Help My Fishs Please!


New Member
Sep 21, 2006
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Okay all my fishs has been infected im not sure what it is but if I have to guess I say its Ick. I have 2 angel fish they seem to be infected I see little white spots on their fins. So is 2 of my other discus one of them, white spots seems to appear on its body and the other on its fin.

For the past 2 days I've been trying to cure them with the Ick quick cure thing. But it has'nt gone away, so last night I took out all the plants and tried it but its still there. On the back it says I need to have a barebottem tank than use the medicine. I think my water is infected too so should I take out all the rocks and clean my tank and than try to cure my fish without the gravel inside?

I have a 10g tank will this cure my fishs?? Im a bit suprised because my Black Ghost Knife fish and albino cory isn't infected. I can't return my fish ether so I have to keep them all in my 10g tank. But I can get a 65g tank for free. But I dont have anymore money to buy everything for it. Will they all surrive in a 65g tank? cause in the future when I work again im planning on setting it up for my fishs.

Oh yea what do I do with my plants? I think its infected too there was fugus on the roots I think its the plants that are causing all of this so should I throw it away or is there a way to treat my plants? Please help me thank you. I dont want my fish to dye.
Don't know where it says you need a bare bottom, there nothing wrong is sterlising the rocks, are the plants real or fake.
Have your turned temp up and aeration in the tank.
You need to get your tank sorted as the stress of overstocking won't be helping a fish can't heal when it stressed.
Corys are not prone to whitespot anyway.
Don't know where it says you need a bare bottom, there nothing wrong is sterlising the rocks, are the plants real or fake.
Have your turned temp up and aeration in the tank.
You need to get your tank sorted as the stress of overstocking won't be helping a fish can't heal when it stressed.
Corys are not prone to whitespot anyway.

The plants are real I have three of'em what should I do with the plants keep them or throw them away?
What do you mean by sort my tank?
Go to plant section of the forum they will help you over there more.
Well you have some large fish for a 10gal, you will have to rehome them, or get a bigger tank fast.

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