

New Member
Jul 5, 2006
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Simple question, I had 5 rummy nose tetras, now only got 2 :(

Do all types of tetras mix, so can I get some some Lemon, Sivertip and Jewel ones, so that they can shoal, or do I need to get more rummies

in my experience all types of tetras or even danios mix together i have had both fish and the different types would work out fine with each other
Really, you should get more Rummy Nose tetras! They like to have at least 6 of their own species. Even if they don't always shoal, they like to have the safety of numbers there. Once you've got 6 Rummy Nose Tetras, why not then get 6 more tetras, such as lemon or silvertip (if you've got the room).
our rummys & cardinals dont really shoal together but all hang around the same areas of the tank together quite happily.
we did have a lonely neon survivor (long story) who used to go for a swim every now & again with his cardinal tankmates but then he didnt have much of a choice really!
personally id get some more rummys as they are much happier in bigger groups.

I have 6 Neon Tetras and 4 Zebra Danios and they are all inseperable. They are always schooling together in fact it is very unusual when you dont see them together.


I have 6 Neon Tetras and 4 Zebra Danios and they are all inseperable. They are always schooling together in fact it is very unusual when you dont see them together.

in my fist tank i had cadinals , rummys, and glowlights and the cardinals and glowlights seemed to shoal but not the rummys. :D
I wish I could find some cardinals at one of the lfs around here.

I have 5 black neons and they school almost all the time with my 7 zebra danios. It's pretty cool to watch.
i find cardinals are very common around were i live, even more common then neons in fact.
My tetras only school with the same kind most of the time.
I'm about to the limit of where I want to stock, so I'll have to wait until I convince my wife I need another tank :) When I do, though, I think I'm going to mail order some of cardinals.

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