Substrate Question


New Member
Jan 3, 2006
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Barrington, IL

I had a question about substrate. When I started my tank, I just added blue and white pebbles. I have been growing plants in them with varying degrees of success. I add fertilizers and I also use these black fertilizer balls that you stick into the substrate. I was wondering if I should have used another substrate or if I should have mixed something into the pebbles so that the plants would grow better. Is there anything that I should/can add/change now? Thank you.
What size is the gravel? Any larger than 2-4mm and the plants may have problems 'bedding' themselves in. My substrate is as follows: Approx. 1 inch of 2-4mm natural rounded gravel, mixed with Laterite granules... with another inch of just the gravel over the top... with an inch of sand over that. The added layers provide a deeper medium for the plants to root in - and minimise Laterite 'leakage' into the water. The sand is good for bottom feeders (Corys etc.) as it will minmise barbule(?) damage...
Thank you for the reply. I have the smaller gravel like you. Is there any way to add laterite now? If so, how do I do it? Or is just gravel alright?
I've only ever added Laterite at the same time as everything else at the beginning... If you want to add it now, it may become messy... you'd have to mix the Laterite with the gravel you already have (to keep the existing bacteria)... and then put another layer over the top... this means all your tanks contents will have to be temporarily moved... a pain... I am no expert, being relatively new to all this myself... your plants 'degrees of success' may also be due to other factors than just the substrate: lighting strength and length, CO2, the correct plants for your set up... there are more knowledgable forum members who will be able to guide you... good luck!

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