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  1. S

    Whatswrong With My Budgie?

    I would re vet him , how old is he the crusty part leads me to believe he is suffering from an infection most likely a respitory in nature. what are his poos like are they normal or changed ? how is his eating ? what is his weight
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    Smallest Nano Reef

    Chac I respect your opinions and views but they put up a better picture of it. So I still say I agree it is a toadstool leather
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    Smallest Nano Reef

    not to be a smarty but I joined and ask they did say it was a toadstool leather
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    Smallest Nano Reef

    sorry that looks like a toadstool leather
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    Smallest Nano Reef

    Although I am still quite the newbie , I do not see what you are referring to as a majano , all I see is a toadstool leather (I believe that is the name ) or some closed zoas . Are you referring to the 2.5 gallon or were you referring to the pico tank . I also dont see any thing in there that...
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    I just use rubbergloves (non powder) from walmart :)
  7. S

    Smallest Nano Reef

    :drool: I would say this is the smallest one seen not sure if it is real or not but here it is :
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    Inspiration Wanted!

    Not too sure if it is real or not but here is a small tank :drool: