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  1. Miss Wiggle

    Bloated Rasbora - Possible Dropsy?

    he didn't make it through the night, sad but not entirely unexpected :rip:
  2. Miss Wiggle

    Happy Birthday - Lljdma!

    happy birthday hun xxx
  3. Miss Wiggle

    My First Tank

    if it's going dark purple when you first put the drops in then it's still off the charts IMHO. I had that, it would go dark purple then gradually fade to light blue. when it finally did hit 0 the drops go blue when you first put them in the test tube. sorry that's probably not the answer you...
  4. Miss Wiggle

    Bloated Rasbora - Possible Dropsy?

    yeah got to the LFS and realised it wasn't protozoin. got some myaxin which is for bacterial infections. i know dropsy's pretty hard to treat but it's worth giving it a go at least. thankfully he doesn't seem to be too distressed so fingers crossed.
  5. Miss Wiggle

    Bloated Rasbora - Possible Dropsy?

    Decided it's definately poorly not gravid. Popped him into a hospital tank last night with some melafix as it's the closest thing to a bacterial med we had to hand in the evening. Got loss of colour and scales pineconing. Off to the LFS in a few mins for a good bacterial med - recommendations...
  6. Miss Wiggle

    Bloated Rasbora - Possible Dropsy?

    hmmmm hadn't considered that, although wouldn't be pregnant as they are egg layers, but could be distended with eggs. i haven't a pic of ours however did a bit of googling to try and find a picture of a gravid rasbora to compare too - not much joy but did find this pic which doesn't say it's a...
  7. Miss Wiggle

    Bloated Rasbora - Possible Dropsy?

    we've just stocked our tank after a full fishless cycle, current stats; pH - 7.2 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 10ppm tanks around 60 gals, filter providing 10 x tank turnover, moderately planted, current stocking; 15 x copper harlequin rasboras 15 x celebes rainbows 15 x sterbai corydoras...
  8. Miss Wiggle

    55 Gallon Setup?

    no the thing about growing to the size of the tank is not correct. common plec's get to around 18" long. the way to work out space needed for large catfish is your tank needs to be 4 times the length of the fish and 1.5 times the width and height to give enough swimming room and space to turn...
  9. Miss Wiggle

    No Fins

    do you have a test kit for the water? if so what are your stats for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? the single most common cause of all diseases with fish is problems with the water quality so finding out this information is extremely important. goldfish are extremely high waste producers...
  10. Miss Wiggle

    Do I Have The Right Fish

    Hi Dan, yes as WD say's you still have roughly double the amount of fish that you should have and the design of the edge tanks makes them quite unforgiving with stocking. the cories and the tetra's need to be kept in groups and you don't have room for anymore fish so i'd suggest you return...
  11. Miss Wiggle

    My First Fishless Cycle

    yeah, i can't tell you how proud I am of Ian at the moment, he passed last years course with a merit which was absolutely staggering considering all the problems that we had and after just a few weeks of Uni he's already getting praise from the lecturers. :D i'm trying to take care of most of...
  12. Miss Wiggle

    My First Fishless Cycle

    Nah trick of the camera that! They're silver and black mostly! So when am I finally gonna see pics of your tank WD?!
  13. Miss Wiggle

    Do I Have The Right Fish

    hi there danotto, there are a couple of problems with your stocking which may have led to your fish deaths. the tank is 6 US Gallons, the general rule of thumb for stocking is 1" of fish per US Gallon so you're looking to have a maximum of 6" of fish in there. what you have had in there is the...
  14. Miss Wiggle

    My First Fishless Cycle

    few piccies, just taken on my mobile so picture quality is not amazing but you get the general idea.
  15. Miss Wiggle


    yeah i think you have room for the cory's too :good:
  16. Miss Wiggle

    55 Gallon Setup?

    the shark's are quite territorial so you need to very carefully select any other bottom dwelling fish to go with them. not sure if the plec will get picked on - not my specialist area but it's definitely worth a good bit of research about any other bottom dwellers. have you read up about how...
  17. Miss Wiggle

    My First Fishless Cycle

    lol, well Ian ended up getting the crypts mail order. we're lucky to have quite a good LFS just a couple of minutes drive from us, it's good quality but fairly small though so they don't have a massive selection so we're finding we're going all over the place to track things down.
  18. Miss Wiggle

    No Fins

    hi there, i'm guess you mean ammonia, we'll need a bit more information about the tank before we can get to the bottom of the problems that you're having at the moment, can you give me as much of the information below as possible size of the tank species of fish in it and how many of each...
  19. Miss Wiggle

    My First Tank

    hubby just ordered some crypts from them a few weeks ago, they took ages to come but pleased with the quality now they are here :good:
  20. Miss Wiggle

    New Tank Syndrome

    My thoughts exactly, wondering if it's perhaps a dodgy/inaccurate test kit. if it's a true reading then yes definately another change but if it's at 3ppm after a 90% change then it must have been a lot higher before, i find it hard to believe anything would be alive at those levels so not sure...
  21. Miss Wiggle

