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  1. S

    Lonely Ram

    i had a pair of rams ad the female died. since then the male has jus hidden behind a flower pot. is he unhappy thet the female has gone? jd
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    Tank Problems

    nitrite = 0 nitrate = 40
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    Tank Problems

    in the middle of testing it now cheers squid jd
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    Tank Problems

    yesterday i posted that my female ram had died and after getting home from work today i've noticed that the male ram is sulking behind a flower pot since her absence. Is he lonely?? secondly i have 3 coreys in there and just noticed redening of the gills on the smallest one. just tested and...
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    Please Delete Mods. Thanks

    got home to my ram in a bad way, asked for advice but she died as i set up the hospital tank. jd
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    Top Half Of The Tank...

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    Could I Do This?

    you could but you might have to start the filter under water to get the water high enough in the filter
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    Breeding Guppy's As Feeders

    haha yeah. read they can eat small feeder goldies. I bet it would have a go at anything!!!!! gt's grow much lager than bolivian rams, will eventualy be about 8 inches (more if male)
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    Breeding Guppy's As Feeders

    i read a gt will grow about 3.5 inches max in a year, very slow growers. yeah should be getting 4 sd'son saturday money permitting. buying lots offish this weekend, i want 6 guppy's 4 sd's and 3 leopard coreys plus some decorations for my 55gal. bloody fishcosting me a fortune. lol EDIT -...
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    Breeding Guppy's As Feeders

    good idea, should be getting some on the weekend i can't wait till he's a bit bigger,been toldit will take awhile. i'm gona feel so guilty about feeding guppy's!! will let you know how it goes. thaks jayjay, ur a lifesaver jd
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    Breeding Guppy's As Feeders

    was thinking ifi use theempty 10g i can put marbles down as a substrate so the fry can hideout down there
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    Breeding Guppy's As Feeders

    i have a 20 gal with 2 rams 1 bn plec 3 corydoras and an empty 10 gal. Wouldyou suggest i put the guppy's in the 20 gal and put the rams in the 10g or just put the guppy'sin the 10g. and what ratio of males to females would you suggest either for the 10g or 20g?? thanks jd
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    The-wolfs' Tanks

    lovely tanks the wolf, all have good character and look very busy and interesting. Love your loaches :wub: keep up the good work jd
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    Worlds Most Amazing Filter!

    sounds interesting. put your picture on photobucket and that will allow you to post your picture. have you tried the filter yet? jd
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    Siler Dollar

    will be buying 4 slver dollars on saturday then. i can't wait. read that green terrors are slow growers so the silver dollars should grow quicker than the gt. thanks for the help all jd
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    Siler Dollar

    do you think 4 fully grown silver dollars would take attention away from my green terror once he is fully grown?
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    Siler Dollar

    been doing a little more research and found i could put a red finned or red tailed shark in with him aswell
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    Breeding Guppy's As Feeders

    Well i havn't been shouted at yet so i might not be considered a monstar phew #wipes brow jd
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    New Fish

    they have 1 inch long silver dollars at my lsf,do you think i should get those or try and find ones thatare larger than my GT as he's only 1.5 inches right now. The tank is approx 48 inches long x 15 inches deep x 16 inches tall, is that enough room for silver dollars and a fully grown GT do...
  20. S

    Need Usual Suggestions

    why not make a nano planted tank
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    Breeding Guppy's As Feeders

    wasn't sure if it wasfrowned upon, seems a bit cruel but was i think my GT would benefit when he's big enough. jd
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    New Fish

    i don't want another cichlid with him, was just thinking of a smaller school i could put with him, but im not sure if its necessary jd
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    Breeding Guppy's As Feeders

    would it be classed wrong/unethical to breed guppy's as food for my green terror??? jd
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    Siler Dollar

    ok thanks, saw on a few threads on a cichlid forum of people using tiger barbs. i will leave it as it is for now. cheers jd
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    Siler Dollar

    how many silver dollars could i fit in a 55 gal tank, i want them as dither fish for my green terror. Would i be able to get a good school of them 4-5 plus the GT 1.5 inches at the moment (will grow to 8-9 inches) or am i pushing my luck??? jd
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    New Fish

    i was thinking of the silver dollars but i thought they would be too much when the GT is fully grownbecause they like to be in groups of 4-5 EDIT: not sure if he's a male or female. is only about 1.5 inches. think he's too young to sex yet
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    New Fish

    i didnt like how the females looked when older and i couldn't find a male anywhere so i did some research and really liked the GT so did a swap at my lfs What do you think i could put in as a dither fish, I don't think silver dollars would fit in a 55 gal with a fully grown GT so do you think...
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    New Fish

    Took my female blue acara back today and swapped her for a green terror, s/he's only about 1.5 inches and looks so lost in its 4foot tank so i was wondering what dither fish i could put in. Could congo tetras work or are they too slow if not how about black widdow tetras?? jd
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    would help the others if you state your tank size
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    Blue Acara

    thanks for the replies all. she's the only fish in the tank so she's top of the pecking order. Do you think a male + female acara and a male + female firemouth in a 55 then. would it not get a little cramped.
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    Blue Acara

    i can't tell, maybe he's still too young to sex
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    Blue Acara

    how can you distinguish detween the male and female. he has a lot more colour today but i do not have a camera with me. could you tell me the differences and i can go have a closer inspection. cheers again jayjay jd
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    Blue Acara

    can anyone id his sex?
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    Other Fish?

    what are you going to stock in your 90gal
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    Blue Acara

    this is my new acara, only been in the tank about 8hours. seems to have settled in, i am hoping for someone to help me sex him if its possible and tomake sure he is a blue acara he's about 3 inches long
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    Blue Acara

    i think i might try a male and female firemouth along with the blue acara. you've persuaded me. Hopefully the acara will be ableto hold its own. But theres nothing to say the firemoughs will pair up if i only buy 2 though
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    Blue Acara

    thats not too bad but if i got a breeding pair would they gang up on the acara during breeding as its only in a 55gal
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    Blue Acara

    if i got 2 firemouths they would have to be females then to stop breeding and i assume aggression is less with 2 females rather than 2 males
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    Blue Acara

    i read they spawn every few weeks somewhere and i don't have the room to look after the fry. so if i have a female acara my tank stocking will be 2 female acara 1 firemouth if i have a male acara 1 male acara 1 firemouth and i need help chosing 1 fish that could go well with these.
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    Blue Acara

    i don't have room for anymore tanks, i have 4 in my room as it is. can just about move in there. im trying to get a good picture so i can sex my acara, he's about 3 inches, maybe just over. i believe they can be sexed at about 3 inches so i'm hoping for some help. i have read acaras spawn...