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  1. T

    Help Please!

    Thank you. How many fish are required to "overstock" a 55 gal tank?
  2. T

    Help Please!

    Even after more than 2 years? Anyway, I was thinking about getting another larger tank. If I got the 55 gal, what kind of filtration would you suggest?
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    Running Air Before Adding Water

    Do you have to put in an airstone and run it before you add new water? What is the point of this? Thanks
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    Help Please!

    I don't think that I can take them back. They have been living in this tank for over 2 years (my friends moved to New Zeland and left me with this). If I do eventually get a larger tank, let's say a 55 gal, how many should I stock in there? When you say better filtration, do you mean a big...
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    Help Please!

    Anyone? Please?
  6. T

    Help Please!

    Hello, I was given a 29gal tank with 4 cichilds in it. I need help with identification. Also, two of the fish are really being picked on and I need some advice. I think that this tank is overstocked, but I never had cichlids before. This fish are acting really wierd. I am not sure how much...
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    My Discus Are Boring

    I really like barracudas, I saw some red tail barracudas at a shop near my house, awesome! Pike cichlids are interesting too, at least for me!
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    Bunch Of Questions

    here are the pics
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    Murder In My Aquarium

    Having a group of the barbs is a key, then they usually just pick on each other...
  10. T

    Bunch Of Questions

    So I should just remove the small rocks and leave the big ones there? I am just curious because I have seen african tanks where people have tons of huge rocks in there and I can not believe that they would remove that entire mountain of rocks everytime. I had a lot going on the past couple of...
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    Bunch Of Questions

    I have been feeding them mini pellets that my friend gave me, twice a day and 4 shrimp pellets and a spirunula (sp?) pellet every once in a while. I "hoover" the gravel, but I cannot get in everywhere because I have the rocks (caves) there and they take up a lot of vacuuming space. I am not...
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    Bunch Of Questions

    I will get some pics up tomorrow if my friend does not get back to me by then. But in the mean time can someone offer me any advice about some of the other issues that I listed? Particularly about the planaria, water parameters or the silly, leaking Eclipse? Thank you.
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    Bunch Of Questions

    I just looked in there again, and I have the planaria growing again?!!?
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    Bunch Of Questions

    Hello and thank you for the reply. I am not sure what kind of cichlids they are, I have e-mailed my friend to find out. There is one rather large vibrant blue one with long pointed fins (he is the boss of the tank) and there is one smaller yellow bellied with black stripes (2nd in command) and...
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    Disturbing Over Heard Conversation At Lfs.

    You can not be too surprised, I have heard people in a shop tell customers to empty tanks and to wash them with a little soap and water! Top that one!
  16. T

    Stupid Topic

    The power strip has screw holes (or it should at least), so what you can do is screw a hold into your stand or wall and then hand it in/on that hole in the power strip. Just make sure you have an arch with your cords so that water does not follow the cords right into the outlet!
  17. T

    Bunch Of Questions

    Hello, I have had tanks in the past, but I have not had one going in a while. Anyway, a friend of mine moved to New Zeland and I was gifted his tank. It is a 30gal with an Eclipse filter (complete and utter PITA, the thing leaks all over the place), the tank has 4 african cichilds (which I...
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    Substrate Question

    No other advise from anyone?
  19. T

    Substrate Question

    Thank you for the reply. I have the smaller gravel like you. Is there any way to add laterite now? If so, how do I do it? Or is just gravel alright?
  20. T

    Substrate Question

    hello! I had a question about substrate. When I started my tank, I just added blue and white pebbles. I have been growing plants in them with varying degrees of success. I add fertilizers and I also use these black fertilizer balls that you stick into the substrate. I was wondering if I...