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    Aggressive Schooling Fish Tetra Or Barb That Can Handle Krib?

    well she sometimes lays eggs even though there is no male so no fry. but she still gets aggressive during egg time and feeding time so I need some smaller fish that can handle some aggression from her that preferably aren't too docile themselves
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    Aggressive Schooling Fish Tetra Or Barb That Can Handle Krib?

    I've got a pelvicachromis pulcher (krib) who gets quite aggressive when she is laying eggs (even though there is no male) and is in a 15 gallon with a rubbernose plec. I was looking for a small semi aggressive group of fish that I could add in the tank that would occupy the mid to upper tank...
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    Pelvicachromis Pulcher Laying Eggs Even Without Male

    hmmm or make her happier (by getting a male)? would she, a male, and a small rubbernose get along in a 10 gallon well planted? I know my rubbernose can handle himself.
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    Pelvicachromis Pulcher Laying Eggs Even Without Male

    oh I was hoping she'd realize that there's no male and stop. Any way to discourage her from laying again besides by making her less healthy?
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    Pelvicachromis Pulcher Laying Eggs Even Without Male

    Yah she is. I just need a better camera to take shots of her. Especially during feeding time she has that bright pink and dark purple belly. It also helps that she's queen of the tank. Ok so eventually she'll probably eat the eggs then right? Because I hate to see my cardinals hiding in the...
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    Pelvicachromis Pulcher Laying Eggs Even Without Male

    I was wondering why she became so aggressive all of a sudden in my 10 gallon tank and so today I looked into her clay pot cave and saw eggs plastered all over the ceiling of it. The odd thing is that I've never had a male in the tank in the year that she's been in there so I know the eggs won't...
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    Which Portion Of Gravel Has The Most Bacteria?

    I switched it to sand and no problems at all. nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia are all perfect and cories are loving their sand. Thanks for the help in this topic because it saved me the work of saving any substrate,
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    Krib (pel Pulcher) Compatible In A 10 Gallon Community Tank?

    ended up getting a female that was top dog in a tank of 3 females. She had great coloring and has yet to show that same coloring yet. She is slightly territorial so I just make sure her cave is in the corner. You were definitely right about the cories wackystarfish, they do seem to ignore her...
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    Krib (pel Pulcher) Compatible In A 10 Gallon Community Tank?

    ok, i'll keep an eye on them. I've heard mixed results with cories + kribs
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    Which Portion Of Gravel Has The Most Bacteria?

    oh i've got some very mature sponge media in my hang on back filter and that will still be around, but the more beneficial bacteria the better is what im going for.
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    Krib (pel Pulcher) Compatible In A 10 Gallon Community Tank?

    do you believe a 10gal is enough space for one?
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    Which Portion Of Gravel Has The Most Bacteria?

    I'm planning on putting some of my current gravel into some old stockings to try and help seed the tank after I switch it to sand, but what section of gravel has the most bacteria? I was thinking the top because it gets the most light and exposure to nutrients, kind of like topsoil, and I'm...
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    Krib (pel Pulcher) Compatible In A 10 Gallon Community Tank?

    i know that I can't have two in the tank but I guess my main question is whether to get a male or a female? the coloration of the female would be nicer, but which is the least aggressive?
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    Krib (pel Pulcher) Compatible In A 10 Gallon Community Tank?

    it is I believe a 22" long x 12" wide x 12 high . 10 gallon
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    Krib (pel Pulcher) Compatible In A 10 Gallon Community Tank?

    Would a lone krib be ok in a 10 gallon tank with some cardinals, 2 ottos, and 2 cories? It is a heavily planted sand tank with a cave and I'm planning on getting one krib to avoid breeding aggression (does this make sense)? Also, what sex of krib (pelvichromis pulcher) should I get to have the...
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    Redness Around Otocinclus' Mouth

    hey good news. I started changing the water even more frequently, around 3x week at about 30-35% each time and the reddening seems to be lessening a good deal.
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    Redness Around Otocinclus' Mouth

    Well their mouths are in good condition, bellies are full and round as usual. But it isn't an intense red, but more like a light rash type red in their head region.
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    Redness Around Otocinclus' Mouth

    tank is 10 gallon. 1 rubber lip (small), 2 cardinals, 2 sterbai cory, 2 ottos, 2 amanos. I'm not sure if it is a bleeding, but it is a redness inside their head region. no external wounds so melafix isn't helpful right? I'll take the water stats and get back to you when I'm at home in a couple...
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    Redness Around Otocinclus' Mouth

    The two otos that I've had for at least two years now have this bright red around their mouths and when I look from above them I can see a redness through their heads. What can I do? I've been doing bi-weekly 30% water changes and dosing melafix. They aren't really acting oddly, but they are...
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    Cory With Redness Inside Body

    hey Wilder, all the stats are good and the fish still seems fine now - not so pale. But I can still see some redness inside him and he seems more restless than my other cories (swimming up and down the wall more than the others). I've been doing weekly 33% water changes also.
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    Cory With Redness Inside Body

