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  1. N

    Need Pleco Id

    Anyone know? I was thinking a Flash/Emperor Pleco, but I'm not sure.
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  3. N

    Am I Looking Into A Mirror?

    My 2 adult male Ptycochromis oligacanthus wondering if they're looking at themselves or....someone else?
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    Need A Pleco Id

    Looks like it! Thanks!
  5. Picture_1381.jpg


  6. N

    Need A Pleco Id

    He's about 5". Anyone know?
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    Very Sick Ptychochromis Oligacanthus

    Had to euthanize.
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    Very Sick Ptychochromis Oligacanthus

    This fish is incredible emaciated despite eating food on a regular basis. He was these long thread-like patches all over his body and on his fins. Not really sure what they are, some of them are as long as 1.5 cms. This all happened rather suddenly even though nothing has been added to the tank...
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    Thinking About It...

    Great, thanks. I'll check it out :)
  10. N

    Thinking About It...

    I'll be getting a 3 foot tank soon, at 33 gallons. Was wondering if it was possible to do African cichlids in a tank of this size? If so, suggestions are appreciated as I'm not familiar with Africa cichlids at ALL lol.
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    Cichlid Parental Care

    Wow. All I can say. For 2 days the parents of my Ptychochromis oligacanthus eggs were ever diligent in keeping their babies safe. Against all odds. I saw Mom slamming a fish twice her size into the sand repeatedly. I saw her beat the !@$# out of several other fish, whether larger or smaller. Dad...
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    Oli Fry

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    Oli Eggs Hatched! Yaaaay

    Yayayaya they hatched!! :lol: :lol:
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    Ptychochromis Oligacanthus Laid Eggs!

    I don't believe they have a common name. They're an endangered species from Madagascar, and I got them all from a great out of town friend. They aren't wild caught fish as far as I know, but they are close to it.
  15. N

    Oli Eggs Hatched! Yaaaay

    Thanks! Both parents are AWESOME parents. I have never been so impressed by fish lolol.
  16. N

    Oli Eggs Hatched! Yaaaay

    This video is dark, but about halfway through you can see mom laying eggs, and dad fertilizing them. Yahoo! They hatched!!!! So cute!
  17. N

    Ptychochromis Oligacanthus Laid Eggs!

    Thanks fo the comments. This morning the mother is VERY aggressive. She's hitting everyone hard who gets too close. I can almost hear the impacts. She's even attacking the dominant male, and winning. What an amazing fish! Most of the eggs look like they're still there. I figured out why both...
  18. N

    Ptychochromis Oligacanthus Laid Eggs!
  19. N

    Ptychochromis Oligacanthus Laid Eggs!

    Too cool! Came home from a long, boring day at work to eggs! Pics soon!
  20. N

    Possible Ich

    No one? Okay, how about this question: I know I don't have to use medications for ich, if indeed it is ich. So, after raising the temperature, how many tsps or tbsps of aquarium salt should I use per gallon?
  21. N

    Possible Ich

    Hey all. I just looked at my fish this morning, and most of them have these little white things that look like parasites on their fins. Very small, they look like grains of sand. On one fish, on the tail, they're like little cylinders. I have never had ich in my tank before, so I just want to...
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    Oli Courtship I love watching the domnant male 'herd' his female.
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    Another Ptychochromis Oligacanthus Pair

    I love this video :) The lighter male is defending the spawning sight (no eggs yet) while the darker female cleans it up.
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    King Of The Rock
  25. N

    Mystery Geophagus

    He's about 7". After looking at some pics, I do think he is Geophagus itapicuruensis. Thanks!
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    New Olis! (video Added)
  27. N

    Mystery Geophagus

    It might be Geophagus itapicuruensis, but the head looks too flat to me. Ideas?
  28. N

    New Olis! (video Added)

    Some pics of some new Olis. Please click on 'view full image' to get the best out of these pics. Ptychochromis oligacanthus : Dominant male, showing color already even though they were all put in the tank only about 6 or so hours ago: Him and his crew:
  29. N

    Cichlid Behavior

    I have 3 cichlids from Madagascar, and they are constantly picking sand up in their mouths and spitting it back out again. There is no obvious reason for this, as they don't appear to be digging anything, or eating anything. Is there a reason why they do this? I understand many cichlid species...
  30. N

    New 80 Gallon

    Hey thanks for the help guys! :good:
  31. N

    Best Eel For 80 Gallon

    Okay, thanks guys. Um...well, does anyone know where I would find one of these peacock eels? I have never seen them for sale at pet stores in my area.
  32. N

    Best Eel For 80 Gallon

    I'm still in the process of getting my 80 gallon together. But it will have a sandy substrate, and I really, really want an eel of some sort. It's no problem getting all the little holes in the cover covered. I'm just wondering which eel would be best. Tank dimensions are 48L 24T and 16W. Tank...
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    New 80 Gallon

    I do like sand, but how would one maintain it all in that size tank. Is there a website somewhere? I've tried sand before without a lot of luck.
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    New 80 Gallon

    I don't really know a whole lot about eels, but I would sure like to have one that didn't get too big. They've always been a favorite lolol. Woot, tomorrow I get to go and get some gravel and little hidey holes!
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    New 80 Gallon

    local hardware store, lol. Whole thing cost about 60 or so bucks!
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    New 80 Gallon

  37. N

    New 80 Gallon

    Almost done!
  38. N

    New 80 Gallon

    Yeah, that is very true lol. Too bad, though, as there is a 13+" one at a store near me. So cool lol! Ah, if only I had more room lolol.
  39. N

    New 80 Gallon

    Fire eels are really cool! But they'd get too big for my tank I think! I got it up and running this morning, phew! Load of work lolol. It looks good, though, and getting more gravel tomorrow, as well as some cool rocks. Pics coming soon.