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  1. C

    Poll: How Often Do You Feed You Fish?

    Had to do other, my smaller fry get fed 3 or 4 times a day, older fry are now down to twice a day same as my adults but I also starve them for half a day and vary the meals I give them all :)
  2. C

    Testing Nitrates

    You're welcome the one i have only has pH, NH3/NH4, NO3 and NO2, its one my lfs recommended
  3. C

    Testing Nitrates

    Hi looking at the numbers it doesn't have the nitrate test with it, you'd need something to test NO3 which you should be able to buy as a package in a master test kit or seperately, as you have a test kit which tests the majority Id just buy one for nitrates/NO3 only and use that in...
  4. C

    How Can You Tell If Zebra Danio's Are Pregnant?

    I've tried looking up some information now and from what i've read dropsy or symptons of it show with a number of things that can be wrong with your fish, some sites even said it isnt actually a disease on its own just signs that something is wrong with your fish be it physically, bacterially or...
  5. C

    What Food

    I normally use tetramin fry food, frozen baby brineshrimp and brine shrimp eggs, I have noticed while in a breeding trap they stay smaller and once released into my larger tank they soon grow
  6. C

    How Can You Tell If Zebra Danio's Are Pregnant?

    Hi It could be constipated, have a internal blockage or have dropsy (as others have mentioned). I'd try feeding shelled peas and see if that helps it out. All i do is defrost the peas for a little while, peel the shells off and squash the pea between fingers before dropping in the tank. I had...
  7. C

    Snail Eaters

    Hi. Im also in Plymouth UK. I got a few snails when I bought plants from endsleigh (plants gone now but snails haven't) and they are good at cleaning the tanks but I did notice that several more appeared quite quickly, if i notice them I squish them as the fish love to eat them but that got...
  8. C

    Why Are They Sooooo Small?

    that seems very tiny for their age my mollies which are roughly a similar size as adults are almost half the size of the adults and only a month old!, are you feeding them exclusively on baby brine shrimp? I know my guppies and mollies seemed to stay small in a breeding trap but once let loose...
  9. C

    Feeding Ring

    oooo I like that idea