    He doesn't have a perfectly defines red streak, but along what I'm guessing is his spine he has some redness. (definitely internal) He is swimming and behaving fine, but just I'm still suspicious.
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    Sterbai Cory Tail Shredded Up Sudden - No Predatory Fish

    yah, I did a 33% water change after he died and now 25% twice weekly. No he wasn't bloated at all, and I'm not sure if he was still pooping. I know he was swimming with the others and eating normally the night before without any fin damage as far as I could see.thanks Nah, nothing he could catch...
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    Sterbai Cory Tail Shredded Up Sudden - No Predatory Fish

    What are your impressions on how it occured Wilder? Doubtful that he was nibbled by anything judging from those pics in my opinion right? - the septicemia didn't cause the damage though right? It infected him after the damage right? - I euthanized him about 10 hours after this post. The...
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    Notice how all the hardy platies are alive and the more sensitive BN and cories are dying. The bacteria probably took such a toll because of the stress these fish were under. Just stock slowly, and/or add some plants. How did the latest dead fish look? ...besides dead. - do some 25% - 33%...
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    Sterbai Cory Tail Shredded Up Sudden - No Predatory Fish

    cmon, just take a glance at the pictures
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    Sterbai Cory Tail Shredded Up Sudden - No Predatory Fish

    One of my sterbai's tail is just totally shredded up and his body is beginning to turn a red where the tail attached to the body. I'm positive he was fine just last night when I fed them. I watch my fish every night to make sure everything is ok. It happened fast, like within 20 hours he was...
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    Sterbai Cory's Keep Swimming

    I'm not really planning on going out my way to breed them. I believe I have a mix now of 3 males and 2 females. - Odd Question: How long do Cardinals live? 2-3 years? reason being that I just had one of my cardinals die, just an hour or two after feeding them. I am almost positive he didn't...
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    Sterbai Cory's Keep Swimming

    I think I'll up the number to 5 then. The weak one died today. It had a problem that I only noticed a day after I got them. It's eyes were sunken in and its fins were misformed. Something genetic.
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    Sterbai Cory's Keep Swimming

    Thanks guys. They don't look frantic at all. They look just like jollysue's cories. And I think NEON's right about them swimming against the wall with the most current. - By the way Neon, renton fish gallery and pets has tons of sterbai for $4. - Any opinions on keepin the number at 4, or...
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    Sterbai Cory's Keep Swimming

    Yes, I guess they could be happy also. Their color seems to be darkening (more comfortable?) which is good. There is one that is bigger than the others, just overall bigger, and maybe slightly fatter. But even if they are happy, I've never seen them this extremely happy. Anyone with sterbai...
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    Sterbai Cory's Keep Swimming

    the worrying thing though is that they keep on going up and down the same wall without resting. They are literally on the wall 90% of the time. Usually my cories settle down after a day and do more foraging.
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    Sterbai Cory's Keep Swimming

    I had cories before and they swam against the glass for maybe a day then they stopped. But , just 2 days ago I got 4 sterbai cories and they still haven't stopped swimming against this one wall. I vaguely remember reading about this on some other posts, but haven't been able to find any of the...
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    just raise the air stone off the sand. You may not even need the airstone if you have enough surface disturbance and flow.
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    Vallis Dies When Seachem Flourish Added?

    over 1 year. still small
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    Vallis Dies When Seachem Flourish Added?

    So I'm confused, would more or less than 2 wpg of light be better on the 10 gallon? apologies for the thick headedness
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    Filter Advice

    Try an aquaclear hob filter. They last for ever, are easy to use. I've never had good experiences with built-in hood filters.
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    Vallis Dies When Seachem Flourish Added?

    That's a surprise to me. Everybody that I've spoken to, even on here, has said that the 2wpg on a small tank isn't actually that much. thanks. But it still doesn't explain the vallis. I stopped using flourish and it continued to die.
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    Vallis Dies When Seachem Flourish Added?

    I use laterite. A little more than the box instructs. I have 2watts/ gallon in a 10 gallon tank. (a little low, but the plants grow quite well) If their is a deficiency what could I use to supplement it?thanks for all the help
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    Vallis Dies When Seachem Flourish Added?

    But I'm not using excel. It's regular seachem flourish. Does it affect it the same way as excel?
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    Vallis Dies When Seachem Flourish Added?

    I can't remember the hardness off the top of my head, but I know that it's still pretty high. And isn't the ph ok as long as it's above neutral really? The supplement I'm using is just Flourish (not excel) like this here. I'm positive that the ph stayed above 6.8, more like 7.