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  1. W

    Aquatic Shops

    Our LFS is pretty good, the tanks are reasonably clean, and I have yet to see a dead fish there. The ladies who run it are all very knowledgeable about the fish they sell, and what tank sizes and speices they are ideal with. One of the ladies has 4 tanks at home, and is a really good source of...
  2. W

    Where Can I Get Aqua Babies From

    After looking at that website, I can't believe that they would keep danios in there! We have 10 danios at home, and I know that 1 danio on his own wants LOTS of space to play and fight, and that they enjoy small schools. How can a danio be happy in that environment? (But if you want to take...
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    Who Would I Report A Sleizy Pet Shop Owner To?

    Oh dear, what did they say?
  4. W

    Who Would I Report A Sleizy Pet Shop Owner To?

    At least try the RSPCA. They should be able to take some kind of disciplinary action against the owner. If they refuse to intervene, you could also just boycott the shop. Or you could alert the Better Business Buro in your area. I don't remeber the British equivalent, and I just moved away...
  5. W

    Molly With Spasms?

    Ok I'll give it a try
  6. W

    Molly With Spasms?

    New Hampshire The other fish are acting normally. She is the only one acting up. The other molly also seems to be okay. He stays away from her now though.
  7. W

    Molly With Spasms?

    I don't see it really, but what do you recomend?
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    Molly With Spasms?

    Pehraps its the picture? Do you want a smaller one? (But I think I get what your pointing at. I'm not sure if it is the photo or not)
  9. W

    Molly With Spasms?

    Temp is 75 deg Farenheit. She isn't rubbing that much, and I cant see any kind of salt coating of extra slime. Gills appear normal, and non of the other fish appear to be darting. Here is another picture. Nearly the same pose a before! PS Thanks for all your help so far!
  10. W

    Molly With Spasms?

    Hmm.. she has been rubbing up against the heater occasionally, but not all the time. (The room is fairly warm, so I don't get it) She does "flick" herself at her own reflection. Thats what had me worried in the first place. Would more photos be helpful?
  11. W

    Molly With Spasms?

    Her fins (belly), as in the picture, are contantly stretched out. She darts aroud very erratically, which she dosen't usually do, and her dorsal fin (or back fin) is also constantly raised. Another thing that she usually never does. So, thats why I called it spasms. Is it possible that she...
  12. W

    Just Wondering....

    I'll bring this with me when I go to the LFS.
  13. W

    People Keeping Fish They Don't Know The Name Of?

    But you made the effort. Its questionable as to if this guy even tried to look it up. Effort= succes in one form or another.
  14. W

    Molly With Spasms?

    Tank is 50 US gallons. We have two mollies (dalmation and black), 4 danios, 1 corry catfish, 4 tetras and two male guppies. Water stats are normal with 7.0 pH, neg. Amonia and nitrates and nitrites etc. Water balance is fine in other words. She has only started acting agressive in the past two...
  15. W

    Fins Bitten?

    We had that happen. Wtch out for major fin damage, as it will eventually kill the fish. Danios will attack Guppies if they are not schooled, which happened to us. So just watch out
  16. W

    What's Wrong With Old Tanks?

    I'm no expert, but we are using old aquariums right now (they came with the house we bought), and they seem to work fine. When and if you get it, make sure its cleaned very very well.
  17. W

    My Little Brother's Fish

    She is on meds as we speak. Now for the danios?
  18. W

    Molly With Spasms?

    My little bother's dalmation molly has been acting up lately. She has been hyper agressive, attacks her mirror image, and seems to be having muscle problems. She has been swimming around with her belly fins wide open, and very rigidly. She has a hard time moving her tail fin occasionaly. The...
  19. W

    Molly With Muscle Spasms!? Please Help Me!

    My little bother's dalmation molly has been acting up lately. She has been hyper agressive, attacks her mirror image, and seems to be having muscle problems. She has been swimming around with her belly fins wide open, and very rigidly. She has a hard time moving her tail fin occasionaly. The...
  20. W

    People Keeping Fish They Don't Know The Name Of?

    Love and food are good for fish!! ^-^ (But I get the whole name debacle. Its just odd that some one would sell it, and not know the name. Thats a good way to get in trouble.)
  21. W

    Just Wondering....

    I know this sounds childish, but I like pretty fish. Nice colours, shapes, and quirky looks are all really interesting to me. I've also heard that some fish can recognize their owners. That'd be a nice trait too. I'm just generally more interested in fish that are NOT quite the same nice lil...
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    People Keeping Fish They Don't Know The Name Of?

    How hard are they to maintain? (And that is kind of odd. I'm not too fish saavy, but at least I remeber the breed names...)
  23. W

    Just Wondering....

    I'll keep that in mind then. I do live in the US, and there is one pet shop in my town, and several within a fifteen minute drive range. The local store is selling "kissing fish". Any tips on them?
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    Just Wondering....

    Local fish store is an independant, with lots of choice. Would gouramis or chicilids be possbile in this size tank? And are there any other more "exotic" easy to keep fish available?
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    Just Wondering....

    Hi, I've been raising fish since I was young, but haven't had a tank in about 4 years. Can anyone recommend any easy/ hardy species, environments, and cost effective set ups? I got myself a 30 gallon tank. And I'm not opposed to single species.
  26. W

    My Little Brother's Fish

    No, right at the base of the tail fin. Also, It's a ten gallone tank (my little brother told me this this morning), and the pleco is a clown pleco. Not a common as previously stated. The danios are still displaying bloating.
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    My Little Brother's Fish

    They had neither slimey or fluffy growth, fins were affected only at the base, and a small patch beside the fin. I don't remeber that fish having had stringy poop.
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    My Little Brother's Fish

    Picture two looks correct. But they didn't appear to be bleeding. But that is the right color.
  29. W

    My Little Brother's Fish

    The ulcers were cherry red, under the skin. They were about the size of a pencil eraser, but ovoid in shape. We did use a dechlorinator, and the stats were 7.0 pH, and no amonia. I don't believe hardness was an issue either. Also about the plecs: It's a common one. And we have taken into...
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    My Little Brother's Fish

    Hmmm, well since this is just the quarentine tank before the get introduced to the larger one, we didn't worry too much about size. They'll be out in a week if there are no more outbreaks. Hopefully. It has a filter, is cleaned after every batch of fish (really well after the sick ones), and...
  31. W

    My Little Brother's Fish

    Hi, I'm posting on behalf of my younger brother, who is very upset over the health of his fish. He bought 3 Swordtails (1 male 2 females), 5 Danios (Zebra), 1 Pleco, and 1 Corry Catfish. So far 1 female Swordtail has died of Ulcers after only two days in our home. She only showed signs of...