Search results

  1. J

    Green Algae Eating Shrimp

    yes they look like that
  2. J

    Pictus Catfish

    thanks i figured they would harm my shrimp thanks again
  3. J

    Pictus Catfish

    i have always wanted a pictus catfish and im thinking of getting one but i was sondering if the pictus will do any harm to my bamboo shrimp i know they will attack smaller fish but what bout my shrimp are they safe or no?
  4. J

    Shrimp Moulting

    one of my bamboo shrimp moulted for the first time and im not sure if i should take the dead skin out of the tank or should i leave it what should i do?
  5. J

    Green Algae Eating Shrimp

    i was at my LPS today and i saw a new addition they were called green algae shrimp and were very tiny and green of coarse they were very active and i thought bout getting 2 or 3 but i want to have some information on them first so does anyone have any information on these shrimp??
  6. J


    in my experience all types of tetras or even danios mix together i have had both fish and the different types would work out fine with each other
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    Rock Shrimp

    my shrimp also love the bamboo plant i bought for them so u could think bout getting a bamboo plant my lps said that the bamboo resembles their natural habitat
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    Saltwater Or Freshwater

    thanks and im not planning to put marine salt in my water and i have had my tank set up for bout 4 months with aquarium salt in it and my pleco has not showed signs of being harmed does this mean he is prob. fine?
  9. J

    Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

    yeah i know im planning to start a salt water tank with clown fish and shrimp and like tangs and there are all around 15 besides the shrimp and also are amano shrimp fine in freshwater?
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    Saltwater Or Freshwater

    the box says "Benefits: API aquarium salt provides essential electrolytes freshwater fish need to reach peak coloration and vitality." so are my fish in any danger? and my fish seem more active when the salt is added
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    lol very true lol
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    yeah i was thinking bout that thanks
  13. J


    bout 4 months
  14. J

    Saltwater Or Freshwater

    the salt i put in the water is aquarium salt is this the same as marine salt?? and i read that danios especially prefer salt water to freshwater
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    he is prob. around 4 1/2 to 5 inches
  16. J


    yes he is the pleco in my 20 gallon
  17. J

    Say Hello To My New Babies

    very cool.............. could name them bonnie and clyde lol
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    his dorsal is huge im not to sure why its funny when i tap the glass he will look at me and raise his dorsal pretty cool
  19. J

    Rock Shrimp

    i have two of those shrimps and in my LPS they are called marble shrimp which i later found out was the same as rock/bamboo/ singapore shrimp. Anyways mine like to hide during the day and come out at night becasue they are nocturnal the also turn a reddish tint at night and are very active
  20. J

    Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

    i live in AZ and for awile i have wanted a skunk cleaner shrimp i think it is so cool how they clean the other fish so i searched around town and found them at a privately owned shop and there were being sold for about $$27 is this a normal price for these shrimp????
  21. J

    Saltwater Or Freshwater

    in my tank i have danios a pleco and two marble shrimp when i went to buy my shrimp i saw that they needed aquarium salt in their water so with a little research i found out that fresh water fish can survive in a salt water tank so i added the salt and all my fish are doing great, they are...
  22. J

    Shrimp Acting Weird

    thanks so no harm will come from it and thanks again
  23. J

    Cleaner Shrimp Gone!?

    my shrimp always hide in my plants and i can not find them at all they are very good hiders sometimes i have not been able to find mine for like 2 days then ill see them
  24. J

    Shrimp Acting Weird

    one of my bamboo shrimps is moving the little legs on his tail like non stop and he doesnt look good he just sits on the rock and moves those legs as if he is gonna swim but he doesnt is this a problem or is he just doing this for whatever. Anyone have any ideas??????
  25. J


    thank u i also fixed it on another topic also pretty cool huh??
  26. J


    better link for pleco pic
  27. Pleco.JPG


  28. J


    my favorite fish in my tank [/url][/img]
  29. J

    Cool Spotted Pleco

    Here he is
  30. J

    Cool Spotted Pleco

    Here he is
  31. J

    Zebra Danios And Spotted Danios?

    i have three diff types of danios in my tank , blue, gold and zebra and they all school together fine so i doubt u will have a prob. with yours
  32. J


    I have two marble shrimp and after doind some research i found out the marble, bamboo, and singapore shrimp are very similiar. So are these shrimp diff or are all the same shrimp just with a diff name???
  33. J

    Spotted Pleco

    My pleco is a very cool fish with a distinct personalitiy. He acts as if he knows me like he will raise his upper fin when he sees me and he wont do this for anyone else. Is it possible that he knows who i am?
  34. J

    Spotted Pleco

    here is a picture of my pleco he is a very cool fish with a distinct personalitiy. He acts as if he knows me like he will raise his upper fin when he sees me and he wont do this for anyone else. Is it possible that he knows who i am?
  35. J

    Marble Shrimp

    awile ago i purchased two marble shrimp from my LPS they are working out fine and after a little research i found out that marble, bamboo, and singapore shrimp look fairly similar. I was wondering if these shrimps are the same but just with diff. names or if they are all slightly different in...
  36. J

    Marble Shrimp

    i just bought two marble shrimp to go in my tank and they are fasinatingand i was just wondering if anyone has experience or knows anything more about these shrimp
  37. J

    Spotted Pleco Too Big

    I bought a 20 gallon tank a few months ago and after awile i bought a SM spotted pleco and since that time he has grown and grown and grown and now he is very large i was wonderinggrowing so much?? because i do not want him to grow out of the 20 gallon tank because i dont have room for anything...