New 80 Gallon


Apr 24, 2006
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I wish I'd taken some before pictures, but here it is. When I got it, it had algae EVERYWHERE lol.

I should have taken before pictures, but here is the tank after I cleaned it up to the best of my ability. It had algae EVERYWHERE lol. It has some scratches, but it holds water well. Tested it!

My fast growing juvie Madagascar cichlids are going into it. I'm sure they'll appreciate the extra space when they grow up and (hopefully) have some little ones.
Fire eels are really cool! But they'd get too big for my tank I think!
I got it up and running this morning, phew! Load of work lolol. It looks good, though, and getting more gravel tomorrow, as well as some cool rocks. Pics coming soon.
Yeah, that is very true lol. Too bad, though, as there is a 13+" one at a store near me. So cool lol! Ah, if only I had more room lolol.
local hardware store, lol. Whole thing cost about 60 or so bucks!
I don't really know a whole lot about eels, but I would sure like to have one that didn't get too big. They've always been a favorite lolol.
Woot, tomorrow I get to go and get some gravel and little hidey holes!

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