Search results

  1. B

    Silver Tip Tetra

    Hi , i dont mean to put you of them but my dad got 5 of them, and 1 male kept all the tetras and his guppys traped up one end by every time a fish tryed to move towards the middle of the tank he would chase them back .He took them back after a week because the male did not seem to be acting any...
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    Full Tank Clean And Q About Mollies

    Hi, when you say a full tank clean, do you mean the gravel, and have you got a under gravel filter if so you need to by a gravel cleaner from your lfs .Ime no expert but by putting your molli in soletery ,idont think it will change its mind and not attack your plec ,hope that helps boff :fish:
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    Help Please

    Hi welcome ,like McMurray said test your water it sounds like your ammonia and nitrite levels are high .I had the same problem when i first set up my tank, and my 10 black widows were the only fish not to suffer .Ive since found out that they are a realy strong fish good, lucK boff. :good:
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    Hi try poasting your question about your molly as a new topic more people will see it . :good:
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    Pale Clown Loach

    Hi, thanks for the reply its good to know that somebody has seen the same thing as me .I would hate it if i was doing something wrong and hurting him thanks again Boff. :drinks:
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    Hey There

    Hi ,welcome to the forums ,there are lots of people that know alot but everybodys advice is good .I see you have a frog, i allso have a frog in my 220l communty tank its a green congo frog ,do you think they need friends or there not bothered because i dont see mine for days sometimes, but he...
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    Hi when you put your heater in did you leave it for 30 mins before turning it on ,to set its self to the water temp ,well thats wot i had to do with mine . :)
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    Whats Goin On Everyone

    Hi welcome,your idea sounds nice good luck :cool:
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    Pale Clown Loach

    Hi i have 3 clown loaches in my 45uk gallon community tank ,2 are 3 inches and 1 is just i bit smaller .One of the bigger loaches is very pale he was like it when i got him about six months ago he is still very attive and is allways out playing .I thought if i gave him lots of bloodworm and a...
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    Hi i dont know how long it takes to not be a newbie but to stop you having to write all of your fish each time if you click on to your name where it says logged in as then click edit my profile and write it in my aquariums & fish which is at bottom of page .If you want a picture next to your...
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    Your First Fish.

    i have 2 of them as well and they do grow fast. :)
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    Good Morning!

    Hi that should be ok ,it has to be deep because they can grow to be 10inches in deepth a friend sed to me that they will need 10gallon per fish hope this helps . :)
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    Nano Diary

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    Good Morning!

    hi wot depth tank are you going to get because angles will need a 24 inch deep tank good luck anyway. :D
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    Rainbow Fish

    Hi he is proberly loney, because rainbows prefer to shoal with others of their kind, 6 is a good amount .I have reds and bowsman 4 of each and they are stunning fish . ;)
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    Horse Head Loach

    hi i do know that these loaches are shy, but all you see of him is his face sticking out off the gravel and like you say loaches do seem to enjoy others of the same so it seems he will have to get one more .If you go to you will find a picture of one cheers boff.
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    Horse Head Loach

    hi my dad has just bought a horse head loach ,the bloke in the shop said that he would be fine by himself,i was wondering if they ars like clown loaches that the more you have the happier they are thanks for any help .
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    Many Types Of Fish In Tank!

    hi you could try some threadfin rainbows they are mellow but should be kept in groups of at least 4.
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    Siemease Fighting Fish

    thanks alot
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    Siemease Fighting Fish

    hi ime new to keeping fish and have 1 male siemease fighting fish in my community tank,is there any way of putting more males in the tank which is 50gallon uk cheers .
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    Tank Decorating Tips For A New Guy

    hi i know wot you mean its difficult to know how much to put in i think it depends on wot fish you want to put in if they they need lots of room to swim or if they need places to hide ime going to put some slate in mine because it look good then wet i cant put to many plants in because my plecs...
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    Clown Loaches - hand-feeding?

    just out of interest wot do you feed your clowns
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    Clown Loach Tank

    hi ime new to all this and every body is saying that clown loaches will grow to 12 inches but how long will that take when they grow so slow i have 3 in my 220l commuinty tank