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  1. K

    20g Tank-thread

    The oranges rics are floridas. I've got 2 yumas but they aren't pictured and the LFS that i got them from sells them for $10, any size or color. I got a bright pink and peach one...beauties!
  2. K

    20g Tank-thread

  3. K

    20g Tank-thread

    $5-$12 Canadian. Not too bad, eh. :)
  4. K

    20g Tank-thread

    And that my friends, is why I added 250w of MH into a 20g tank. :)
  5. K

    20g Tank-thread

    My montis are doing great...lot's of growth and great colors. My pink birdsnest is doing surprisingly well too. I've got a Koralia 1 that's directly 10" away from the SPS corals :) UPDATE: The most important piece of my reef has been upgraded. I replaced my 130w of PC lighting with a 250w MH...
  6. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    Thanks for the replies! The plating SPS are montipora. They're frags of colonies from my 20g. The whole set-up was...let's see. Lighting- $35 Heater- $15 Pump- $20 Tank- $8 Acrylic- $10 Silicone- $3 Substrate- $5 S&H (certain items)- $20 HOB, LR, chaeto, rubble- FREE Total: $116 Ricordeas-...
  7. K

    20g Tank-thread

  8. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

  9. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    UPDATE: I haven't changed any equipment nor have I drastically changed the aquascape. But, I did put in a few new additions which add even more spice to the set-up. The zoos are growing and the other frags are thriving as well! Enjoy.
  10. K

    20g Tank-thread

    Well, it's a 20H actually, I just cropped out the top half of the tank in the last FTS. UPDATE: So, here are some new pics of my corals and fish. A FTS will be coming soon. Upgraded to a Koralia 1 My new aussie acan frag. Acan colony. Torch. Happy clam. Some of my montis, and...
  11. K

    New Marine Tank

    it's actually 1kg for about every 8 liters. :)
  12. K

    An Incredibly Sad Story Of Fish Abuse...

    If I complain to the LFS they'll say they're born like that or something. They'll cover their asses. Where would I go complaining about something like this?
  13. K

    Any Ideas On Stocking My Tank?

    Tangs are great colorful fish! Oh, freshwater, then I'd have to go with tetras, livebearers, and corys!
  14. K

    270 Gallon Tank

    A reef tank is the way to go. You have all sorts of large fish that are reef safe. Also in a predatory tank you won't be able to keep invertebrates (many predatory fish will snack on inverts). Reefs are amazing, you look at them and you're like "WOW". A predator tank, no matter how nice, will...
  15. K

    An Incredibly Sad Story Of Fish Abuse...

    You dyed fish are bad? Well, it is bad, but this is worse. There's this LFS that I don't usually go to because the quality isn't usually the best. Since I was in the area, I decided to check it out. I was strolling through the aisles of freshwater tanks and came across some fish named "Love...
  16. K

    ~~my Trip To The Georgia Aquarium~~ Over 50 Pics

    thanks to all my SUPPORTERS :thumbs:
  17. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    the tank itself is 2.5 US gallons so that's 9.45 liters. but, the display area is 1.66 US gallons or 6.27 liters.
  18. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    Pics from the Georgia Aquarium The tank is doing just fine and the heater and lighting finally came in. I hooked the stuff up and all is running nicely. I even see a few copepods starting to pop up, my cycle is underway. Now, a few updated pics. Enjoy.
  19. K

    ~~my Trip To The Georgia Aquarium~~ Over 50 Pics

    I already posted this in the Marine and Reef section but I thought it would be good to share it with all. This is one link you'll never regret clicking.]
  20. K

