My First Fishless Cycle

you're telling me!! :lol:

although to be honest i can't blame him, a few years ago when i wanted another cat i just said KITTEN NOW, KITTEN NOW, KITTEN NOW like a small child until he gave in and got me one!! :rolleyes: :D
lets be fair, neither of us has any self controll thats how we ended up with 7 fish tanks in a tiny one bedroom back to back house....

Fishy NOW!
and we have fish!

taken a measured risk and stocked after 4/5 days of qualifying just because our schedules are a bit crazy at the moment and this was the most sensible time to do it. i'm around a fair bit the next few days though to keep an eye on things.

we got 15 copper harlequins, 15 celebes rainbows and 15 sterbai cory's and they all seem to be settling in nicely. :good: did the typical hiding in a corner for the first few minutes but they're all out and about now and looking quite relaxed. cory's having a nice time snuffling about in the substrate. the rainbows and rasbora's were schooling quite tightly at first but that's breaking up a bit now as they're starting to realise there's nothing in there to cause any threat to them. :D

very excited now :D :D :D :D :D
:lol: Knew he wouldn't last through the night, lucky you guys have drive-through midnight fish pickup. You're making me want a big tank like that! :D ...all those nice big shoals!

Know you will be checking for traces MW! WD
yes Ian has been like the proverbial kid at Xmas!! and yes just did ammonia and nitrite tests and both holding out at 0, will be keeping a regular eye on them over the next few days.

well you know my feelings on big shoals of fish by now...... the bigger the better!! we're particularly pleased with the sterbai's which are especially nice examples.

also had a chat to the LFS owner about dwarf cichlids and he was quite confident he could get most of the apistogramma species in if i wanted something specific ordering which is good, so now to find the fanciest rarest apisto i can and put them to the test!!! :lol:

anyway will give them all a few days to settle and then get some pics for you. Ian also managed to track down some specifi crypts he'd been after the other day so the planting is looking a lot fuller now as well. :good:
lol, well Ian ended up getting the crypts mail order.

we're lucky to have quite a good LFS just a couple of minutes drive from us, it's good quality but fairly small though so they don't have a massive selection so we're finding we're going all over the place to track things down.
few piccies, just taken on my mobile so picture quality is not amazing but you get the general idea.


Now is it just a trick of the camera settings that the (gorgeous) angels in the second picture have a blueish look? You guys live the dream life as far as I'm concerned. :rolleyes:
Nah trick of the camera that! They're silver and black mostly!

So when am I finally gonna see pics of your tank WD?!
I`ll clean the tank and break the camera out at some point and do some propper pictures this week, I have some technical drawings to do for uni first though :(

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