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  1. T

    Ich Meds And Plants?

    Alright, i think thats what im going to do. especialy because my helathy loach now seems a little stressed too. Thanks for your help! ;)
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    Ich Meds And Plants?

    bump... any suggestions you guys have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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    Lonely Clown Loach With Ich

    Great. Thanks for all the help. I appreciate it. :)
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    Ich Meds And Plants?

    I have two clown loaches. One of which just came down with ich. They regularly reside in my 30 gallon enriched substarte planted tank(ass. swords, congrensis, java fern, westeria, versanilla etc) with drift wood. I also have some neons, a dwarf puffer(who is completly non-aggressive. so please...
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    Lonely Clown Loach With Ich

    i also have enriched substarte if that matters. If i do treat my reg tank.ill leave the wood. Should i clean the tank before i begin treatment. 50% and water change? Anyone else have as good of luck with plants and meds as sophos? thanks.
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    Lonely Clown Loach With Ich

    I am using API's super ick cure at half dose. I am using this only in my hospital tank at the time. My reg. tank is cureently going untreated because i was tld its harmful to treat planted tanks. I have an array of plants. amazon brazil and melon swords. wisteria. a cconresis java fern...
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    Lonely Clown Loach With Ich

    i know they shouldnt be kept alone and am thinking of purchasing a third.but for now, im concentrating on getting my loach back to normal. thats why my question is since i have two of them, should i bring my healthy loach into the hospital tank with the other? the hospital tank has a few hiding...
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    Lonely Clown Loach With Ich

    I have two clown loaches. One of which just came down with ich. They regularly reside in my 30 gallon planted tank with some neons, a dwarf puffer(who is completly non-aggressive. so please dont tell me to rid of him, hes happy in teh tank) and a pleco. I do 10% weekly water changes and vaccums...
  9. T

    Feeding Suggestions

    Before bloodworms, he'd eat some shrimp every 2 days or so, but now he eats so much bloodworms.... even if the Loaches are fighting for it, he'll be in the middle getting some. I'm glad I found his favorite food. The only thing left to do is get him snails and hope he snacks on them too.
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    Feeding Suggestions

    Dude, I'm not only talking about you said, you at least answered my question, some people just post the common unnecessary. I know everyone is trying to help tho....... Anyways, I've been watching his behavior day in and out for the past 4 days and he's been as laid back as always...
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    Feeding Suggestions

    ...not trying to sound like an ass but could you please address the question? If all you have to say is that my tank is too small or that Puffers are aggressive, please don't waste your time posting... Anyways, I'll be happy to try Pond snails, i'm just worried it's not going to work and the...
  12. T

    Feeding Suggestions

    For some reason the Loaches have been eating a whole lot lately. I guess they decided to come out a little more often. They won't eat cucumbers tho, I've tried before. About the DP, I don't know which kind of snails to get, but I'll stop by the fish store tonight and see what they got. I just...
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    Feeding Suggestions

    Any suggestions on feeding the DP? If snails needed, which kind? How many? Please help.
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    Feeding Suggestions

    it all depends...
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    Feeding Suggestions

    Also, the Neons are about an inch each, the Loaches are around 3in. each, the Pleco 4in, and the Puffer >1 in.
  16. T

    Feeding Suggestions

    Bad news... the fish won't even go for the worms in the feeder, the lfs dude tells me to keep trying since that's not their natural way of eating. Also the fish seem to rather eat the shrimp than blood worm. IDK where I read that but that's what I saw about puffers. If I do end up having to feed...
  17. T

    Feeding Suggestions

    I just came back from my lfs and got a couple things... More plants (Swords, Corkscrews...), and 2 more Neons. Also, I got a Bloodworm feeder and bloodworms. I hope it works.
  18. T

    Feeding Suggestions

    The problem with feeding the Loach is not that he won't eat the baby shrimp, it's that he's way too lasy to go for it. So that makes me wonder if he's not hungry most of the times. I read that Dwarf Puffers don't need snails to trim down its beak, since it doesn't grow as much as a regular...
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    Feeding Suggestions

    Seriously, are you kidding? What do you mean?
  20. T

    Feeding Suggestions

    Right now I have a 30G tank with 2 Clown Loaches, 6 Neons, 1 Pleco and 1 Dwarf Puffer. I'm currently feeding them frozen shrimp.. As soon as I put some in, the Neons will eat it like there's no tomorrow. Some falls to the ground for the Loaches, but I also throw in some of those "little balls"...
  21. T