    ~~my Trip To The Georgia Aquarium~~ Over 50 Pics

    It is well worth the click of the link.
  21. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    true, but for small tanks it's great to hide equipment, and to easily have a fuge. and yes...i'll bring back pics from the aquarium :)
  22. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    I don't think there's a real name for it, but what the contraption is, is a false wall (like in the Nanocube's, Aquapod's e.t.c). I'll have fun at biggest aquarium in the world...over 30 million liters!
  23. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    I am back...the tank is doing great! Haven't seen any signs that my cycle is underway. The lighting and heater still haven't come but I'm waiting anxiously. I'm flying off early tomorrow morning to see the Georgia Aquarium :yahoo: I'll be back Wednesday!
  24. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    the baffle or "divider" does not go all the way to the bottom of the tank. there is about a 2cm space for the water to go through. thanks for a all the compliments! :thanks:
  25. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    I'm really not sure which goby I would get...hmmmm. The live rock came from my larger tank, sat in a bin of water (just a little bit of die off), and then came to my tank; IMO it's pretty cured. It looks white because those rocks used to be one rock, it got smashed into pico worthy pieces :)
  26. K

    20g Tank-thread

    Here is my official tank may be more than 8 months after start-up, but better late then never. Lot's of pics. Equipment: UNDER CONSTRUCTION Heating: 250w Stealth heater (a little overkill, i know) Livestock (as of Sept.23/07): Always changing... Pics: FTS Aussie acan...
  27. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    I'm going to have a 12" Current Satellite fixture thats puts out 18w or 7.2w per gallon. For livestock, I'm thinking of a fire or peppermint shrimp and will add 2 snails after cycling. As for corals, I'll have softies, small LPS corals, and a few basis SPS. I currently have 1 blue-legged hermit...
  28. K

    ~2.5g Pico~

    My customize a regular 2.5 gallon tank into a pico reef! The first thing did was shave off the unsightly excess silicone. I made a false wall on the right side of the tank with acrylic. I added a baffle to separate the equipment from filtration. I made my own surface skimmer too...
  29. K

    New Corals

    its sounds like they may be either camel shrimp or peppermint shrimp. google both varieties and see which one you got. the reason is, camel shrimp like to munch on careful.
  30. K


    Wow, this is my first post in a long time. Time to introduce you guys to my 20g SW reef tank. It has 2x65w of PC lighting (Current Orbit) and two MJ900's. 1 firefish and 2 occelaris clowns. oh, and the JBJ Nanocube 6...
  31. K

    Light For 75g Reef

    Would the Current Outer Orbit HQI (2x150 MH, 2x130 actinics) be a good choice? A good choice for my future tank, I mean. Thx
  32. K

    Light For 75g Reef

    In the future, I'd like to get a MH fixture with some actinics. What would you suggest?
  33. K

    How Much Lighting For A 72 Gallon Reef Set-up?

    Thats good to hear! And, what if the mentioned LPS corals are placed near the lighting, would that be sufficient lighting for them, just a question. Thanks for responding so fast. I'm from the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, NO SNOW :(
  34. K

    How Much Lighting For A 72 Gallon Reef Set-up?

    I am planning in the future to have a 72 gallon reef tank and was wondering how much lighting i would need. I'd like to keep soft corals, polyps, mushrooms, some leathers, LPS's, so basically everything except SPS and clams. I would like to have a compact fluorescent fixture, because being a...
  35. K

    My My What An Expensive Fish

    damn, in Canada you can get stingrays for $130 so about 55 pounds!!!
  36. K

    What Is Your Dream Tank?

    I'd really like a 155 gallon bowfront marine tank but because I'm heading to high school next year, have other responsibilities and cause a marine setup like that would go for 5-7 thousand bucks I will get a 155 gallon bowfront planted community tank. But I will in the future upgrade my current...
  37. K

    What's The Weirdest Thing Your Fish Do?

    my endler playfully attacks my two good sized guppies at feeding time. he keeps bumping their bellies...its funny to watch. my skunk cleaner shrimp in my SW tank swims to the surface and pokes his legs in and out of the water.....he also pulls food out of the clowns mouth if a big piece is...
  38. K

    Dark Coloured Shoaling Fish?

    i thinks harlequin rasboras are nice dark fish!