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  1. M

    Bacteria Problems

    Not sure what u mean by pure...i have other fish also in there and the guppies are fancy tail ones...
  2. M

    Bacteria Problems

    Hi I have a few problems with my that i have has a hole/indent in its side and two others have what looks like nipped tails and they have whiteness on their tails. I think i can use some anti bacterial treatment to treat it, but id like to know whats caused it and any other...
  3. M

    Missing Fish

    Found them...........had to gut the whole tank tho :-( dead....... :-(
  4. M

    Missing Fish

    the plants aint that big yet! the only place i have to check is in the vase.
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    Missing Fish

    they wont get out believe me.......she was there after the backgrounds were done......
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    Missing Fish

    Is not in the filter and cant get out of the tank......will have to look in vase tomorrow have just put in new Juwel 3D rock backgrounds in the tank, but did not leave any gap to the rear of these so have ruled that out....
  7. M

    Missing Fish

    I only have a vase and 5 plants....the vase i cannot see in but if she isnt in there then i dont know where she is, im just woried if she's dead somewhere i cant see then as the fish rots or whatever they do, then will it afect the water.
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    Missing Fish

    Hi, my rosy barb has gone missing. I have checked everywhere and cannot see her. the other fish are not big enough to eat her! is it ok to leave the tank going or should i completely gut the tank to find her?
  9. M

    Juwel Standard H Filter

    well u'll be glad to know i think i solved it. Turns out if you build the filter unit up complete with powerhead and motor etc then fill with water, air was getting trapped right at the op in the propellor housinhg (motor). Just took it off and loadsa air came bubbling out so put it back...
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    Sand & Gravel Etc

    Can anybody tell me what the best gravel/sand/material is to put at the bottom of a tropical community tank? and pictures and links would be great!
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    Juwel Standard H Filter

    have still got a problem and am in talks with juwel - not that they really have an answer...
  12. M

    Juwel Standard H Filter

    Still blowing out air or something - cant for the life of me see where from! More suggestions!?
  13. M

    Juwel Trigon 190

    cool thats about the same for mine! cheers guys.........all cuz they forgot my red sticker lol :-(
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    Juwel Trigon 190

    well i believe the best thing to go by in the tank is the filter. can you please tell me how far out the filter is from the top level of the water?
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    Juwel Trigon 190

    probably about two or three months. lovely tank. what made you take the filter out?
  16. M

    Juwel Trigon 190

    ok, so that leaves bthe top of the filter protruding out of the water by about 1"?
  17. M

    Juwel Trigon 190

    my hood is fixed also. where is the line on the 350?
  18. M

    Juwel Trigon 190

    Hi i have a Juwel Trigon 190 and would like to know where the red fill line should be for the water level....if someone could measure the level from the top of the tank (plastic rim) i would be most grateful....
  19. M

    Juwel Standard H Filter

    ok what order did u put the sponges in the unit??
  20. M

    Tetra Easy Balance

    well i only just put it in and so i wouldnt really know the difference yet. is there a particular section of this forum for medication and treatments?
  21. M

    Tetra Easy Balance

    well it seems to have cleared for now.......well unless ive got used to it! did u find it lived up to the description on the bottle?
  22. M

    Juwel Standard H Filter

    On there lol they jumped through the square bit with no wires in it - dont see how else they got in! theyre far too fat to get in vents!
  23. M

    Tetra Easy Balance

    have any of you ever used this tetra Easy Balance treatment? i put some in last night to make sure my water levels were ok and have come home to slightly foggy water. any suggestions/comments?
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    Juwel Standard H Filter

    any other suggestions?
  25. M

    Juwel Standard H Filter

    only been running 2 months sure will let u know, it my be a little low but not a lot!
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    Juwel Standard H Filter

    there is no red line i had to lower the level as the crafty fish managed to jump over the filter edge into the filter and so i lowered it, but no lower than the upper fascia rim of the lid...
  27. M

    Juwel Standard H Filter

    Hi, i'm here today to pick all your brains about my juwel standard h filter unit in my trigon 190 corner tank. Basically im sat next to it and every few seconds, not in any particular sequence or timing it seems to spit out what i can only describe as air which must be being sucked up the power...
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    Pregnant Molly

    no salt. can i add it if i have platys, guppies endlers and neons?
  29. M

    Pregnant Molly

    are we kinda sure thats what this is? are we definate that shes not pregnant just swollen?
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    Pregnant Molly

    listless? whats that? off colour i dont think so pictures dont come out well as is trigon 190 tank and is rounded on front. what causes dropsy?!
  31. M

    Pregnant Molly

    Hi guys, first of all can i just say what a great forum this is......... now, i have what i would say was a pregnant dalmation molly. only thing is the fatter she gets the more she looks like she'll pop.....even to the point now where she looks like her scales are standing on end!! Is this...