Hey My Alge Eater Just Died This Morning! I Need Some Help!


New Member
Sep 21, 2006
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Ok today when I woke up, looked at my fishes and notice that there where white stuff on my alge eater I think those white stuff are fugus but how did it died? It was find yesterday, at first I thought it was frozen but guess I was wrong. Anyways the same white stuff was on one of the nearby plant that it died near of. But the fugus on on the plants before could it have spread it to my fish? I took out the plant and cutted the parts that have the fugus on. Will my tank be contaegous now? should I change the water? What can I do to prevent this from happening again? Please help I just got into fish but I dont know much about it ether. Do I really need a alage eater for my 10g tank? Will I be better off without one?
okay remove thta plant compleatly and reserh into fish ilnesses ther is proberly a cure u can buy from your LFS. also what kind of algae eater was it? as soe algae eaters can grow up to a foot long and bigger some can also be small as 2". algae eating fis are fun to look at and will help keep your tank clean but are not always nessary if you are wiling to clean it yourself
Its columnaris if it fluffy what s your loction.
How many fish do you have in the tank.
What your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
How often do you maintain your tank.

I used to have 7 but now I only have 6. I have 2 discus(1 big, 1 small), 2 small angel fish, 1 albino cory, and 1 black ghost fish.
Im not sure of the stats of my ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph. If I buy the test kit can I reuse it or is it just a one time use?? which one is the best to use?
well I just got my 10g tank had it for almost a week clean it the other day and 1 of my fish died the blackghost fish.
Angel. discus, and the black ghost knife fish should not be in that size tank.
Its way to small i would take them back to the lfs, as you have added to many fish to soon.
You start of with two hardy fish and there isnt one for your size tank.
Water change for now, and invest in a liquid test kit.
Corys are very sensitive to water quality plus he shouldnt be on his own, no less than three of them.
I would find a decent lfs as that one is crap.



Angel fish should be not kept in less than a 30gal tank.

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