Ich Meds And Plants?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2006
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United States of AMERICA
I have two clown loaches. One of which just came down with ich. They regularly reside in my 30 gallon enriched substarte planted tank(ass. swords, congrensis, java fern, westeria, versanilla etc) with drift wood. I also have some neons, a dwarf puffer(who is completly non-aggressive. so please dont tell me to rid of him, hes happy in the tank) and a pleco. I do 10% weekly water changes and vaccums. my stats in that tank are no nh3 or nh4 or ammonia with a 6.8 ph. I didnt want the loach to infect the other fish or allow the ich to spread or grow in my main tank so i removed the infected clown and put him in a small 3 gallon hospital tank alone. (Hes only about 2'' so dont worry about him feeling too confined) Anyways, hes always been the more nervous of the two loaches, and seems very upset now that he has been taken away form his pal. Ive provided some hiding spots in the hospital tbak but he still seems unhappy and isnt visibly eating. Its bene two days now. The stats in the hospital tank are no nh3 or nh4 and ammonia, and a 7 ph. Temp is at 82( same as main tank) Should i put the other loach in with him in order to reduce his stress level? I was thinkng it may help him to heal faster. I also have this post posted in the emergancy section and was told to do teh opposite; they said it might be better to put the loach back in my reg tank and treat it all together. Im using API's super ick cure at half dose and im worried that i use it in my planted tank it will effect my plants . . . What do you guys think is my best bet? Thanks for the advice.
If there is ich in a tank all the fish need to be treated, the parasite may not be seen on infected fish it can be present on the gills. I don’t remember any noticeable problems for the plants when I had to treat my tank. The worst thing for the loach is that you treat and cure it and it goes back to an infected tank only to get infected again.
My two pence, I would return the loach and treat the whole tank, though it would mean more prolonged treatment for the little loach, hope fish and plants all survive.

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