My New Betta!!!!!


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
well, i have a betta now. two months ago, i didn't have any fish. now i have a 10 gal community of livebearers and a 2 gal with a beautiful red betta. question. this 2 gallon tank is 8x8 inches and 8 inches deep. lots of room. but it looks so empty with just my little guy. i may move him to a one gallon instead and use the 2 gal for something else, but before i do that i wanted to get your opinions on some other fish, just one, that might do okay in there with him. something smallish without fancy fins of course. i've read here that bettas are fine alone, but still......................
I personally keep all of my 6 bettas by themsleves. If you put something in with him with fancy fins, he will most likely attack it thinking it is another betta. I have read that bettas can be with others, but i have not been able to find a tank member that mine will accept. Good luck, Sandy
Im asking the same question. Im getting a 2 gallon tank and i dont really want to put just one betta in it. I think bettas are really pretty but there so boring. If anyone could let me know what kind of fish and how many you can put in a small 2 gallon aquarium besides bettas.
I can't think of any other fish that could go in 2 gallon with him. Male bettas can get up to 2--2 1/2 inches so in a 2 gallon, adding another fish would be hard I would think. Most of the small ones that come to mind need to be in a school.

Now I have read some posts where someone's added either a snail, OR a ghost shrimp, OR an African Dwarf Frog to a tank that size with a betta.
FishNewbie said:
I think bettas are really pretty but there so boring.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

naaaah,they're really quite interesting once you get to know them :wub: :wub:

I can't think of anything either m.a.m, bettas prefer to be alone anyway, maybe a female neighbor someday :shifty:
I tried giving one of mine a ghost shrimp as a buddy a few months ago and within minutes he had a shrimp tail sticking out of his mouth :rolleyes:
You could try a cory...(I know there shoalers but they do fien on there own..I have a single pepered cory in one of my small 2g's) however there is not a lot of room for a cory. If he is not aggressive you could eventually try females. ;)
If you are going to add a cory then you really should make it a pepered one...also they really do need a heater do you have one in the 2g?
well i have my lil sisters betta witha rainbow shark and they seem pretty happy together. but dont put a rainbow shark in a ten gallon mines is jus in there until i can move it my teacher 30 gallon.
a peppered cory eh? how big do those get though? what do they eat? any other special needs besides the heater (don't have one, but know where i can get one that will fit this tank). dante, my betta, isn't real aggressive, he's small actually, compared to the two bettas i brought home yesterday (held their hexes up to his tank to see their reaction, as i've never had the joy of seeinga betta flare before, and they went nuts, but dante just flared his gills a little and ignored them).
I have a betta, and I found that it is alot easier to introduce him into a tank of other fish, he will not be as dominant that way. I have my betta in a 20 gallon with platy's, mollies, and guppies, and I have never had any problems yet. I keep a hiding stone for him, betta's like enclosed, small spaces also. he does get out and mingle with the other fish, and goes back to his little area. If you introduce new fish into the tank after the betta, he will already be dominant in the tank. Just letting you know how it worked for me.... :)

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