    Strange Behavior-clown Loaches

    Temperature is back to its usual 77+'s. It's been like that for the past two days. I don’t really think I'll need a heater, but if anything happens again, I'll be sure to get one. I've been watching my water stats. Lately and there's been no changes whatsoever. Everything seems fine. The...
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    Strange Behavior-clown Loaches

    Sure, I'll be glad to give it a try. I just don't see it working since they won't even come out for ANYTHING.
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    Strange Behavior-clown Loaches

    That's what I heard. And I've definetily seen them doing this before, (squeezing between amazon leafs, in this case) but what worries me is that I haven't seen them eating lately. I've even tried tdropping some food on top of them, but they won't even bother. BTW: Is frozen shrimp okay for the...
  24. T

    Strange Behavior-clown Loaches

    So do you think the temperature is the reason why the Loaches are acting like that? I don't have a heater and will be checking my levels daily. PS: I just took the piece of wood out of the tank making them come out of it (one seemed stuck in there, but he was fine), and after setting it back...
  25. T

    Strange Behavior-clown Loaches

    I don't know if it matters, but before turning the filter on I took my two filter pads from my other filter, rinsed them off and put them in the new filter. The temperature have only fluctuated for these past 3 days, it has never done so for the past year since I've had the fish tank.
  26. T

    Strange Behavior-clown Loaches

    BTW: The new Eheim filter I got came from a salt-water tank. I soaked everything in bleach then throughly rinsed it with water. Then I let the filter run in the bath for approximately 8 hours. It was installed four days ago. Yesterday my Cory fish died without any apperent reasons. Does that...
  27. T

    Strange Behavior-clown Loaches

    Hello. I am really worried about my two clown loaches. They have always been a little shy, but never seem upset or hide. However,for the last 2-3 days they have been pushing themsleves deep inside a piece of drift wood i have. They dont come out all day. I dont know if they have been eating or...
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    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    Thanks to those who have helped out. My CO2 problem seems to be solved.
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    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    For the Eheim unit, I am using two pads (a blue one and a white one), this bunch of elbow looking things, and two bag fulls of rocks. Does that sound okay? Also, by using this new filter and those two co2 units, should my co2 problem be finally controlled? It's still the same level as it was...
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    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    My filter agitates the water surface way too much, so my friend just gave me an Eheim 2215 filter to try out. What do you guys think about that filter? My filter is 30G, Am I going to possibly over-filtrate the tank? Please leave any comments
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    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    Your explanation sounds good to me.... I'll give it a shot. Thanks PS: x2
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    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    Are you sure about the bio-wheel? I heard it is a must for bacterias and such... My water is in the highest level also I explained above that I bought a new co2 system (Red Sea's) that's because it just gave up on me one day... Well, I'm sick of this problem so I had time today after work to...
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    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    I understand that by having a canister filter I'd be better off since there wouldn't be much agitation on the surface. But would that fix the problem I am currently having? Thanks
  34. T

    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    Had no idea filters would have such an impact on co2 levels... I'm actually using a Penguin Bio-Wheel 200, but like I said before, I have very little cash right now and hope my solution is a few bucks away. Any other suggestions?
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    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    Thanks for the reply. The tester I have measures the co2 exactly like the one in the link. I've had the same set-up co2 and reader (Red Sea's) for months now. It used to work fine, giving me "green" readings and I changed the liquid in the tester in order to keep the readings accurate, I even...
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    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    ...... If you mean how much, then 2.75 WPG and it's on for 11 hours a day
  37. T

    Carbon Dioxide (co2) Question

    Hello, I have a 30G fish tank and my water currently has a pH of 6.8-7.0 and a kH of 3-4 (Which gives me a CO2 level of 10.5, which is green). I've been injecting CO2 through Red sea's Turbo CO2 system for the last week now and thought I had enough CO2 in the water but apparently my plants...
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    I Dont Wanna Do C02 But I Want Plants.

    Co2 like said before is not needed but much better if present. Check out Red Sea's "DIY" kit. I personally own it, and it takes a second to set it up. You change the mix every 30 days or so. Very little maintenance.
  39. T

    Where To Buy Plants Online

    You should take a look at the pinned threads first. Good luck with the new tank
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    Which Lighting Promotes Plant Growth Best

    How about reading the pinned thread?