Clown Loach Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2006
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Ive been reading alot on clown loach and every were I read it says they get very big. Every time I read a post about someone with one people always say something like "you really should have a bigger tank because they will outgrow yours" so my question to you folk is how big a tank is big enough for a fully grown clown loach? And I know they like groups so lets say we had six of them.
Umm..well depends on how much you want to push it. I would think the absolute minimum would be 75 gallons. I would never keep a clown, even a small one, in anything smaller than that, for fear it would be stunted. Then once they get to about 4 inches or so, I would say 120 gallons at least. Fully grown, the bigger the better. One of these days, I'd like to get some clowns, hopefully before I get to the point where they would outlive me. I'm already pushing it seeing as they have a lifespan of 40 or 50 years. Can you imagine a 75 year old woman doing water changes for her 50 year old fish? Haha! :lol: But I digress.
It's also a matter of timeliness, I have seen it reported that Clowns take 20 years to reach full size, and know from first hand experience just how slow they grow. I can't remember the last time I saw a clown for sale larger than 8" and have only once seen a sinlge one larger than 10".

For full adult size I would want a 6x2x2 for a group of 6, but for a number of years they would be happy in a tank far smaller than that.
It's also a matter of timeliness, I have seen it reported that Clowns take 20 years to reach full size, and know from first hand experience just how slow they grow. I can't remember the last time I saw a clown for sale larger than 8" and have only once seen a sinlge one larger than 10".

For full adult size I would want a 6x2x2 for a group of 6, but for a number of years they would be happy in a tank far smaller than that.

Yes, I agree.
there are a couple of clown loaches at the london aquarium and they are HUGE well over a foot long! obviously ex pets from someones home tank.....its nice to see them in a huge tank enjoying themselves and i suppose it must be nice for the ex owners to see their pets happy in an environment that suits them :D
i think someone did mention it takes years and years and years for clown loaches to grow "to big for your tank" unless u got them in a matchbox sized tank.

Large clown loaches are not common as much as it used to for a few reasons really.

Clown loaches only get imported as one to two inches as it si cheaper for them to send them over here, i mean think of it, one 8 inch loach tkaes the space of say eight smaller loaches. and price wise the smaller ones makes more money as not all people want this huge loach (besides me, id love some bigger loaches...).

I have some great documentation with regards to the history of clown loaches on my pc, but wont publish it, afraid id bore you to death with it.
I have some great documentation with regards to the history of clown loaches on my pc, but wont publish it, afraid id bore you to death with it.
Well, you know, there are those of us who wouldn't be bored. :hyper: Feel free to PM me if you're just bursting to share! I'm sitting on the edge of my seat. :D
hi ime new to all this and every body is saying that clown loaches will grow to 12 inches but how long will that take when they grow so slow i have 3 in my 220l commuinty tank
I have had my 6 clowns for roughly 10 years and they live in a 80gal tank.The biggest is just shy of 7" and the smallest about 5".
I have had my 6 clowns for roughly 10 years and they live in a 80gal tank.The biggest is just shy of 7" and the smallest about 5".

How big were they when you got them and are they all the same age?

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