Help Please!


New Member
Jan 3, 2006
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Barrington, IL
Hello, I was given a 29gal tank with 4 cichilds in it. I need help with identification. Also, two of the fish are really being picked on and I need some advice. I think that this tank is overstocked, but I never had cichlids before. This fish are acting really wierd. I am not sure how much to feed them, I just need some advice on cichlids. Here are the pics. Thank you
well im pretty sure the 2nd is a zebra getting 2 very for the others,id say electric blue hap or electric blue not really sure but wait for ferris to come along
"Bigblue" is some sort of Haplochromis sp. I think or maybe an Aulonocara sp. Leaning towards the first.

"yellow" I'm not sure on maybe a hybrid but not sure.

Could you get some side on pictures of "lilblue" and "scared" if they are the same fish. Also the tank will be too small.
hi,they are all african cichlids.your tank is too small for them really.i'll explain a little more.your african cichlids are malawis.they really need to be in a 4ft tank minimum with approx 20-25 fish in the tank.malawis work best by being over crowded.they can be nasty little sods so you have to be careful on what malawis you put with each other.i would take yours back to the lfs and get something else or get a bogger tank.if you get a bigger tank,you'll need decent filtration.i've only kept my reply pretty basic for you.
I don't think that I can take them back. They have been living in this tank for over 2 years (my friends moved to New Zeland and left me with this). If I do eventually get a larger tank, let's say a 55 gal, how many should I stock in there? When you say better filtration, do you mean a big hang on filter or a canister? Thank you.
I don't think that I can take them back. They have been living in this tank for over 2 years (my friends moved to New Zeland and left me with this). If I do eventually get a larger tank, let's say a 55 gal, how many should I stock in there? When you say better filtration, do you mean a big hang on filter or a canister? Thank you.
I should think that your lfs will take them back if they stock african cichlids
Even after more than 2 years? Anyway, I was thinking about getting another larger tank. If I got the 55 gal, what kind of filtration would you suggest?

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