Krib (pel Pulcher) Compatible In A 10 Gallon Community Tank?


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
seattle, Washington
Would a lone krib be ok in a 10 gallon tank with some cardinals, 2 ottos, and 2 cories? It is a heavily planted sand tank with a cave and I'm planning on getting one krib to avoid breeding aggression (does this make sense)? Also, what sex of krib (pelvichromis pulcher) should I get to have the least aggression possible in my little community? Also, any impressions on how one of them will do with 2 cories in its bottom region?

thanks for the help
Would a lone krib be ok in a 10 gallon tank with some cardinals, 2 ottos, and 2 cories? It is a heavily planted sand tank with a cave and I'm planning on getting one krib to avoid breeding aggression (does this make sense)? Also, what sex of krib (pelvichromis pulcher) should I get to have the least aggression possible in my little community? Also, any impressions on how one of them will do with 2 cories in its bottom region?

thanks for the help

what is the dimensions of the tank?
Would a lone krib be ok in a 10 gallon tank with some cardinals, 2 ottos, and 2 cories? It is a heavily planted sand tank with a cave and I'm planning on getting one krib to avoid breeding aggression (does this make sense)? Also, what sex of krib (pelvichromis pulcher) should I get to have the least aggression possible in my little community? Also, any impressions on how one of them will do with 2 cories in its bottom region?

thanks for the help

what is the dimensions of the tank?

it is I believe a 22" long x 12" wide x 12 high . 10 gallon
i know that I can't have two in the tank but I guess my main question is whether to get a male or a female? the coloration of the female would be nicer, but which is the least aggressive?
If you had nothing else in the tank, you could keep a pair of kribs, if you also had a place to put fry. But , yes you could put a female in there, but i would watch out for those corries if i was you.
If you had nothing else in the tank, you could keep a pair of kribs, if you also had a place to put fry. But , yes you could put a female in there, but i would watch out for those corries if i was you.

ok, i'll keep an eye on them. I've heard mixed results with cories + kribs
Cories are only really a problem when the kribs are breeding. They seem to ignore the warning signals and so get a bashing for it ;) Males are less agressive, but females have the nice colouring. It's up to you :)
ended up getting a female that was top dog in a tank of 3 females. She had great coloring and has yet to show that same coloring yet. She is slightly territorial so I just make sure her cave is in the corner. You were definitely right about the cories wackystarfish, they do seem to ignore her boundaries and occasionally get chased away.
i have 2 females and i've looked at a lot of males in lfs and they are just not as colorful.give her time,her color will come will be amazed at how colorful they actually are.the fish in my sig is beautiful when she's all lit up.
She needs time to establish herself in the tank before she really starts to show off her colors. It helps when there are schooling fish in there, as kribs are shy fish and take longer to establish themselves when they are alone, but the cardinals will help her color up.
Your tank is
Dimensions 56 x 30 x 30cm/22" x 12" x 12
Surface area 0.17 sqm/1.83 sq ft/ inches sq in
Volume 52 l./11 gal. (13.74 US gal.)
Probable volume 47 l./10 gal. (12 US gal.)

Just calculated it for ya :p

I would say no personally because although they are peaceful they are also territorial and simply would not have enough space.

I was concerned putting them in my 21 gal but they seem to be getting on fine other than a little aggression towards the mollys.
I have my pair in a 20 Gallon and thats pushing it
I don't think that any would go in a 10. Thats
just my opinion though

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