 pounds easily :|

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