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    Whats a good site for looking up fish?

    try this
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    no gravel and fish going crazy

    Also, check your 1 gal tank. Is it cycled?
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    help the re-cycling by adding some gravel from a matured tank and you can use "Amquel+" to lower Nitrates. Make sure its not the regular Amquel but the "Amquel+". You can also buy BioSpira sold at your local LFS. Thats live bacteria that they keep refrigerated. It helps cycle your tank faster...
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    Tank will not cycle

    you need some kind of biological filter to start with... Then you can either take some gravel from a matured tank from your LFS or a friend or you can buy this product called BioSpira also sold at your LFS. It contains live bacteria. It worked for me. Good luck.
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     my huma trigger died a day after i got him,

    User Paragon II for ICH
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    just got the angel fish day before yesterday.

    Feed your angel fish live or frozen bloodworms
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    Long Fin Rosey Barbs Nipping At Each Other

    Would they need to be with exactly their kind or would they shoal with tiger barbs too?
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    Long Fin Rosey Barbs Nipping At Each Other

    Hi, I just bought 2 Long Fin Rosey Barbs today approx 1.5 inch. I currently have them in my 20 gal quarantine tank and now they're constantly chasing each other around and nipping at each other. They were getting along just fine with the other barbs at the LFS. Do you think I need more than 2...
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    Can anyone recommend a good submersible filter?

    Im looking for a good submersible power filter for my 25 gal quaranteen tank. Anyone know of any? Thanks :D
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    Hood lights heating water

    Thanks all :D I guess I shouldnt be too worried.. I think the room temperature may be a factor as well. Winter is around the corner and things should cool off a bit.
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    Hood lights heating water

    but do i have to worry about heat fluctuation? its normally between 79 and 82 but most of the time no less than 80 degrees.
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    Hood lights heating water

    I have the Eclipse 3 Aquarium hood on a 37 gal tank (has approx 30 US gals of water in it) and it has the standard fluorescent lights that give off a little heat but does'nt seem too much. Without plugging in my heater, my water temp ranges from 80 to 82 degrees. I dont have any fish in it yet...
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    Major Ammonia Spike!

    I was thinking about using Bio-spira too, let me know about your results.
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    Albino glowlight tetras

    This site gives some info on Glowlights, I dont know about the albino though.
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    Preventive Maintenance

    Hi everyone, Here's a question to the pro's. This is a link to a list of meds for different type of fish ailments. Would you recommend any of these products to use as a preventive measure to stay safe or should I only use these if I have a problem...
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    Hagen 88 heater

    best advice i can give you is just keep your eye on the thermometer and adjust the dial to whichever gives you a constant 80 degrees F. Simple as that.
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    Where can I get pure ammonia?

    phishphood, Here's a good way to cycle your tank. I found this at a fish store... I dont know many fish stores selling it but you can ask... Its called "Bio-Spira" by Marineland Labs. ( This product is the real thing and if you can find it, you will see that it comes...
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    Gravel Change

    Here is the link to your first post of this subject in case you want to read what others wrote:
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    How do you get Scratches off a glass tank???

    As far as I know, you can find some chems that will polish out very light scratches but if you run your finger over the scratch and you can feel it, its probably too deep and needs to be buffed out with a machine.
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    New 20 gallon

    he wants fresh water not salt water fish :lol:
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    Drinking water instead of tap

    I did check for nitrites, it was fine. I was stressing about the PH however. I dont have fish right now, Im currently cycling my tank. But yeah, my tap water is like 8.6 or somewhere close to 9 and I dont want to have to put in any chems that mess with PH. I went ahead and got the drinking...
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    Where Can I Find Blue Crayfish? *California*

    All other crayfish and some blue crayfish will attack your fish... the species "Procambarus Alleni" is supposed to be the one thats ok for your tank of fish. They are from florida. If you happen to find that species, ask the LFS about it.
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    Compatible Aggressive Species

    Well, the main reason Im kinda sticking with the shrimp over the firemouth is because my girlfriend has been wanting the ghostshrimp for a long time now. she thinks they're the cutest thing :blink: I had a cichlid tank before and wasnt able to get shrimp but I promissed her I'll get...
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    Eelzor, Here's a good way to cycle your tank. I found this at a fish store... I dont know many fish stores selling it but you can ask... Its called "Bio-Spira" by Marineland Labs. ( This product is the real thing and if you can find it, you will see that it comes in a...
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    Compatible Aggressive Species

    Yeah i guess you're right... hmm... I guess no firemouth then :(
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    I dont mean to sound insensitive but.... As much as I like owning fish, I like fishing at a lake. When Im done fishing, I take the fish home and they're dead from being left out of the water. I know you all are going to hate me for this but IMO, if your fish is THAT bad and incurable, AND is...
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    Compatible Aggressive Species

    The zebra & yoyo loach look real nice, I just looked up their pics. I think I'll get one or the other if not both :P I was thinking about a few ghost shrimp in the tank. I asked this guy at the fish shop if ghost shrimp would be bothered by a bottom dweller catfish and he told me that if I get...
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    Blue Crayfish

    I've checked 2 petco's around here and sevaral fish stores, none have them. Im pretty confused now about the temperment of these crayfish. Ive read online that the "Procambarus Alleni" wont harm community fish but this guy at fish store i went today said that all crayfish will attack any bottom...
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    Where Can I Find Blue Crayfish? *California*

    Hi, does anyone know where I can find blue crayfish? "Procambarus Alleni" species. I live in Los Angeles, CA. Thanks!
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    Blue Crayfish

    Hi, does anyone know where I can find blue crayfish? "Procambarus Alleni" species. I live in Los Angeles, CA. Thanks!
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    Compatible Aggressive Species

    I want to thank everyone for their advice. This is by far the best forum I've visited due to the fact that there are so many nice people here. Yes Squimps, im mainly interested in color and uniqueness physically. I just want to keep nice looking fish that dont look like feeder goldfish (not to...
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    Do I Need A Sponge Filter?

    Hi everyone, I have a 37 gal tank with an Eclipse 3 hood that has both the standard carbon filter and a biowheel filter system. Would it be a good idea to buy a sponge filter as an addition? The biowheel is supposed to allow bacteria to form within it and from what I've read, the sponge...
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    Compatible Aggressive & Semi-Aggressive Species

    Hi everyone! Ok, here's my situation... Im a novice/intermediate fish keeper... I have a 37 gal tank 30x12x22 (if im not mistaking) and all accessories... From what I've seen from visits to various pet shops and photos, in my opinion, freshwater aggressive and semi-aggressive species fish are...
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    Compatible Aggressive Species

    Hi everyone! Ok, here's my situation... Im an novice/intermediate fish keeper... I have a 37 gal tank 30x12x22 (if im not mistaking) and all accessories... From what I've seen from visits to various pet shops and photos, in my opinion, freshwater aggressive and semi-aggressive species fish...