Molly With Spasms?


New Member
Jan 4, 2006
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My little bother's dalmation molly has been acting up lately. She has been hyper agressive, attacks her mirror image, and seems to be having muscle problems.

She has been swimming around with her belly fins wide open, and very rigidly. She has a hard time moving her tail fin occasionaly.

The water chemsitry is fine, as we just checked, and we are not over stocked.

Is she pregnant? Or is this a more serious medical condition?

All the other fish, including a black molly, seem to be doing fine.

She has been healthy otherwise. Is there any where I can check to see if this a molly specific problem?

Mollies are aggressive need info on size of tank, plus fish stock of how many and which kind, plus water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
Also how old is she, how many births has she had, plus diet what you feed the fish.
Mollies are aggressive need info on size of tank, plus fish stock of how many and which kind, plus water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
Also how old is she, how many births has she had, plus diet what you feed the fish.

Tank is 50 US gallons. We have two mollies (dalmation and black), 4 danios, 1 corry catfish, 4 tetras and two male guppies.

Water stats are normal with 7.0 pH, neg. Amonia and nitrates and nitrites etc. Water balance is fine in other words. She has only started acting agressive in the past two days.
Can you describe the muscle problems, where does she have the spasms.

Does it sound like this, but not the writer of the information below.


This disease is named for the curious behavior seen in afflicted fish. Fish will swim with an odd, shimmying movement of the body. If left untreated, the afflicted fish will become unable to swim and will sit on the bottom, listlessly shimmying. This disease affects mostly livebearers, and particularly Mollies.


Cause unkown but may be due to a variety of numerous pathogens, including protozoan, bacterial, and fungal.


Isolate the fish in a hospital tank and increase the temperature to 85°F (27°C). Treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic. Also ensure that the water chemistry is within acceptable ranges. Livebearers' should always be kept in water that has a pH of 7.8 - 8.3 and a hardness of 15°DH+.
Can you describe the muscle problems, where does she have the spasms.

Does it sound like this, but not the writer of the information below.


This disease is named for the curious behavior seen in afflicted fish. Fish will swim with an odd, shimmying movement of the body. If left untreated, the afflicted fish will become unable to swim and will sit on the bottom, listlessly shimmying. This disease affects mostly livebearers, and particularly Mollies.


Cause unkown but may be due to a variety of numerous pathogens, including protozoan, bacterial, and fungal.


Isolate the fish in a hospital tank and increase the temperature to 85°F (27°C). Treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic. Also ensure that the water chemistry is within acceptable ranges. Livebearers' should always be kept in water that has a pH of 7.8 - 8.3 and a hardness of 15°DH+.

Her fins (belly), as in the picture, are contantly stretched out. She darts aroud very erratically, which she dosen't usually do, and her dorsal fin (or back fin) is also constantly raised. Another thing that she usually never does.

So, thats why I called it spasms. Is it possible that she might also have paralasyis or something? The picture is a very good indication of how she has been of late.

Also: She has never had fry, and is about 3 months old.
The dorsal fin should be up don't wan't it clamped to her body that's a sign of stress, don't like the sound of darting around, does she look like she twitching, any flicking and rubbing against objects, any laboured breathing.
The dorsal fin should be up don't wan't it clamped to her body that's a sign of stress, don't like the sound of darting around, does she look like she twitching, any flicking and rubbing against objects, any laboured breathing.

Hmm.. she has been rubbing up against the heater occasionally, but not all the time. (The room is fairly warm, so I don't get it) She does "flick" herself at her own reflection. Thats what had me worried in the first place. Would more photos be helpful?
Sounds like she has a parasite with the darting around and rubbing, finding out which one now, does she look like she been sprinkled in salt, also check the gills to see if they look inflamed, can you see anything on her body, any excess mucas slime on her gills or body.

Yes more photo please large one's as with her colouring it's hard to tell.

What's your water temp just found this.
Fish are darting around - Water quality, too hot

Fish appears darting around, may be scratching against the sides of the tank glass and other objects.
Visual inspection shows discoloration/whitish opaque film or spots/holes/parasites.
Sounds like she has a parasite with the darting around and rubbing, finding out which one now, does she look like she been sprinkled in salt, also check the gills to see if they look inflamed, can you see anything on her body, any excess mucas slime on her gills or body.

Yes more photo please large one's as with her colouring it's hard to tell.

What's your water temp just found this.
Fish are darting around - Water quality, too hot

Temp is 75 deg Farenheit. She isn't rubbing that much, and I cant see any kind of salt coating of extra slime. Gills appear normal, and non of the other fish appear to be darting.

Here is another picture. Nearly the same pose a before!


PS Thanks for all your help so far!
I don't no if it my eyes, but on the black bits on her can you see very little fluffy bits.
I don't no if it my eyes, but on the black bits on her can you see very little fluffy bits.

Pehraps its the picture? Do you want a smaller one? (But I think I get what your pointing at. I'm not sure if it is the photo or not)
Do you have a magifying glass, if so look at her through it but look on the black patches easier to tell.
Something is not right and with the darting around and rubbing abit, i would go with parasite, but don't like advising it unless i'm pretty sure, what are the other fish like.

What's your location.
Something is not right and with the darting around and rubbing abit, i would go with parasite, but don't like advising it unless i'm pretty sure, what are the other fish like.

What's your location.

New Hampshire

The other fish are acting normally. She is the only one acting up. The other molly also seems to be okay. He stays away from her now though.

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