Feeding Suggestions

you could give cucumber a try, attach it to the screwcumber.

basically anything that goes to the bottom of the tank.

im not sure if clowns like sinking pellets
For some reason the Loaches have been eating a whole lot lately. I guess they decided to come out a little more often. They won't eat cucumbers tho, I've tried before.

About the DP, I don't know which kind of snails to get, but I'll stop by the fish store tonight and see what they got. I just kinda doubt he'll eat them. I bet the Loaches will eat em all in a matter of minutes.

I have a 3G tank and was thinking of putting him in there for a while if he doesn't start eating. What do you guys think?
My Dps used to eat bloodworm and occasionally daphnia.
I agree with everyone about keeping one in a community tank. I kept some in my tank and they were fine for a couple of months, then I noticed most of my fish had been nipped at. Had to take the DPs back and now my fish are fine.
...not trying to sound like an ass but could you please address the question? If all you have to say is that my tank is too small or that Puffers are aggressive, please don't waste your time posting...
Anyways, I'll be happy to try Pond snails, i'm just worried it's not going to work and the other fish will end up eating all of them anyways. Besides, there's no real way of knowing the Puffer ate them. Suggestions?
I did actually try and answer your question!
People are only trying to help......never mind!
other fish will end up eating all

I dont think youll have aproblem with your neons or your pleco eating the snails. The loaches might give them a try mine love snails. But it wouldnt hurt trying.

And do you watch your fish after you turn they're light off?
mabey he'll come out later to feed while others are are more dosile. I dont know much about Dps but i cant see trying the snails will hurt your situation, unless they overrun your tank like they do to so many of us. But they arnt hard to deal with plus i figure they're free food for your loaches, and if the puffer enjoys them then great. I dont know if ive been any help but i think you should try some malasian trumpet snails, i havnt known them to get too big, they are also good substrate cleaners and i rather like they're spiral shell.

But its your tank and my 2 cents.

My dwarf puffers eat frozen bloodworm.At first I had to wean them onto it by using live bloodworm.They will not go for frozen brine shrimp however yet love live ones.

Has your DP got a full or sunken belly?Small ramshorn snails are good for puffers but they should not be larger than the DP's eye.I keep a bucket with weed off-cuts in it in which I have an endless supply of ever breeding snails.

My puffers sleep at lights out-sometimes even before,depending what mood they are in!

Bad move keeping them with another larger snail lover though,I have successfully kept other fish such as corries with mine but eventually moved them to a species tank.
I did actually try and answer your question!
People are only trying to help......never mind!

Dude, I'm not only talking about you...like you said, you at least answered my question, some people just post the common unnecessary. I know everyone is trying to help tho.......

Anyways, I've been watching his behavior day in and out for the past 4 days and he's been as laid back as always. I hope he doesn't get evil one of these next nights.
Today, for my surprise, I tried feeding them bloodworms again and I've never seen the Puffer eat like that. I fed them at noon, and he had at least 3 worms and same just now. I'm really happy.
I'll try the snails this weekend, and hope to keep getting lucky with the bloodworms.
I think you will find that once DPs "discover" a food they will love it forever-it's just the initial introducing it to them thats the pain!
If you want to see some real DP carnage try some live daphnia or brine shrimp and watch those bellies grow!

Good luck!
Aside from pond snails, bloodworm (frozen) was all my DP would eat. I tried BBS and blackworms but she definately had a preference for the bloodworms. It's so funny to watch them slurp it up like spaghetti! :lol:
get a small species tank for the DP, as advised numerous times in here, theres reasons why people dont recommend them for community tanks. Usually when a fish gets agressive or isnt feeding right its because its not happy with its surroundings. Either look after them correctly or not atall.

Also check: http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/Fishindx/puf-trav.htm

I'd get it a tank of its own (doesnt have to be huge) 10 gallons should do it (dont take my word for this though), feed live bloodworms to get it feeding them wein it onto frozen as a staple. Let this be a lesson - do your research and don't impulse buy. Good luck, hope he perks up
Before bloodworms, he'd eat some shrimp every 2 days or so, but now he eats so much bloodworms.... even if the Loaches are fighting for it, he'll be in the middle getting some.
I'm glad I found his favorite food. The only thing left to do is get him snails and hope he snacks on them too.

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