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  1. T

    I'm Gonna Breed Guppies!

    Yeah were probally gonna get him his own 20gal. he is less than an inch right now :D (i jinxed my self now i got a zit on my chin :-(
  2. T

    21 Degrees

    Wait are you talking celcius,or ferinheit :no: pleas say celcius
  3. T

    Peppered Cory Mourning.

    ok kewl ill probally get him a few new girlfriends :hyper: is there any online place where i can buy some female peppered corys?
  4. T

    I'm Gonna Breed Guppies!

    Yep I definetley have about four local stores that would buy or trade for some guppy babies.
  5. T

    I'm Gonna Breed Guppies!

    Yep Shure have (and dont worry thats not a zit on my avatar its marker because i was making inspirational signs to hang up around my gold fish tank!!!0
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    I'm Gonna Breed Guppies!

    Thanks oh and i wasnt trying to give out advice sorry if it seeemed that way.~93@c3 !$ T(-)3 W@y~
  7. T

    Peppered Cory Mourning.

    Hi everybody I have(had) a pair of peppered cory's but the female has recently passed on they had several bunches of fry together all of which were eaten by our really big angelfish. But recently themale has seemed kindof depressed wouldbe ok to get hima new girlfriend or just let him ride...
  8. T

    Is She Pregnant

    Yep She definetly looks pregnant i would be making some romfor some new babies :D
  9. T

    I'm Gonna Breed Guppies!

    Hi everybody I'm new here and have always wanted to breed fish and guppies seem easiest.I already have experience in tropial fish we have a 20gal planted tank and and a 5 gallon planted goldfish bowl. So im thinking about getting two 20 gallon tanks with a sponge filter each and a heater they...