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  1. P

    another new member!!!!!!!!!!&#

    South - I think it was in Hale - v posh!!!
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    Gouramis fighting!

    I agree, if you don't already have a mixture of males and females it's probably a good idea to get some, as this will hopefully reduce aggression a bit because the males will have a distraction! This will depend on whether you have enough room in your tank though - if you could post your tank...
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    HELP - Nitrite Emergency!!

    :- Yay glad to hear your fish seem happier! Just keep on doing regular water changes and and tests until those nitrites come down. I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned, but do you have live plants in your tank? If so these will help to reduce the nitrAtes as they will use it as...
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    i am a new member

    Hi and :hi: Looking forward to seeing some pics of those tanks sometime!!
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    another new member!!!!!!!!!!&#

    Hi Sazash and :hi: I was in Manchester just this weekend at a wedding - I love it there :wub: Welcome to the forum, and I hope you enjoy the great advice you've already been given! :thumbs:
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    Pic of my Clown Loach drawing....

    Quality clown loach Michelle, nice one! :thumbs:
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    What a great Weekend

    Lucky you - enjoy the fun, looking forward to seeing some pics of your new babies next week sometime! :thumbs:
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    Tank Vacancy

    You can read more about cherry barbs here. It sounds from this as though they will be happy if you just get one or two - I have never kept them though so perhaps someone else can help? Given that your tank's quite small though, I think you might be better just sticking to the cories for now...
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    Tank Vacancy

    Excuse my ignorance, but is an Eclipse System 6, 6 gallons? I wouldn't necessarily add any more fish for now if you've just lost some - unless you know the reason why they died and you're confident it's not going to affect your other fish. Is that the case? Putting all that aside, I think...
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    You need a pair.

    Nope, seahorses mate like 'normal' males and females, it's just it's the male who stores the fertilised babies instead of the female - lucky seahorses! It's hermaphrodites who can self-fertilise, well some of them, like sea snails. This is because they are both male and female in one. Most of...
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    CONTEST! Guess how many!

    Oooh go on then.... I'll take 12 please brucie.
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    Just found this website which lists two aquarium stockists in Southport - hope it helps!
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    Hi Beefy, Sorry you're having such a bad experience with your new fish :no: . It's cool that you're really determined to do the right thing though, nice one :thumbs: . As AA says, you may find another shop that will take your fish back - I managed to find one that has let me take back loads...
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    My 10 and 30 gallon tanks

    2nd nomination for TOTM :thumbs: - nice one Kimmyfishy that is a beautiful tank.
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    First Try at Pictures

    Love your clown FoF! Your other fish are looking good too - keep the pics coming they are sooo impressive for a first try!
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    I thought guppies were non-agressive

    Hi bosdabny, Sorry to say I've had similar experiences whenever I've kept male guppies only - one of them will quite often get bullied by the others until he dies :(. The only solution to this I believe is to keep a mixture of males and females so the males are distracted! Although this...
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    Sick Bala Shark

    Hi Miko, If it's a brown colour it could be velvet. Do you think the patch has been caused by the tiger barbs attacking it? Do you have access to a digital camera? If you could post a pic of the area that would be really useful. In the meantime, have you done any water changes recently? It...
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    blood worms mosquito larvae

    Hi, I couldn't see that you'd answered ken_g_w's question whether they are frozen or live bloodworms. This is quite important - as he says frozen bloodworm are generally safer than live ones, these can carry disease. If your fish has sugar-like grains on him then that sounds like ich - you can...
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    Help! Fish dropping like flies!

    Hi, Just to add to the excellent advice you've already been given, have a read of this article on newbie no-nos too, as it sounds like it might be too late to save any of your existing fish :-( and you could be starting again from scratch anyway, you'll probably find it useful. Hope it helps!
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    Sick Bala Shark

    Hi, Is the growth sort of white and cottony? If so it could be a fungus. Have a look at this website which has pics of diseases. Hope it helps! :thumbs:
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    tank too small?