    New Tank Syndrome

    what sort of test kit are you using? is it liquid based or paper test strips?
  22. Miss Wiggle

    My First Fishless Cycle

    yes Ian has been like the proverbial kid at Xmas!! and yes just did ammonia and nitrite tests and both holding out at 0, will be keeping a regular eye on them over the next few days. well you know my feelings on big shoals of fish by now...... the bigger the better!! we're particularly pleased...
  23. Miss Wiggle

    My First Tank

    you were in good hands with WD ;) my hubby is the plant geek in our house so my knowledge is a little limited, but all the plants you have now should be quite easy. you could also go for some stem plants like hygrophilia polysperma. hubby always gets the potted plants, couldn't tell you why...
  24. Miss Wiggle

    New Fluval Edge Cycling Using Existing Tank Water

    hi joey, ah i didn't realise your friend was still cycling his tank. if he's still getting readings for nitrite then his tank isn't fully cycled and you're quite right that removing any of the media from his tank could set his cycle back a little bit. suggest you leave well alone for now and...
  25. Miss Wiggle

    New Tank Syndrome

    can you give us the latest numerical readings for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
  26. Miss Wiggle

    New Fluval Edge Cycling Using Existing Tank Water

    yup WD's advice is spot on. don't be scared to cut up and squash the filter media to make it fit into your filter, if it really doesn't fit though then cut the foot of a pair of tights and wrap it up in that then hang it in your tank somehow near the filter inlet. this will populate your...
  27. Miss Wiggle

    My Fishless Cycle And Flourish Excel

    there's a difference between a tank with some plants in and a planted tank ;)
  28. Miss Wiggle

    Cycling Again - Fish In. Advice Needed.

    yeah it really is hard work isn't it :sad: no level of ammonia is completely safe for fish other than 0ppm, in an ideal world we would advise everyone doing a fish-in cycle to keep the ammonia and nitrite at 0 at all times with water changes. however in the real world where we have jobs and...
  29. Miss Wiggle

    My First Tank

    when people talk about planted tanks it's important to make the difference between a tank with plants in and a planted tank. to qualify as a planted tank you'd need over 50% of the substrate covered with thriving plants. if you have that sort of level of planting and stock lightly the plants...
  30. Miss Wiggle

    My First Fishless Cycle

    and we have fish! taken a measured risk and stocked after 4/5 days of qualifying just because our schedules are a bit crazy at the moment and this was the most sensible time to do it. i'm around a fair bit the next few days though to keep an eye on things. we got 15 copper harlequins, 15...
  31. Miss Wiggle

    Newly Cycled Tank And Fish Didn't Survive :(

    entirely possible that the sale is because they know the fish are dodgy. the advice about checking the water stats of your LFS is good, it may be that the fish need a more careful acclimatisation to the new conditions. you can always drip acclimatise fish if there is a big change in conditions...
  32. Miss Wiggle

    New Fluval Edge Cycling Using Existing Tank Water

    Hi Joey, congrats on the new purchase. by far the best way to cycle a tank is to do a fishless cycle which involves adding ammonia as your friend has suggested. there is a link in my signature which explains the whole process to you. In short you add ammonia to the tank which replicates fish...
  33. Miss Wiggle

    Newbie Needing Goldfish Help Please

    lesson number 1 in fishkeeping - the fish shop is a shop, they're trying to make money from you, it's not a free advice centre. ;) sad but true, they do what they need to to make money from you, sometimes this means giving poor advice because then they can sell you all sorts of medications...
  34. Miss Wiggle

    Newbie Needing Goldfish Help Please

    can you give us a rough idea of the dimensions; length, width and height. glad it has a filter and you are using tap water conditioner, you'll need to keep using the conditioner for the life of the tank. :good: yeah the idea that goldfish are easy is a common myth, I often think the humble...
  35. Miss Wiggle

    New Tank Syndrome

    stop using ammo-lock and the bacterial supplements, the ammo lock converts ammonia to ammonium and this can mess up your test readings. you should be doing bigger water changes than that as well, have a look at the link in my signature 'what's cycling' which will talk you through what you...
  36. Miss Wiggle

    Newbie Needing Goldfish Help Please

    hi there nemo, there's a number of things that could be going wrong, bit hard to say without some more information. how big is the tank and what equipment do you have running on it? sometimes fish just don't make it in the transition from the shop to your home although it's very bad luck to...
  37. Miss Wiggle

    The Strangest Thing I've Ever Seen!

    there's a link in my signature for a full fishless cycle, i'd suggest you read and follow that. :good:
  38. Miss Wiggle

    My First Fishless Cycle

    you're telling me!! :lol: although to be honest i can't blame him, a few years ago when i wanted another cat i just said KITTEN NOW, KITTEN NOW, KITTEN NOW like a small child until he gave in and got me one!! :rolleyes: :D
  39. Miss Wiggle

    Finally Ready For Stock!

    yeah agree with WD you're probably safe to stock now although would suggest you do it on a day when you know you have plenty of free time at home over the next few days so you can jump in and do a water change if there is any blip in the readings.