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  1. S

    Bent swordtail !

    Good question, I am going through the same thing with a molly, it looks like somebody sprayed hair spray on her tailfin, and she is all bowed up.....i never seen this before, i know it isn't ick, so i guess i will go and get some melafix, and see if that helps. Good luck to you, if you find out...
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    molly's fins look stiff

    Can anyone give me a suggestion as to why my black molly's fins seem to be stiff? is this an infection, or what? her tail fin looks stiff as a board, and her back looks kind of bowed up. Sh ehas been eating good, and still swimming, but I just can't figure it out. I know it isn't ich, i have...
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    How long til fry can go into full tank?

    I have my fry in my 20 gallon tank right now, and they are doing fine. I have lots of plants, and stones for them to hide under. They are pretty quick little buggers, and it is funny to watch them come out and be brave with all the other!!!!! As long as they have somewhere to hide...
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    "Playing Dead"?

    If your fish seems to be healthy, and eating right, I would just assume that he is just being lazy..LOL! Also, how often do you feed your fish? Sometimes over-feeding can cause sluggishness, or maybe just low oxygen in your tank. I don't know what size tank you have, but you might try getting a...
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    What make water crystal clear?

    It gets aggravating, believe me, I know..LOL!!! The water will change to normal, and trying to make it clear will only prolong the process. I went through the same thing, and adding more chemicals will only upset the balance of the p.h., and create a worse cloudiness. If left alone.. in about...
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    dying molly

    I am having the same problem in my tank. I bought a plecostamus 3 days ago, and it died yesterday. I did all the tests on my water, everything is fine. I haven't noticed any symptoms in my other fish,(I have platy's, guppies, and mollies). I decided just to be on the safe side to do an ich...
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    ghost shrimp molting?

    :lol: I freaked out too, i have 2 ghost shrimp, and they are always losing their old skins...... it is normal, they are just getting bigger. They sure are hard to find though, aren't they? LOL!!!
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    Don't go to Pets at home/Petsmart!!

    :no: I am just disgusted, I went to a local well known pet store chain, and I just couldn't believe the laziness in keeping up the tanks, and the fish. There were numerous dead plecostamus's in the bottom, so bad that they looked like pieces of wood. my husband asked if it was a normal practice...
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    tank water clear... gravel has a brown slime

    -_- Quick question.... why is my tank gravel collecting a brown nasty color on it? I have tested my water, and everything is normal, my water is clear, but my gravel just keeps getting worse everyday. I hate to keep cleaning my gravel all the time, any suggestions? I realize it is probably...
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    scavenger fish and salt in aquarium

    Thanks, I got 3 albino cory cats last night, and they are just loving the tank! They are constantly playing in the bubbles and just plain hyper really!! No problems as of yet, I think they are gonna be okay! (also got a bubble mollie, man, they are so ugly, they are cute!!!) :fish:
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    scavenger fish and salt in aquarium

    :rolleyes: Are there any kind of bottom feeders that will tolerate aquarium salt? I need to get a good scavenger to help out in between gravel cleanings. I have a 20 gallon tank with platy's , mollie's, and guppies. Any ideas anybody? Thanks! :P
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    Is there a way to speed up algea production

    Try getting some algae discs at your Wal-Mart, I feed my pleco 1 a day, and also as a treat, some shrimp pellets. Don't over-feed though, as you will soon have way too much algae! That should satisfy your pleco until you get a good algae buildup going. Good luck!
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    i woke up this morning and there were....

    I also have fry in my 20 gallon tank, I make sure that they have alot of hiding places, and I have seen a few, but it is survival of the fittest in a big tank, and they will find somewhere to hide most of the time. If you have already moved them to another tank, at least make sure that there is...
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    Cant keep Platties alive

    Fishie... have you tried adding some aquarium salt to the water? I use it in my tank, and it helps on stress, and also sometimes clears up infections in the water. You can get it really cheap at wal-mart, i am not saying that it will solve everything, but it does help the fish with gill...
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    My New Betta!!!!!

    I have a betta, and I found that it is alot easier to introduce him into a tank of other fish, he will not be as dominant that way. I have my betta in a 20 gallon with platy's, mollies, and guppies, and I have never had any problems yet. I keep a hiding stone for him, betta's like enclosed...
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    Breeder Net

    :lol:... I know the feeling! One day my female guppy looks like she's gonna pop, and the next minute, she is skinny again, but no fry..... I don't know half the time if she's pregnant or not! Anyway, I will keep watching and waiting!...LOL!!! :fish:
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    Tetra Easy Balance

    I have a 3-way bio-filtration pump, and a 6 inch airstone placed at the bottom of the tank, it really seems to be working good. I also use aquarium salt on all my fish, 1 tablespoon for every 5 gallons of water. it is inexpensive, and gives the fish lots more energy, and color. They seem to just...
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    Tetra Easy Balance

    I have been using Easy Balance in my 20 gallon, and i really like it! Due to alot of evaporation, I am always adding new treated water, and it seems to really work. I always clean my gravel every 4 weeks, and i have crystal clear water. It also really helped on keeping the p.h. leveled out...
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    when is my platy going to give brith

    :lol: , mine is also either extremely well fed, or pregnant, don't know which really! They will usually slow down and mope in a corner when they are ready to have the babies, and not seem interested in anything going on in the tank. mine are very active, so I can tell when they are getting ready...
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    Breeder Net

    Thanks for your input, I have 3 Platy's, 1 black mollie, 3 neon's, 2 male guppies, and 2 female guppies, and a plecostamus. None are very aggressive, although I am worried about not catching the mama in time, and having the babies eaten! I did find 1 platy fry a week ago, but not since, so i...
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    Breeder Net

    I have 2 very pregnant fish, 1 is a guppy, the other is a platy. My question is, can I put more than 1 fish in a breeder net, and also, can I put 2 different breeds in there? or do I have to get another breeder net? Thanks!! (any info is greatly appreciated!) :wub:
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    New to the forum, just saying hello! I just set up a 20 gallon tank, and am anxious to get it going, but I know its gonna take some patience....(learned this the hard way)... glad i now have a forum to discuss any questions. ;)