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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Gav_B_UK

    Clear Out

    What's the rating on the Fluval 204 (i.e. what size tank)? Any idea's on price? What does it come with?
  2. Gav_B_UK

    Hey...i've Got A Garden Shed.....

    Hi All Tidied my large shed up at the weekend and realised I have a brilliant play room for myself. Found the local source nest for all spiders for the area (seems that way anyway) at the same time though and also the odd wasp coming and going (thinking possibility of a nest in the future)...
  3. Gav_B_UK

    Fluval Roma 240 For Sale

    Hi Matt Might be interested around guarantee, depends on the better you know, I'm very very close by, so assuming all OK, would be quickly taken away on request. What sort of price you looking for? Would you mind posting some pics up? Cheers Gav
  4. Gav_B_UK


    Thanks both.... Other part of the concern was harmful stuff to me...i.e. legionnaires.
  5. Gav_B_UK


    Further to my other post about salty to FW....2 of my tanks have been sat with water in and not pumping for almost 18 months. I'm nervous that as they are still water and stagnant (although salty) that all sorts of nasty bacteria could be in them and consequently want to Detol the water to kill...
  6. Gav_B_UK

    Leicestershire Anyone?

    No idea yet....still very very early on....Not even sure if the stand on the tank in the shed is still fit for purpose as it's been out there 2 years and it's currently buried. I cant imagine it'll be anything too taxing or too expensive as it's all come out of the love that my little girl has...
  7. Gav_B_UK

    Leicestershire Anyone?

    roughly translated.....2 dead marine tanks that sit in the garage with sand and water in (and some old live rock)....1 empty tank in the shed.....going back to FW as it'll be easier to manage with a little one in she loves the fish shop! Extra daddy bonus points for something I love...
  8. Gav_B_UK

    Do We Have Any Pc Experts Amongst Us?

    You probably need to make the C: drive a dynamic drive (if that's possible - it's in the list of options but my C: is the full drive size). Again, I will re-iterate that messing with drive partitions can lead to data loss/system failure. You can install the OS more than once and you'll get a...
  9. Gav_B_UK

    Leicestershire Anyone?

    LE9 - Broughton Astley (yet to get a tank running again though - I do have 2 brackish swamps and 1 evaporated oasis though)
  10. Gav_B_UK

    Salty To Non-Salty

    I'm still wondering how she managed to fit herself in the tank..... :lol: I obviously meant Coraline.
  11. Gav_B_UK

    Salty To Non-Salty

    Hi All Been poking around on and off for a few years as I've too'd and throw'd between Salty water and non-salty water. I currently haven't got a tank set up but have 3 around the house in various states. However, my 2 year old is obsessed with fish now (her first word was fish) and the better...
  12. Gav_B_UK

    Urgent - Bad Case Of Pop-eye

    Thanks for the reply...haven't tried either yet....missed the LFS...forgot it was a bank holidy !! DOH!!! I'll give them a of them at a time eh!
  13. Gav_B_UK

    Urgent - Bad Case Of Pop-eye

    I have a Ram with a bad case of pop-eye. It has developed over the course of a week and it is now in a hospital tank. However, I don't know what to treat it with. Any ideas??? Need to know urgently as going to the pet shop shortly to get some bits. Thanks in advance.
  14. Gav_B_UK

    Another Stocking Question

    Hi I have a tank which is 40 x 20 x 20 which I think is around 50 Gallon if worked out correctly. I think I may be at the right stock level or maybe a bit over. I have the following fish in there: 5 x Leopard Corydoras 6 x Neon Tetra 3 x Golden Ram 3 x Angel Fish (very young, as not to eat...
  15. Gav_B_UK

    First Fish...

    Thanks for that... I just checked out some pictures of Peppered Corys. They aren't similar to them. I've put a link below of what they look like: Leopard Corydoras
  16. Gav_B_UK

    First Fish...

    My tank finally cycled this week, and a did a 70% water change last night and rushed out this morning to get some fish. A bit stupid, but I didn'tplan....anyway, I got the following: 3 x Leopard Corydoras 6 x Neon Tetras They've been in for about 2 hours. So far the Tetras seem fine. 1 of...
  17. Gav_B_UK

    My Readings Have Become Odd

    Just taking my readings again.... Ammonia has increased again to 2.4ppm Nitrite has now decreased to 0.1ppm Whats going on???
  18. Gav_B_UK

    My Readings Have Become Odd

    I've recently posted a few queries regarding my fishless cycle. For about 2 weeks now it has had a nitrite reading of around 1.6ppm, with ammonia of 0 and a nitrate level of 110ppm+. Everyday I've been adding a dose of ammonia to keep the ammonia eating bacteria fed and 24 hours later my...
  19. Gav_B_UK

    Cycle Stuck

    That's why you have to love and hate forums..... Thanks for both of you for the reply....I'm going to do a bit of both. I am busy for the next 3 that will take me to 2 1/2 no time to do water changes due to Open Uni commitments. If there's no sign by then, I'll then look...
  20. Gav_B_UK

    Need Advice...

