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  1. B

    Would This Make Sense!

    Hi Friends, pica_nuttalli has stated in her reply, "the only way that this might be managable is if the 5g had a 10g footprint (such as seen in turtle-tanks)". Sorry I can't understand this. How can a 5g have 10g footprint? Could someone please explain.
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    Euthanised Potato Tonight

    Sorry to hear about Potato.
  3. B

    Why Is The Bred Betta Different In Nature From The Wild Betta?

    THANKS Folks, That was great information. I am sure it is going to help us all understand our Bettas better.
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    Why Is The Bred Betta Different In Nature From The Wild Betta?

    Hey folks. We keep our male Betta all alone in his 5 gallons. And we beautify the tank with plenty of plants and caves. But I was wondering, doesn’t the male Betta get bored staying all alone? After all, in the wild Bettas don't stay all alone. Many would say, Wild Bettas are different from...
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    Can A Bottom Layer Of Java Moss Be Used As A Filter In A 5 G?

    Hey Buddies, I intend using a bottom layer of Java Moss as a filter in a 5 g (18 x 9 x 9) with just 1 male Betta, as I understand that Java Moss can control nitrite levels. Would members please provide their valuable inputs as regards whether a bottom layer of Java Moss can be used as a filter...
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    Has Anyone Tried Tetra-biits Weekend Food?

    THANKS folks for the input. Yes, I too have heard about the gel weekend food being good. Has anyone tried it?
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    Would Females Fight During 1 Week Vacation?

    THANKS folks for your replies. I was worried that if left hungry for a week, the 6 Betta sisters might attack each other.
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    Has Anyone Tried Tetra-biits Weekend Food?

    Hey folks. Has anyone tried Tetra-bits Weekend food? I was going on a 1 week vacation and was wondering if Tetra-bits Weekend food was good. Or is keeping the fishes without food for a week, a better option? I have 6 female Bettas in a 14g.
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    Can Plants Be Used As A Filter For 14g?

    (Hey folks, I had earlier added this question to an existing thread, but since none replied, I am posting it as a new thread with a request for members to please answer.) 6 female Bettas in a 14g (24 x 12 x 12) with plenty of green plants and sand. It would have a 24" fluorescent tube on for 4...
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    Would Females Fight During 1 Week Vacation?

    Hey folks, can someone please help by answering this question. Cheers.
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    Would Females Fight During 1 Week Vacation?

    Hey folks, I have to go on a 1 week vacation. Is Tetra bits weekend food good? Also, would 6 Betta sisters kept in a 14g planted tank fight if they are kept without food for a week? (Many suggest they should be kept without food during a 1 week vacation). Cheers.
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    Using Plants As A Filter?

    Hey Confused, can I also please add on my question? I intend having 6 female Bettas in a 14g (24 x 12 x 12) with plenty of green plants and sand. Mine would have a 24" fluorescent tube which I intend having on for 4 to 5 hours in the evening. Would plants be able to act as a filter for such a tank?
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    Individual Or Community Tank?

    Hey folks. Thanks for the inputs. This is turning out to be a very informative debate.
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    Just A Poll

    To Learn ... and because of the ever helping attitude of the members, there is lots to learn.
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    Individual Or Community Tank?

    Hey folks, have been wondering what people prefer, keeping a male Betta in an individual tank or community tank with other fishes? Cheers.
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    Betas Male And Female In 20 Gal Together

    NO you can't keep a male and female Betta together even in a 20g.
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    What Is The Ideal Tank Size For 4 To 6 Betta Sisters?

    Hey folks, Have done some reading on keeping female Bettas thanks to the generous inputs by the members. Now, am wondering what is the ideal tank size for keeping 4 to 6 Betta sisters? (No other fish). Cheers and long live Betta sisterhood.
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    Any Good Reading On Keeping Females Together?

    Hey folks, Can anyone please suggest some good links/reading on keeping female Bettas together in a tank? Or can the experienced share their expertise? Cheers.
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    Male / Female Ratio Among Fry

    Hey folks, was wondering what is the male / female ratio among Betta fry? Someone told me there are a lot more males to females among the fry. Was wondering if this was true?
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    Calculating Gallons? Us Or Uk Gallons?

    Hey folks, Is it US or UK gallons which is the standard norm? Which is the best site (aquarium calculator) for calculating gallons from the dimensions. I have been to many sites and each seems to differ to some extent?
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    Level Of Water Should Not Be Over 7 Inches?

    Hey thanks. BWBettas, no the 7 inches height suggestion was not about breeding aquariums. The 7 inches height was about keeping a normal Betta aquarium. He said that puddles in rice fields are shallow, hence the need to restrict the height of water in a normal Betta aquarium to 7 inches.
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    Level Of Water Should Not Be Over 7 Inches?

    Hey. I recently read that the level (height) of water in a 5 or 10 gallons Betta tank should not exceed over 7 inches (18 cm). Is this true?