    Hi, Couple of things - when you say you add softened well water, do you mean you add the water straight in without conditioning it? It may be that even this water contains some chlorines and choloramines, which would certainly stress your fish out and could cause the scales problem. When you...
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    My fish LOVE music

    LOL aquamanis! :lol: What do they do when you play 'albatross'!!
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    Three tanks so far!

    Hi Aphelila, That pic is fantastic :lol: . Welcome to the forum! PS Does your boyf know that spud needs a few more friends so he's not too lonely?
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    need a little help

    mmmm 125 gallons.... :hyper:
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    need a little help

    ooof sounds like you missed out on a beauty! One wouldn't be very happy all on his own anyway though, they really need to be kept in groups. There's a really good website on clown loaches here, it should tell you what you need to know.
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    need a little help

    Hi knutty, How about clown loaches? They are lovely fish, really active, peaceful and they can grow to about 10" in captivity. Most often people buy them as babies when they're only about an inch long, but I'm sure you could get some bigger ones if you're after some beasts right away!
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    just to make sure

    :lol: The gremlins are taking over the forum! When I went away for a week I got a food block like you say, it worked fine for me but I have read others saying that they can muck up your water parameters. Apparently fish are more than capable of going a week without food, so you may want to...
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    just to make sure

    There's no need to shout!!! :lol: Seriously though ;) , I was asking about nitrite , rather than nitrate . Nitrate isn't deadly to your fish (except in massive doses), nitrite is. Once your tank has cycled you shouldn't really get high nitrite levels. Hope this helps :thumbs:
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    just to make sure

    Hi Mr F.ishy, You probably did the right thing with lots of regular water changes. Just one question - have you been testing for nitrite too? This is also toxic to fish and can cause death. Also, if you could give us a quick summary of the setup of your tank - size/volume, what fish you have...
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    Your clueless times with fish

    My sister kept fish before I did, and when I said I was getting a tank for my boyf as a present she gave me all sorts of 'advice' - like don't bother with live plants coz they're a pain to maintain, and clean your tank out once every month or so.... she ended with the words 'don't get too...
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    Just Lost a Neon

    Good luck and keep us posted! :D
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    Just Lost a Neon

    Well doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong to me to be honest! :thumbs: Sometimes fish just don't adjust well to new tanks - perhaps the pH in your tank is very different from the pH at your lfs and this stressed him out. Perhaps he was just a bit of a weakling and there was nothing...
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    oh dear we have a chinese algae eater

    millym - this is what I did except with cucumber. It requires loads of patience but it seems to be the least stressful way. If you leave the net resting in the tank with the lettuce outside so it's not moving around, then after a while you should get your CAE right inside the net and then you...
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    Just Lost a Neon

    Sorry to hear you lost him :no: . Here are a few questions: 1. Do you know what your water condition is like? Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates etc? 2. What is the temperature like inside your tank? 3. Are you sure the other fish are all OK, one sign that's easy to miss is that they could look as...
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    So tell me, who's got crabs?

    Cheers for that Chris, that's very informative - I saw some rainbow crabs on my last trip to my lfs and thought they were so SO beautiful, looks like I should steer clear though. :no:
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    Hi Lizard, There are some pics of fish with dropsy here, hope it helps. It also says here that it's not highly contagious, but it's important to maintain good water quality. Have you done a water change recently? Good luck :thumbs:
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    Unwell pregnant Platy

    Hi Lizard, Sorry you lost her, I hope your other fish are OK :-(
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    Tell Me If This Isn't Stupid!

    Oh Kimmy what a nightmare I really feel for you! I think it is definitely a bloke thing, thinking you're right even if it flies in the face of all evidence to the contrary!! Have you tried printing out articles from the internet that support your views and showing them to him? Or getting a book...
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    A ghost shrimp question

    Hi Brenna, Could you use anything from your cycled tank, like gravel, or filters, or plants, or even water, to put in your 2.5 gallon? This is called 'seeding' and will greatly speed up the cycling process. If you have lots of hiding places you may be in with a chance of some surviving, I...