    I'm newish...but according to what I have read, you should only keep the single goldfish in the 20 Gallon tank. The 4 gallon tank was way too small for the goldfish to even be fully happy on its own. In other words, you were way over stocked with the 4 gallon tank, and with the 20 gallon tank...
  21. Gav_B_UK

    Cycle Stuck

    I've been cycling my tank for almost 3 weeks now using a fishless cycle. About 14 days ago my nitrite peaked at 3.3ppm. The following day it dropped to 1.6ppm and has been stuck there ever since. Nitrates hit 110ppm+ as the nitrite peaked. Ammonia was 0 every day prior to the nitrites...
  22. Gav_B_UK

    Need Quick Replys!

    I think it contains stuff that wouldnt be good for an aquarium, from what I've read in the past. Apparently something to do with what its used for. Best to go to argos and get some play sand!!
  23. Gav_B_UK

    Cycling And Algea

    Thanks for the help... Does anyone know why my plants are going brown also?? Is the diatoms causing them problems??? I say this as they don't look that great.
  24. Gav_B_UK

    Help With Plants Please.

    personally, I've put mine straight in to the substrate. Don't forget to remove any lead weight or at least loosen it...otherwise it will cause problems in the long run, as it has with mine!
  25. Gav_B_UK

    Cycling And Algea

    I'm currently at the end of my second week of fishless cycling. My ammonia level drops to 0 every day but my nitrites are stuck at 1.6ppm for the last 4 days after peaking at 3.3ppm for a day. Is this normal?? Secondly, I am getting a brown algae forming on the glass of the tank and it also...
  26. Gav_B_UK

    Proper Level Of Water

    Its basically saying not to seal the tank. You'll find some tanks have cross members in that people use to support sliding covers, and the side glass goes up above these cross members (I had a large reef tank in this style). If you were using condensation covers and supported these with the...
  27. Gav_B_UK

    Lowering Ph

    What methods can I use to lower PH??? It is currently 8. The LFS recommended I used a powder which I use with my tap water when doing water changes. It basically does all the usual dechrorination stuff, plus targets the water to a neutral PH. Thanks in advance....
  28. Gav_B_UK

    Using Rain Water

    Just wondering if using rain water as a source of water for a fish tank is acceptable. The rain would be collected from a 'felt' roof on a shed in to a container such as a plastic bin. It would probably take a while between each complete collection, so it may be in the bin for a while...but...
  29. Gav_B_UK

    Gravel Change

    I recently started my setup. I've added flourite and cover it with sand. I wash the flourite at a rate of about 1/4 of a 7kg bag at a time. Wash it through and through probably 20 times a 1/2. It was still cloudy at the end but not as bad as when I started.... I put that in the tank, and a...
  30. Gav_B_UK

    Soaking Bog Wood

    Thanks for that.... I've been soaking mine in straight tap water. Will this cause problems???
  31. Gav_B_UK

    Soaking Bog Wood

    Hi I've had my bog wood in soak for a week now. I've been changing the water in the bucket twice a day. However, the water is yellow again by the time I change it each time. Is there something I'm doing wrong?? Would it be quicker to put it in the tank now??? Thanks
  32. Gav_B_UK

    Stocking Question

    I would say you were border line myself...may be a little over stocked....I'm not too sure...there again, I'm only researching myself at the minute while my tank is cycling. I think the rule of thumb is 1" of adult fish per gallon for the usual smaller fish. It wouldnt apply that you can put a...
  33. Gav_B_UK

    Will Plants Grow On A Sandy Bottom ?

    I'm no expert...but I'm sure they will grow if deep enough. Most people use a combination of substrates. For example, I've used an inch of Flourite as a base, then an inch of Sand on top of that.
  34. Gav_B_UK

    Aren't These Readings Odd!

    Sorry...didn't explain correctly....I'm about 5 days in to a fishless cycle. I understand the nitrates should go up...but by 40ppm in a day??
  35. Gav_B_UK

    Aren't These Readings Odd!

    As the title states....aren't the readings in the chart below a little odd??? Can anyone explain this?
  36. Gav_B_UK

    Urgent Cycling And Nitrite Question

    I'm going probably make a silly long does it take you to get hungry??? If 4ppm ammonia is going within 24 hours...then they I would probably hazard a guess that it would be within 24 hours of your water change or after the ammonia has hit 0 (which ever you wait for)....may be...
  37. Gav_B_UK

    Tropical Fish With No Heater

    Guppies & Tetras are from around the north part of south not that far away....but, like you say its to do with the temperature although it does drop from a hot 32 degrees+ to around 25 degrees in the winter....Also, it was in Kingston where I saw them at my sister-in-laws...
  38. Gav_B_UK

    Tropical Fish With No Heater

    Well...I've seen it done in Jamaica. But I suppose that's near to where a lot of common Tropical fish naturally live.
  39. Gav_B_UK

    Possibly A Silly Question

    I've recently put some plants in my new tank. The plants had what looked like metal at the bottom...obviously to weight them. I don't think it should be...but should I have removed this metal before planting in my tank??? Thanks in advance...
  40. Gav_B_UK

    Initial Water Parameters

    So....can you clarify.... This is what I have currently done: - Add enough ammonia to reach 5ppm on day 1 (20ml of my solution). - On the second day I added the the same dosage again (20ml of my solution). - and I planned on each day after that on adding the same until I started to see...