CONTEST! Guess how many!


Happy to be back!!
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Southern IL
Go ahead..Take a guess...She's huge!

How many you think she's packing? :lol:


{{Whoever comes closest to the number of fry she has I'll send you a pair ON ME! :hyper: }}

Please don't send me a pair, though! I have two female guppies right now that are pregnant and one is just as huge as yours! :unsure:
Well one of my other little velvet swords didnt look pregnant at all and had almost 30...She had a majority of them overnight and I actually saw my betta eat quite a few,but I have a ton left!

Like I said,whoever is closest...Dont have to be exact! ;)
ok, might as well. but i am completely not familiar with swordtails so ill just take a guess. 15? -_-
Whoever gets it closest will receive a pair of swordtails FOC. I'll even spring for shipping..I have a ton of them already and 2 batches on the way! If two people tie at the guessing,and if they agree to accept a pair,ye shall receive. :thumbs:

(Keep in mind Ill have to wait a few weeks for growouts..and you'll get what you want--m/m,f/f,or a m/f pair. I have some fancy guppies goin on 5 weeks old too if you'd rather have some of those.)

I have to find homes for some of em. :) The rest are headed to the lfs for some sto' credit. I'll update when she busts. lol

{{I dont know how to ship outside of the USA or if I even Im sorry but youll have to live in the states for me to ship to you. Sorry. :no: }}

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