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    Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

    That is one CUTE fish! I would love to be able to watch it all the time! It looks like it is ready to give a kiss!
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    Not As Nice As I've Seen But It's Still Mine

    Another veiw of the 29 gallon Another veiw of the 10 gallon I know they are a little blurry! I am interested in doing a planted tank. I bet there is advise on this forum huh????
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    Not As Nice As I've Seen But It's Still Mine

    Here is another veiw: of the 29 gallon And here is my 10 gallon some fish pics
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    Not As Nice As I've Seen But It's Still Mine

    I'll take another shot this weekend. Also I don't have alot of plants, it's mostly the background. It looks like there is more than their really is.
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    Not As Nice As I've Seen But It's Still Mine

    I think on this picture I didn't have the light on. And it has an external filter. I do need more plants, it's kinda Blah right now! thank you all for the comments. ;)
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    Pic Of My Guppies

    Believe me it was no easy task! :blink: However I put a alge waffer in there to get them to stay still long enough to take a picture. Thank you for the nice comment.! :nod:
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    My Guppies Are Huge!

    Well they are both females. And the black one was the one having the babies. I don't think she is pregnet, they are just long and huge. Do most guppies get that big?
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    Pic Of My Guppies

    6 week old guppy baby Momma Guppy My 4 week old baby guppies Aint' they cute?!?!
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    Not As Nice As I've Seen But It's Still Mine

    I just got this up and running like a month ago, so I still plan on making some changes. Please give me any advise.
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    My Guppies Are Huge!

    Here is a picture of my female guppies.
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    A Couple Pics Of My Fish

    I really like the fish, very cute! Good job!
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    Alege Growth-fast

    Hello, I have a 29 gallon that has flourescent lighting and it get brown alege so much fast then my 10 gallon that has a halogen. :S Does anyone know why, and am I doing something wrong? :drool: I'm thinking of getting a halogen for my 29 gallon, do you think it would help with the elge. My...
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    Hardy Fish?

    Well, thank you all for letting me know, I feel like a horriable fish keeper. I thought he looked happy in there. I will have to get him another home asap, my husband will just love that! Thank you though I love animals and I don't want to make them miseirable
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    Hardy Fish?

    I didn't know that. I thought he would be ok in a 2 gallon. He isn't all that big. Why do they sell such small tanks then, what are you suppose to put in them?
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    Hardy Fish?

    I have a 2 gallon cold tank and I have a gold fish. Granted I have to change the water about 4 times a month, but he is doing really good and he is cute to watch. He's a good fish. I haven't had any problems with him. I forgot how fun they are.
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    Types Of Guppy Fry Food

    I have one 3 week old guppy and six 2 week old guppies. I feed my 3 week old crushed flake food and he is growing and doing well. My little ones need there broke up more but they are eating and getting big. I've had good results with flake. They turn into pigs though! good luck.
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    You know I bought a female and she got bloat I belive it was called. I don't know why, My male I've had for about a year and a half. I wish you luck with yours.
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    Little Question About New Aqarium

    First let me say, sorry... My spelling has never been the best, but I get close. I have 2 questions: 1- I just got an 29 gallon agarium on Sunday. I know I need to cycle it. My question is,I've heard of getting gravel from an cycled agarium and adding it, and it will help. ( I have a 2 year old...
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    New To The Site, But Not Too Fish

    Hi, My name is Mandie, I love animals! Who would have guessed. I have 2 German Shepards. Mia and Dyaln. I have a .95 cent gold fish in his own home, a betta in his own home, and I have a 10 gallon with 2 guppies ( I thought both where girls but :unsure: ....) 1 approx 3 week old guppy baby, and...