Vallis Dies When Seachem Flourish Added?


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
seattle, Washington
Soon after I started adding Co2 (hagen/nutrafin yeast bottle) and using seachem flourish the vallis began turning brown and deteriorating starting at the tips of the leaves. Now there is only a vallis stump and some roots left.

Which factored into the deterioration, the co2 or the flourish? The ph is usually about 7.6 and I brought it closer to 6.8-7.2 with the co2.
If you are using Florish excel then this is probabaly the cause. It has been known to affect vallis and some other plants such as riccia.
The drop in PH may also have been a factor in itself, Vallis does tend to prefer harder water
The drop in PH may also have been a factor in itself, Vallis does tend to prefer harder water

pH doesn't change the hardness. However, you are correct in that Vallis appreciates hard water.
I also agree with the others that if it was Excel then this could be the problem.
I can't remember the hardness off the top of my head, but I know that it's still pretty high. And isn't the ph ok as long as it's above neutral really? The supplement I'm using is just Flourish (not excel) like this here.

I'm positive that the ph stayed above 6.8, more like 7.
perhaps it not the flourish nor the co2. i think maybe it could be a case npk deficiency :eek: . What kind of substrate do you use? that could be a factor.
How much light do you have and how many gallons is your tank? Adding CO2 will increase the need for nutrients that are not provided in SeaChem Flourish, maybe your plants now have a deficiency (as suggested) which is causing the problems you describe.
perhaps it not the flourish nor the co2. i think maybe it could be a case npk deficiency :eek: . What kind of substrate do you use? that could be a factor.
I use laterite. A little more than the box instructs.
How much light do you have and how many gallons is your tank? Adding CO2 will increase the need for nutrients that are not provided in SeaChem Flourish, maybe your plants now have a deficiency (as suggested) which is causing the problems you describe.
I have 2watts/ gallon in a 10 gallon tank. (a little low, but the plants grow quite well) If their is a deficiency what could I use to supplement it?thanks for all the help
Check out the Estimative Index pinned thread at the top of this forum, 2 watts per gallon (albeit on a 10-gallon) is quite a bit.
Check out the Estimative Index pinned thread at the top of this forum, 2 watts per gallon (albeit on a 10-gallon) is quite a bit.

That's a surprise to me. Everybody that I've spoken to, even on here, has said that the 2wpg on a small tank isn't actually that much. thanks. But it still doesn't explain the vallis. I stopped using flourish and it continued to die.
My personal thoughts are that 10gallon is just on the borderline of what is 'small' and therefore needs more light....
Check out the Estimative Index pinned thread at the top of this forum, 2 watts per gallon (albeit on a 10-gallon) is quite a bit.

My personal thoughts are that 10gallon is just on the borderline of what is 'small' and therefore needs more light....

So I'm confused, would more or less than 2 wpg of light be better on the 10 gallon?
apologies for the thick headedness

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