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  1. L

    Would Any Lfs Will Let Me Trade In My Fishs?

    Even if there not in good condition? My 2 Angel Fish, their top fin are half way gone so can I still trade it in? I want to get rid of some of my fishs for african cichlids. Okay I'll tell you what fish im going to trade and tell me what you think and if I'm able to trade. 2 Angel Fish (Both of...
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    Can I Put 2 Of My Cichlid In The Community Tank?

    I have 2 african cichlid, people say they dont' get along with oscars so should I move them to my community tank? I have 3 Discus, 2 Angel fish, 2 Giant Danio, 1 Black Ghost Fish, 1 Gournmi, 2 corys. Will my 2 cichlid bite my other fish? Im planning on getting 3 more cichlid, or should I only...
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    Does Cichlids Get Along With Each Other?

    Okay yesterday I bought an mixed african cichlid at this tropical fish store its still small, I then put it in with my other cichlid which I got for $15 bucks its no ordinary cichlid it has blue and white strips on it. The one I got last night was only $5 bucks and it has tan/yellowish with...
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    I Have Some Questions About A Fish Called ''pacu"..

    Are these easy to keep? How big do they get? Are they friendly or aggressive fish? Can I put them with oscar fish? How much do they usually costs, under 10 bucks?
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    What Kind Of Fish Can I Put With 2 Oscars?

    what kind of aggresive fish can I put with my 2 oscar?
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    Would I Need An Air Pump/air Stone For Me Fish?

    Right now I have 2 small oscar, 1 small arowana and 1 pleco in my 10g tank. My 2 oscar most of the time are floating on top of the water surface I'm not sure if their in need of an air pump/air stone thingy. Are they gasping for air? Right now I have everything but the air pump in the tank. Im...
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    Would I Need An Air Pump/air Stone For Me Fish?

    Right now I have 2 small oscar, 1 small arowana and 1 pleco in my 10g tank. My 2 oscar most of the time are floating on top of the water surface I'm not sure if their in need of an air pump/air stone thingy. Are they gasping for air? Right now I have everything but the air pump in the tank. Im...
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    Please Help, I Have Some Questions.

    Okay first off, I just moved my little discus into my oscar tank with 2 juvenile oscar in it. The reason I did that was because in my other tank where it was at. It didnt seem happy it's always stay in one corner the tail fins I think are a bit, biten off. The color of my discus is light blue...
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    Feeding Time Question.

    Okay I feed my fishes 2 times a day, the way I do it is when I first wake up sometimes its around 9-10 am, and than around 9-10 pm at night than I feed them again. Is that good? what if I feed them 6 pm?
  10. L

    Can I Have Ram Ciclid With Oscars? Or An Arowana?

    topic. oh yea and which are better? Rams or Assorted?? can you guys show me a link to both of'em?
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    What Kind Of Toys Does Oscars Need?

    ok i have 2 juvinile oscars and I was wondering what kind of toys do they need? Does juvinile oscar play with toys? what are some homemade toys they would enjoy? Thank You.
  12. L

    I Need Some Help.

    Does fish get stressed out when I turn on the light? Would it be okay if I turn on the light during the day and turn it off during night time? What do the fish perfer lights on or off? I have a tank with 2 Oscars, 1 Arowana, and 1 Pleco for some reason the water has been cloudy lately. I change...
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    How Do I Train My Oscars And An Arowana?

    I want to learn to train them please help.
  14. L

    I Have A Question!

    Okay Im planning on getting 2 Oscars, and was wondering should I decorate the tank? like add gravel or plants? Would they still like bare bottom tanks? What would you recommend me do? or can I just add gravel and thats it?
  15. L

    Help Me Please!

    okay white little worm like thingys are starting to appear in my tank, I change 50% of the water yesterday but today it came back again it seems to be just on the glass moving around. What are these, are they harmful to my fishs? What can I do to get rid of them pLease help me!!
  16. L

    Im Thinking On Getting A 10g Tank With 2 Oscars!

    Ok I've decided to raise 2 Ocscars but dont know anything about them besides that their arresive. Anyways im planning on getting a 10g tank with a filter and a heater. I'm not going to decorate the tank its gonna be bare bottom its ok like that right? Will I need a light and a hood? Im short on...
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    How Can I Tell If A Giant Danio Is Prenent Or Not?

    topic I have 2 Giant Danio one of them is quiet big but I'm thinking that its prenent.
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    How Long Does It Takes A Discus To Reach Its Full Adult Size?

    Okay I have 3 Discus right now one of the Discus is as big as the palm of my hand and the other 2 are small Discus. So how long will it take for them to reach their full size?
  19. L

    Help My Fishs Please!

    The plants are real I have three of'em what should I do with the plants keep them or throw them away? What do you mean by sort my tank?
  20. L

    Help My Fishs Please!

    Okay all my fishs has been infected im not sure what it is but if I have to guess I say its Ick. I have 2 angel fish they seem to be infected I see little white spots on their fins. So is 2 of my other discus one of them, white spots seems to appear on its body and the other on its fin. For the...
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    Hey My Alge Eater Just Died This Morning! I Need Some Help!

    I used to have 7 but now I only have 6. I have 2 discus(1 big, 1 small), 2 small angel fish, 1 albino cory, and 1 black ghost fish. Im not sure of the stats of my ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph. If I buy the test kit can I reuse it or is it just a one time use?? which one is the best to use...
  22. L

    Need Help With My 10g Tank

    I had my tank for almost about a week now. Yea the white fugus started appear 2 days ago, but it appeared on the roots of the plants first I think it spreaded on my algae eater and thats how it died. I think im not gonna get anymore fish but should I get an algae eater again?
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    Need Help With My 10g Tank

    Okay I'm new to the world of fish, so could you guys help out this newcomer? Anyways I have a 10g tank in my room with 2 filter going at once I have a under gravel filter, and a sponge filter. Next I have 3 live plants in my tank. For the fishes I have 2 small angel fish, 2 discus (1 big, 1...
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    Hey My Alge Eater Just Died This Morning! I Need Some Help!

    Ok today when I woke up, looked at my fishes and notice that there where white stuff on my alge eater I think those white stuff are fugus but how did it died? It was find yesterday, at first I thought it was frozen but guess I was wrong. Anyways the same white stuff was on one of the nearby...