

Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
I was thinking about getting some cichlids when my tank cycles fully. My question is how compatible are Green terror cichlids with either jack dempsey's and texas cichlids? also, would red tiger oscars be alright in a tank? I know i have to keep them to the same size or they will kill the smaller fish. and i read mixing too many types of cichlids is bad. Which would be the most compatible since i definetly want to go with green terror, they're beautiful.
I may be wrong but from what I've heard Green Terrors don't mix too well with much of anything. A couple local fish stores told me they tried Green Terrors with a couple other cichlids and anything they put with them got ripped apart within 24 hours, even in a large tank. Of course I've never owned one so I don't know for sure, and I've seen pictures of them with other things like Oscars, so I'm sure it's possible. I'm curious what they can go with as well because they ARE beautiful fish and I'd like to have one :)
sorry, i have a 60 US gallon, 4 foot wide tank. Maybe i'll just get a bunch of green terrors and call them the green terror squad, but i dunno maybe i'll just have to try my luck with mixing?
You might.. although losing fish to other fish would really suck :( Heh I like green terror squad though :p

I'm going to my fish store soon, I'll ask them what they think terrors would be good with as I'd like to know too :) I'll post it here when I find out.
thanks alot suri! I prolly wont get any for a couple of weeks til my tank finishes cycling (its been 3 almost 4 weeks now). but i want to find out because cichlids get expensive. I think if i get the green terrors at like 2" and the oscar at like 2.5" maybe it would be alright? I read that oscars grow alot faster then green terrors? could be wrong though!
Oscars grow CRAZY fast... like unbelievably fast! I got my lil guy at just over 2 inches and he's almost 4 now, and that was only since March 20th! I heard they grow about an inch a month.. I think that sounds about right. They're so adorable though, he's easily my favorite fish in the tank :)

I can't wait to find out more information about the lil green guys :)
thanks alot suri! I prolly wont get any for a couple of weeks til my tank finishes cycling (its been 3 almost 4 weeks now). but i want to find out because cichlids get expensive. I think if i get the green terrors at like 2" and the oscar at like 2.5" maybe it would be alright? I read that oscars grow alot faster then green terrors? could be wrong though!

Your tank won't be big enough for anything else if you get one Oscar & I doubt it is wide enough (front to back) for an adult Oscar.
Oscars can get to nearly a foot within a year - 14/15" in two years.
Green terrors are more aggressive than Oscars but Oscars have more muscle.

Before you buy any fish ask if the store will take back any that get pushed by the tankmates.
You're not going to get away with a single green terror and a single oscar in the same tank if it's 60 gallons. Most will advise against even putting 1 oscar in a 60g tank..

you really should research fish before you buy them.. I'm sure you can find info on the internet with a simple google search.
yep, havent bought anything yet. seems like my tank just isnt big enough for an oscar. oh well, is it big enough to put 6 or so green terror along with a pleco thats about 4.5" now?
From experience i have a Green Terror living in a Tank with Jack Dempsey, Salvini, Firemouth, Gold Severum, Blue Acara, Sajica, and they all get on very well, maybe im just lucky and got a GT with a decent temperament.


My Jack

My Salvini

My Sajica

My Firemouth

Dont have any decent pics of the Sev & Acara yet (because they tend to live near the top of the tank and i get reflection of the water)
my experience has been quite the opposite. my GT and JD even though you could call them a "pair" and they have done the whole courtship thing but they would just as soon kill each other than live in the same tank with out a divider.
well so far its been a week and they have not been too territorial. one will be hiding in some rocks and the other will swim right into its cave and they wont be chased away. is this just because they are still young? how long does it take to establish a territory?

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